The level of people doing the most idiotic things imaginable was front and center this week with the pick of Paul Ryan as Romney's VP candidate leading the charge. First off, the timing was terrible. Announcing on Saturday was every bit the boondoggle I thought it would be with nobody paying any attention at all until the following day when the Sunday morning shows sought to portray Ryan as a man determined to throw grandma under the bus. The polls on Monday show a definitive dislike for the man outside the GOP supporters and has actually caused Romney's numbers to fall even further than they already were.
USA today's poll show that 42% of people don't like him versus 38% who do. Only Dan Quayle scored a lower rating when he was first announced. That's right, Sarah Palin scored higher and we all know how that turned out. He also only garnered 48% of the voters who say he is qualified to be president, with only Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle scoring lower. This means that more people liked Palin than thought she was capable of being President. Unbelievable.
Florida had the word "Medicare" on every newspaper headline in the state when talking about the Ryan VP pick. In a state where Hispanics were already not going to vote Republican, they have just given the other side the elderly vote as well. Some fools out there may vote for Ryan but those that do risk their Medicare and their lives so good luck with that. Anyone with a grandparent or parent out there who is on Medicare and planning on voting for Romney should be sat down and talked to as to why that is the most self destructive thing they could do. If they want to die early, vote Republican. The GOP is hell bent on privatization of everything from the post office to Social Security to Medicare. Is this really what the American people want? I kind of doubt it.
The Ryan pick is sure to hurt him in Florida which is almost certainly why Ryan is NOT accompanying Romney to the state today and is going to Iowa instead. Florida is going to be a tough sell and any true Tea Party activist out there should be outraged that Ryan is the pick. Why you ask? Because the Tea Party was original started as a referendum against things like bank bailouts and TARP both of which Ryan voted for. He also voted for the auto bailouts, Medicare cuts, a national ID program, making the Patriot Act permanent, unwarranted surveillance, No Child Left Behind, staying in war zones like Iraq forever, and the 2008 and 2009 stimulus. Aren't these all the things you assholes keep screaming about to the democrats for supporting you hypocritical fuckwads?
This is why I loathe the Tea Party, whose original function I agreed with, until big business hijacked you and turned you all into good little Nazis that protest whatever you are told to. Ryan is everything you are supposed to hate, but instead of being a true third party, you are nothing more than the lunatic wing of the Republicans now. This will bite you in the ass come November as many are worried about a landslide loss and possible defeat in the both the House and Senate. If you wanted to give the democrats the biggest Christmas gift ever, this was it and the poll numbers are going to start sliding fast as more and more people learn to hate the Ryan Budget plan. The race is lost short of a miracle.
Not to be outdone by the Teatards, NBC and CNN have both lost their minds. The Closing Ceremonies were held yesterday and NBC, in their infinite wisdom, cut away from the end of the show, deleting no name acts like Muse, The Kinks and some band called The Who, so they could show Dr. House Veterinarian (Animal Hospital). I actually really liked the show but feel it will be be held responsible for NBC's idiotic decision to air the sitcom rather than the end of the Olympics. Apparently they aired the rest of the ceremony later, but that is little help to those of us who DVRed it or went to bed because some of us have jobs to go to on Monday. The show is NOT going to get any good will in a move that echoed NBC cutting away from a football game to show Heidi back in the 70's. People were pissed and any ratings boost they could have hoped from such a move blew up big time right in their face.
CNN is no better. In the face of plummeting ratings, instead of, oh I don't know, reporting the news, they have decided to go the other route and air less news. Instead they will be airing reality programs and talk shows, otherwise known as MSNBC. Do you people know why I watch Fox News? It isn't because they are a hyper partisan Republican propaganda machine. It's because, political content aside, they actually report the news, and in a lot of cases, do an admirable job at it. Any political story on the network needs to be ignored but if there is a problem in the Middle East, a hurricane off the East Coast or a diplomatic row in China, they report it. Meanwhile CNN has some idiot pontificating on the Snoop Dogg name change (I kid you not that actually happened with some idiot reporter chasing people down the street asking them if they heard the news) or MSNBC's umpteenth showing of To Catch A Predator. I watch news channels to get news, not talking heads. The message boards show that is EXACTLY what people don't want. Why is it so hard for people to actually do their fucking jobs anymore?
Lastly we have Google, who since taking over You Tube, have turned into Big Brother and removing content for the flimsiest of reasons. Regular readers know my disdain for Google, after the removed ads from my site for actually having the gaul to ask people to click on them. Nevermind the fact that everyone from Facebook TO FUCKING GOOGLE do it all the time. Many a person on their blogspot blogs (like this one unfortunately. I haven't had the time to seek an alternate site) have left due to their fascist bullshit. Google can eat me.
Lately, people like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan have had their videos taken off line after some company claims ownership of a person's voice. As both Rogan and Jones have videos of themselves through third party affiliates, Google has claimed these companies have the rights to their VOICES. I am not a copyright. I am a human being. Even after clearing this nonsense up, both have had similar trouble still. Now while Alex Jones makes some outrageous claims, some of them are true and Google has no right to infringe on free speech and no company owns the voice of another. And Joe Rogan is just funny. Really funny actually. You'd never guess looking at him who bright he really is.
So stupidity is rampant right now. Watch any show about people running a business into the ground or anyone asking the regular public the easiest questions like "who is our current VP?" and realize how clueless a majority of this country is. November will be a referendum on stupidity with only the dumbest of the dumb voting Republican. Will that stupid person be you? If you are reading this now and nodding in agreement with everything I have written, I doubt it. Don't let others make the same mistake and get the word out that voting for the GOP is akin to voting for Hitler because the outcome will be the same: a clueless dictator determined to kill off the old, the infirm, the young and minorities. Is that really the America you want to live in? You still can. It's called Europe. The funny part is that the same reason Republicans are telling people not to vote democrat. The reality is, the GOP is following the European model to a T. So if a full blown Depression is what you want vote Romney and any GOP crony come fall. It's your funeral. Unfortunately, it's also the funeral for the rest of us as well.
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