Monday, April 18, 2011

EPA and BP: Who's The Bigger Liar This Week

This has been a hard week for anyone seeking truth. Radiation spreads unabated across the globe, Republicans try to out douche each other, and Democrats flail wildly about in search of direction.

Let's look at what's happened with the oil spill since. We receive glowing reports that the effects are all but gone, the seafood is safe to eat, the water safe to swim in and don't worry about it happening again because it's all better now. Only thing, everything I just wrote is completely wrong. The effects are still causing fish and animal deaths up and down the coast, people are still reporting health problems from eating seafood or swimming in the Gulf, and Obama has done less than nothing to fix the problem. According to experts looking into the case, President Pussy has done zip other than change the name of the organization from Minerals and Mining Agency to Bureau of Land Management. That's it. Sure some token shuffling of various people may have been done but no other actions have taken place to insure the BP oil spill will not happen again.

Blow out protections are exactly the same as they were last summer, or in other words, worthless. Spill plans by large corporations? The same. Technology to help clean up another mess? The same. See anything wrong with the picture? Plus, no prosecutions AGAIN for the idiots who caused this mess and killed 11 people. I thought manslaughter was illegal in the US? Oh I forgot rich people can do whatever they want.

But it gets worse. The EPA this week publicly said they know the radiation monitors across the country aren't working properly but they have no plans to fix them anytime soon. Wait, what? So these expensive items that we paid with our tax dollars to help gauge a radiation problem aren't working and you have no time line to fix them? Either you've been told to keep them off or your a bunch of retards who can't get their act together. These monitors are kind of important Captain Numnuts and I suggest you get a repair team out there stat. With radiation levels accelerating and a complete lack of preparation in solving this crisis it's like you called BP for advice on how to handle it. Michio Kaku. the noted physicist, wondered why they haven't just filled the reactor cores with cement by now? If he says it's possible, it's possible. So why the wait? Could greed be being used to doom all of mankind? Look at the Gulf and tell me what you think.

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