Thursday, August 2, 2012


Mitt Romney is a fantastic candidate if you only listen to the sound bites he keeps vomiting forward like a drunken sorority girl after her first big party. He wants to lower taxes. Fabulous. He wants to give more money to the middle class. Awesome. He will usher in a new age of prosperity. Stupendous. How will he accomplish any of this? Crickets. Yes, Romney can spew forth a litany of great ideas but have not one concrete method of implementing any of it. His big response has been to cross the bridge AFTER he becomes president.

That's not how this works dumbass and we are all not stupid enough to stand in line at Chick Fil A to support the fact that they were all closeted bigots, who are basically your supporters exclusively. If there was ever a time for a killing spree, that would have been the time to do it. How come we can't be that lucky? If it was me, it would have taken every ounce of effort not to drive my car right at the line and then back up to get the ones I missed. These fucktards are the very reason we are in the state we are in and my concern about their welfare is rapidly dwindling. Fortunately for them, I am not a violent man and my method of attack is the blog you read here.

One of the few concrete ideas Romney has spelled out is about tax cuts. Unfortunately, according to the national Tax Policy Center, a non partisan think tank, it will give huge tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes for everyone else. The graph below shows who will get the greatest amount of return in Romney's plan.

Notice the more money you make, the more you get back. At the the same time, taxes are raised for anyone making under $200,000 a year. Is this really the plan most of America wants? I kinda doubt it but you would never know with all the Romney supporters out there who are now officially voting to put themselves right into the poor house. Unbelievable. As Romney is unlikely to close any loophole that would affect his bottom dollar, expect that graph above to be not exactly accurate as taxes will almost certainly be much higher under Romney. So go ahead and vote to have your taxes raised you bigoted, clueless Republicans. I hope you choke on the Chick Fil A sandwich you just bought.

And all of this is being brought to you by the most evil of organizations, the global banking business. How bad are they? Let's look at some of the things banks have done over the past sixty years:

They've funded the Nazis. They've laundered money for drug cartels and terrorist organizations, most recently by HSBC. They tried to overthrow the US government in 1933 which most of you probably have never heard of because for some reason or another, this fact is never taught in any school anywhere. Congressional tapes of General Smedley Butler revealing the coup to Congress exist so we know it DID happen, no matter how much they try to tell us it didn't. They've engaged in loan shark tactics for credit cards, mortgages and other types of loans. They fixed interest rates that have destroyed the world economy. They've suppressed the precious metals markets. They have manipulated the stock and derivative market. They have engaged in fractional banking schemes that have netted them trillions in dollars. They have done all this and more and so far, not one person has ever gone to jail for any of the above crimes. NOT ONE.

How is it that we as a people have let this go on? Oh that's right, we are still fighting against gay people, abortion, contraception and a dozen other right wing garbage that means absolutely nothing in the long run. Gay people aren't destroying the fabric of society. Banks are. Abortion is not bankrupting us. Banks are. Contracaeption is fundemental right that the Church has no business getting involved in and no way is some woman down the street purchasing rubbers so she doesn't get AIDS a bad idea in any sane person's mind.

Yet there's that long line at Chick Fil A with hoards of people who are really too stupid to vote. Gay people are just like everyone else and none of your damn business. These are the same retards who saw the OWS movement as dirty hippies and bongo drums while the Tea Party rallies were battalions of sanity and good manners. The odd part is that they both saw banks as the problem, at least in the beginning, until the Tea Party got hijacked by the religious nutbags. They now sound like a Christian dance recital and banks seemed to have been forgotten about which is exactly what the GOP wants. Banks are the true enemy here and if we don't start doing something about it, there isn't going to be a country left.


As bad as the OWS movement turned out due to anything resembling a plan, they at least recognized the problem. Just like Mitt Romney, they had no ideas had to fix the problems at hand and refused to get involved with politics, which is the exact opposite way to get anything done. Holding hands and singing Kumba Ay might be great for a sing-a-long but won't get dick solved in the long run. We need a vocal left leaning group to sling mud like the Tea Party and start getting involved in political parties. At the same time, all money needs to be removed from big banks and anyone still using them needs to be treated no better than the local pedo recently released from prison. Banks are evil and getting worse. Gay bigots are douchebags and needs to be vilified for the idiotic actions as well. Religion wants to tell us how to live so why don't we do the same. We need to tell those sanctified. holier than thou fucktards that how I live my life is none of their business and if they insist on getting involved in ours, we should the same. I would suggest protests outside of every Big Bank,Chick Fil A, and anti-gay/anti-abortion groups nationwide until they close. You can exercise my freedom of speech. I can also exercise mine. The left has started to push back against this awful level of intolerance. Let us continue it.

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