Much has been made about various attack ads that are now flooding the media thanks to the idiotic Citizen's United Supreme Court Ruling which ironically had nothing to do with the citizens or unity. Romney is getting brutalized by a somewhat misleading ad from an Obama Super PAC in which a man comments on how his wife died after Bain Capital fired him and he lost his insurance for him and his family. She became sick sometime later with cancer and, without health insurance, she died quick.
It is being debated over how she lost her insurance and when but the Obama administration has wisely turned this around to show why health care is needed outside of the stupid employment principle. If we had universal health care for all, she might still be alive today, primarily because with regular doctor visits, the cancer may not have spread so far. Fox news and the GOP seems to have forgotten about that because in their endless need to demean the president, they have in turn given him a powerful weapon. Way to go, dudes.
In turn, the Romney camp has released an ad of their own, not from a Super PAC but from Romney himself, that baselessly claims Obama is trying to change welfare work requirements. There is zero evidence of this, a claim that even Newt Gingrich has called false. The fact that Romney put out this worthless ad says a lot about his character as someone who will stoop to any level to win, which Mitt Romney epitomizes. This ad is blatantly false.
Opponents of a new attack ad against Allen "Uncle Tom" West, who defines the very word of race traitor, released a somewhat controversial. In the highly accurate ad ( here is the link to see it. Watch it. I'll wait., West is portrayed as a bully beating up old white women, young women and steal from a young black family, which is EXACTLY what kind of policies this assmunch believes in. A Teatard to the bone, the fucknut is one of the worst politicians in Congress and any dope voting for him should really go home and shoot themselves for being such a dumbass. This ad is great because, unlike the two Presidential ads, this one is dead on. West is a waste of space on this planet and someone better beat him in the next election. For some inane reason there are no polls right now to say how well West is doing, but considering how stupid some people are, I could definitely see him winning still.
What is wrong with people in this country? Study after study show that poor white men share the same "beliefs" as rich white guys. How is that possible? The GOP brainwashes people in this anti-gay, anti-abortion rhetoric that means less than nothing with putting food on families tables. Add in a sprinkle of anti-immigration nonsense, a hint of gun control, and a dash of barely disguised racism and you have a GOP souffle. The secret ingredient is Soylent Green coming to a supermarket soon.
The bad news for all these closeted homophobic, racist retards is that most of the country don't believe in any of this crap. Independents now make up the majority of the electorate and a lot of them aren't waving that Tea Party flag and drinking the GOP Kool Aid. How do I know? The latest polls show Obama cruising to a crushing win over Romney whose popularity is plummeting faster than a comic reunion of Pauly Shore, Melanie Hussell and Yahoo Serious. Eight of ten swing states all point toward Obama with only Colorado and North Carolina a close race. Obama leads by six in Florida and Ohio according to the latest polls, which is game over for Romney as he cannot lose either of those key states let alone both.
True, Romney may make some points up when he makes his VP pick soon. Rumor is it is down between Portsman, Pawlenty and Ryan. The first two are so dull I actually nodded off while typing in their names. The latter, Paul Ryan, has made himself a lightening rod with his draconian Ryan Budget Plan that seeks to give huge sums of money to rich people by throwing everyone else out on the street. Republicans seem to have forgotten the town hall meetings that went dramatically off kilter when their own supporters absolutely HATED the plan and many were forced to disavow it which led to an almost comical civil war within the GOP. Much like Obamacare in reverse, the more people found out about the plan, the more they loathed it. Everyone on the Republican side seem to want people like Ryan, blinded by their own idiocy how bad a pick that would be. The Ryan plan is going to be front and center soon, as it will be brought up again and again in ads and during the debates. Why give the democrats even more ammo if you actually pick Ryan to be on the ballot? The ads will have a lot more weight if you try to sell this turd for a third time to the American people.
Obama has this election to lose and short of some unbelievable scandal, he will be again our president. While this hardly fills my heart with glee considering some of the truly awful things he has done to this country, I'd rather have the devil I know. If the wrong person gets into the white house at the point and time, this country is lost and so is any semblance of freedom. A country completely controlled by the GOP is a recipe for disaster. American better wake up and see that for what it is because by not voting for things that affect you, you are voting for things that WILL affect you.
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