1)Bats- This past week I have had not one, but two bats, loose in my house, and three since I moved here a few years ago. Apparently I literally have bats in my belfry. The first one was huge and loose in my bedroom which is a fun thing to figure out at four in the morning. That one I got out the front door. A few days a later a small, possibly baby bat was found flying around the hall and is now hiding somewhere in my house. Pretty soon, it will be a dead bat and I will have the fun of locating its corpse. Awesome. Luckily my landlord is going to help get rid of them and fix all the ways they are getting in the attic and walls. I don't care how manly you are, I've watched war veterans scream like a little girl when getting swooped by one. I sure did.
2)Harry Reid- Reid used the Senate floor to spew forth unprovable garbage about Romney, knowing that no slander laws exist there. He accused Mitt of paying NO taxes for the past decade without any proof to back that statement up. Is it possible Mitt payed no taxes? Sure. Is it likely? No. The GOP has made lying, slander and untruths an Olympic sport to the point where everyone is doing it. I just find it laughable when they cry foul even though they do it on a daily basis. Harry Reid should know better and is in reality not much better a politician than any republican. The only reason he kept his seat is the Tea Party nominated Sharon Angle, a total retard, to go up against him and she lost handily, thank God because somehow, someway, she was actually way worse than Reid.
3)London businesses- Somebody sold the London business community a load of manure when they told them that the Olympics would be a big boon for the local economy. Unfortunately, that turned out to be a total lie. Most business dropped by 40% especially tourist attractions and shopping. This is not surprising as the crowds are there for the OLYMPICS. Nearby hotels have full occupancy while those lying further out are near empty. The same goes for restaurants not near the Olympic venues. It didn't help that the government kept warning people about the Armageddon level of traffic and to stay away for two weeks, which they did turning parts of London into a ghost town. The Olympics will never do good business outside the hotel and restaurants near the games. Shopping and tourist attractions will nose dive as the people coming into London are not there for those kind of activities. This is common sense. It also doesn't help that the prices for said hotels and food inside the Olympics are astronomically high, furthering less spending by individuals. When you charge eight dollars for a chicken sandwich, people have far less coin to spend later. And these are the same fools in charge of fixing the economy. Speaking of chicken sandwiches.......
4)Chick Fil A and the bigots who stood in line to support them- All this week I have heard nothing from some outlets (Cough, FOX NEWS, hack) about how poor Chick Fil A is just supporting their first amendment rights in defending traditional marriage as well as the people who support that. Unfortunately what no one seems to understand is that me calling Chick Fil A and their supporters uneducated bigots is MY first amendment right. The right wing loons out there only support free speech when they like it and denounce all other forms as an attack on their values. If I had seen a line of these fools out there I would have walked up and down the aisle calling each person a bigot while filming each and every one and placing their faces on the net with a sign under each saying BIGOT. One guy who stood up to Chick Fil A lost his job after placing the video on line, even though I agreed with what he did. Anyone who works at a Chick Fil A is supporting the anti gay message and are as guilty as those that support it. If the CEO had said he thought "niggers were inferior" and slavery was fine, would Chick Fil A still be in business today? Absolutely not. There would have been mass protests outside each building, national calls for their disbandment and a huge drop off in sales. Replace the word nigger with gay though and that's fine. Gay people should be standing outside each venue with signs protesting their existence and not some stupid kiss in which understandably failed. How come the left has no concept of protest while the right has no sense of decorum? We need a little of both to right things in this country.
5)Medical marijuana- The bazillioneth government study shows that medical pot is the best way to treat chronic pain came out this week. Our politicians than roundly ignored it. With both Romney and Obama on the same page, any change in this policy is a long way off while millions suffer or go to jail. This is a national tragedy spurned on by the same idiots who stood in line at Chick Fil A.
6)Banks- The stock market is rigged, as is the derivative market, the precious metal market and housing. Yet no arrests have been made for any CEO at any bank. Smoke a joint, go to jail. Steal a trillion dollars. get a slap on the wrist and a big bonus. Unfuckingabelievable.
7)Romney- This guy has had a bad week and it does not look to be getting any better. His numbers are way down (as are Obama's, just not as severe) and he is falling behind in states like Florida and Ohio, where Obama now has a six point lead in both. The polls keep calling this a close race, which it isn't, and isn't going to become at this rate. People are generally stupid unless you run a campaign the way the GOP is. Obama is bad, we get that. But when it comes to any semblance of a plan to fix things either you are maddeningly vague or, if you are specific, your numbers don't add up. And while die hard republicans will vote for Mitt no questions asked like the good little Nazis they are, they only compromise around 15% of the vote. The rest are democrats (22%) and independents, the vast majority, and they are not warming up to Mitt at all. His terrible trip to Europe, where he managed to insult someone in every country he went to, made him look very non presidential and kind of a twit, which he is. His numbers show a steady decline in support since then. His favorability rating, as of this writing, is less than that of Sarah Palin. Ouch. Nobody has gone on to win the White House with that level of negativity and if Obama wasn't such a corporate stooge, he'd be crushing Romney right now in a repeat of Reagan versus Mondale. So congratulation Mitt Romney, you are heading for a crushing defeat and are indeed douchebag of the week.
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