Take dirtbag Michael Wade Page. Here we have a white supremacist who may have attacked the Sikh temple because he wasn't smart enough to differentiate between minority races. His involvement with Psy-ops and erroneous reports of multiple gunman has not helped the always unreliable "everything is a conspiracy" group out there like Alex Jones and Mike Rivero of What Really Happened.com. Mind you I like both sites but both jump to conclusions before all the facts are in and that is not helping matters. The multiple gunman angle has already disappeared from the sites as it has become clear that the eyewitnesses didn't see what they said they saw, either due to deliberate actions or through the fog of a traumatic incident.
There was only one gunman. There is no evidence of another shooter, unlike Jone Doe #2 in the OKC bombing case where several people swore up and down Tim McVeigh was not alone and the government has refused to release any video tape that prove otherwise. My research concluded the man in question was connected with Elhoim City, another white supremacist group under FBI surveillance at the time.
Today came word of another psycho who brought a small arsenal of guns to a showing of Dark Night Rises. He was apprehended before shooting anyone, thank God. Scott A Smith was arrested Saturday night in Westlake Ohio carrying a duffel bag filled with weapons into the showing. An alert usher alerted police where he taken without incident. Expect anti gun rhetoric to rise with this latest fool.
More guns equal less crime. Ask any Australian how gun laws worked for them after they outlawed them following a mass shooting of small children back in the late 90's. Oh that's right, crime rose 600% over the next few years. And places like Israel and Switzerland have almost no crimes like burglary as every home has an AK-47 waiting for anyone stupid enough to break in. People don't steal or kill or rape anyone they know may have a weapon. We need more guns not less and anyone arguing otherwise is asking to play the victim. I am not willing to.
How bad are things getting? BAD. In Philly this week, three people were arrested for badly beating a mentally challenged Asian woman, age 51, in her own home. The ages of the criminal masterminds, 12, 10 and 7 and no those are not typos. The ten year old was a neighbor and immediately arrested as was the 12 year old. The seven year old is too young to be charged with a crime but I expect to see him again either behind bars or dead in the street by the time he's fifteen. Nice parenting skills there.
This is exactly what I talk about the horrific state of black culture that worships the thug life to such an extent that even children are being affected. Rap music can be beautiful and exciting. It can also be misogynistic, violent toward the police and women and teaching values not good for a society in decline. Black oriented films are slightly better, although the Medea pictures are terrible, but there is still too much dystopian direction and not enough hope. Society is what you make it. Don't say it all sucks and do nothing to change it. We all need to and this separation of races, like Michael Wade Page wants, is not going to help anyone. Being educated is not "acting white," it's acting civilized and the black community needs to have more people who aspire to this standard in every walk of life. They seem to have so few lately with no black politician worth his weight anymore. Where is a Martin Luther King Jr when you want him?
We've all heard reasons why these things occur. Violent video game, TV, religion have all been blamed and none of them are really at the core of the problem. The main reason why anyone snaps is due to societal pressure that more and more of us are not adapting to and the result is an explosive action. Wade was a racist fool. Other, equally deranged individuals see the chaos that began with the Colorado shooting and think "hey I can do that too," for reasons of fame, mental instability and just pure evil. After the Columbine shootings, a rash of copycats began, just as predicted. This is no different and every mental fuckwad out there is sharpening his knife thinking he can be famous too, even if he has to die to do it.
Everyone wants fame (not me, mind you. I prefer being anonymous) and some will do anything to get it, including murder. Just remember that isn't the guns that killing people but a lack of others carrying guns that could stop them. This story about Wade got ten times the press than the Colorado grandmother who chased off five would robbers with a hand gun last week. Would she still be here had she not had that gun? Maybe, maybe not. We need a well armed society, not a disarmed bunch of clay pigeons.
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