Regular readers will know that I have predicted a solid possibility (75%) of a massive war against Iran beginning sometime this fall. The timing will be used to lessen the economic death spiral we are in and should begin in earnest around the same time. This is very bad news and so far, I have seen nothing to refute that prediction and plenty of others who think the same thing, including several Nobel prize winners.
On July 27th, the Supreme Leader OF Iran, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei summoned top Iranian military chiefs for what he called “their last war council.” During the meeting, he told the council that war will happen within weeks and they should be prepared. The commanders and generals of every branch of their military were present and all were prepped on readiness for the coming attack.
Nuclear sites are being hardened will stones, concrete and steel plating against an attack and their missile defenses are being readied. Should an attack happen, Iran will launch proxy attacks from Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel and US forces. They will also attempt to shut down the Straits of Hormuz, a real possibility if they use the supersonic missiles given to them by Russia and China. If they fit one with a mini nuke, it could take out a fleet of ships, including any air craft carrier in the region. Mining the area would be far less effective as our minesweepers will be able to disable them. Missiles from proxies and Iran itself would be aimed at all Israeli and American interests as well as Saudi oil fields to maximize damage. Oil will triple over night and the economy will fall apart at that point.
Not being reported by any MSM outlet is the possible assassination of W. friend, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, last week by Iranian forces. He has not been seen in public since a bombing July 23rd that killed his deputy, Mashaal al-Qarni. Saudi's are terrified how someone penetrated so deeply into their most guarded areas and killed one of their elites. There has been no official word as to whether any of that actually happened and even US sources are being kept in the dark. If it is, this is very big and war is even closer than we think.
War is what helped end the Great Depression, and we may be seeing if the repeat is true. Contrary to what our government and media keep crowing about "just coming out of the recession" for the billionth time, things are getting worse. Unemployment has remained steady at somewhere around 23% now for almost four straight years. Housing is recovering only for those buying houses and renting them out to others which accounts for more than half of all new homes sold, nevermind the fact that most are also foreclosures bought for a steal. And wages for the middle class are nose diving while the rich get raise after raise. This is a recipe for disaster and neither party seems to have any idea how to fix things.
All we get are platitudes and sound bites with no real explanation how to fix anything. Romney spoke the other day of giving the middle class more money which will help raise tax revenues. Great idea Mitt but, as expected, when pressed how he would implement any of that, he hedged his response to be absolutely worthless. He has no idea how to fix things which he can obviously see as a problem. This is not a man I want as President. Obama has a few good ideas, straining the word FEW there, but the GOP House has had a stranglehold on any new bills that would give Obama any success.
The EU is on it's last legs as both Spain and Greece are set to run out of money any day now. The austerity measures which history shows will only prolong the problem are still being bandied about as if the past five years of them not working never happened. How dumb do you have to be to see that something is NOT WORKING? Apparently, to be a member of any political party world wide you have to be a complete retard who cannot see reality even when it is front in front of their faces.
Banking has to be completely reworked worldwide and if the politicians won't help, we are going to have to do it ourselves. Nobody should have an account with Bank of America or JP Morgan/Chase or any other douche bank ruining this world. If you have family or friends that still do make them change banks. This kind of crap cannot continue and until we start pulling our money and saying enough, this will never change. And any politician that ruled against Wall Street reforms, like Scott Brown, needs to go and anyone voting for these morons should be also treated the same. We need to start standing up and vilifying people whose views are too outlandish tolerate. Free Speech is fine but if you want to make up a hate club against gays, minorities and others don't expect the rest of us not to utilize OUR free speech rights as well and drown out this idiocy.
Chick Fil A is certainly getting all sorts of screwed after their idiot CEO shot off his Baptist mouth and declared wars on gay people and gay marriage. The response was quick and fast and now governments and people everywhere are telling them to take a hike. It was revealed today that NYC's only chain on a college campus has been asked to vacate by the city council, although I am not sure there is any legally binding nature to the request. But it is symbolic that we as a people are going to start pushing back against the religious right which has now officially overreached and is seeing the blowback first hand. This is a mega disaster for Chick Fil A who will FOREVER be linked with the gay marriage debate and whose profits will suffer as well as opening any new restaurants any time soon, which would be met with howls of protests anywhere in the US short of Salt Lake City or Dallas and even they might now be immune.
We need more politicians like this to stand up for AMERICAN ideals and stop the flood of religious claptrap whose time had come and gone. It's time to embrace the 21st century and drag the rest of you kicking and screaming into the light of reason and logic. Religion is a trap. It binds your mind to accept truth which aren't and then asks you not to question them at all. Science makes you question everything, sometimes too much. We need to straddle that fine line between acceptance of a God and science. Contrary to popular belief, both are possible. Science explains God and God explains science. If science disproves something about God than that belief was wrong and we move on. We don't hold on to it like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum that the universe isn't exactly as you thought. It never is. And that is part of the mystery and fun. Organized religion is the bane of society and needs to go. Spirituality on the other hand needs to be strengthened as we have way too many atheists out there, rightfully disillusioned by the nonsense that most religions offer. There is a God. There is not a God that hates gay people. Once we all start to realize that axiom, the world will be a better place.
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