This week we have seen seniors run up to Paul Ryan and congratulate him on "saving" medicare from that socialistic, Kenyan Obama. Under Obama's plan $700 billion dollars would be cut from Medicare in the form of payments to doctors and not cuts in services. The utter liars that the Republican party has become has allowed them to shamelessly exploit this as a cut to all of Medicare while simultaneously defending their hatchet plan on it. By the way, the Ryan Budget Plan has the same "cuts" to Medicare as well as trillions more on top of it to all sorts of social services including Social Security, Medicade, unemployment insurance, welfare, food stamps while giving all that money saved to the top 1%. Do these idiot seniors not see the forest for the trees? Apparently not, although a majority thankfully don't seem too keen on the whole idea when they finally figure it out.
So in order to not be compared to the fascist regime they are openly trying to establish, the GOP is putting out lie after lie, ala Swift Boat attacks on Kerry during the 2004 election. This time we have a group calling itself the Special Operations Opsec Education Fund which is attacking the President for taking too much credit for the death of Osama bin Laden and the leaks that come from unknown sources talking about it. These are the same assholes who outed CIA spy Valerie Plame causing the deaths of at least 50 operatives worldwide. Funny, I don't remember these fucknuts bitching about that and people DIED because of that bit of info slippage. As for crowing about Osama's death, this comes from a group that can't go a whole sentence without uttering 9/11 in there somehow. They have been harping on that for more than a decade but that's fine because Republicans are doing it I guess.
Not to be outdone in the LIAR category, Paul Ryan couldn't go the week without pulling several Pinocchios of his own. First, it turns out that his estimated tax return from 2011 was missing around $5 million he "forgot" was in a trust and then, after strenuously denying he had requested and taken stimulus money, had to pull and about face and remember he actually had taken the money and again had "forgotten" about. This guy musty have Alzheimer's because he certainly can't remember dick. I don't about you, but it would hard to overlook millions of dollars and important actions I had taken a few years back. Ryan also has used insider information to make tons of money (something both sides of the aisle are complicit in) after a meeting in 2008 which said that Goldman Sachs was one of the few banks not going under, Ryan sold all his bank stocks and reinvested in Goldman instead. Not that the regular investors heard any of this and as a result, lost everything in the stock slide.
Ryan is no average citizen no matter how much he wants you to believe it. He's a rich kid who made his money, not by hard work, but by inheritance, laws he wants to eviscerate to make even more money the country cannot afford. Funny how we keep hearing from these morons how bad socialism is, but neither Romney nor Ryan want to end of the subsidies to oil companies that both of them profit on. They just don't like socialism that affects everyone while corporate socialism is just fine and American. Douches.
Both follow the philosophy of the dried up Ayn Rand branch. This way of thought basically says fuck the poor, corporations are the new gods to worship in an atheistic system, and everyone should be on the own when it comes to government services. The only problem with this way of life is that it is impossible to implement without riots, martial law and, eventually, a complete fascist state. This is the ultimate goal of the Republican party and some brain dead fools are all for it.
Ryan and Romney want to end Social Security by privatizing it, which is ironic because Ryan collected SS benefits for two years after the death of his father. This never would happen under his current plan. Privatization is a horrible idea that has rarely worked and a plan they also want to do to Medicare and the Post Office. Death by by a thousand cuts has been their motto, and the main reason things like Social Security and the Post Office are broke has nothing to do with the current economic situation and everything to do with GOP interference.
As Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic describes Ryan’s radical vision of America: “Many millions of working-age Americans would lose health insurance. Senior citizens would anguish over whether to pay their rent or their medical bills, in a way they haven’t since the 1960s. Government would be so starved of resources that, by 2050, it wouldn’t have enough money for core functions like food inspections and highway maintenance. And the richest Americans would get a huge tax cut.”
The end result of this is a huge number of people are NOT following behind the GOP plan including some politicians running for office. Chris Collins (26th district NY), Maggie Brooks (28th district NY), Richard Tisei (6th district MA and is pro choice and gay), Justin Amash (3rd district MI), Denny Rehberg (Senate candidate MT), and Scott Brown (Senator MA) all have publicly said they will not support the Ryan Budget plan even though some of them voted for it and changed their minds after the voters chewed them out at town hall meetings that went horribly wrong. Brown is losing the money train in MA with Elizabeth Warren outraising him in funds by at least $8 million. Go Warren, one of the few politicians I actually like and respect. We need more people like her in office and I certainly hope she wins.
So what are insiders saying? In public, they are all smiles and rah rah mentality for the GOP. Behind closed doors the news is decidedly sour as most pundits think they have zero chance of getting the White House now and may drag the House and Senate with it. The GOP has responded with new voters ID laws for a problem that doesn't exist. According to various sources like News21, a Carnegie Knight investigative report, found that only ten cases of voter fraud have been uncovered since 2000. This type of discrimination affects democratic voters mostly who are elderly, poor or young and, by restricting voting rights, are attempting to steal the election in states like PA. A federal judge, Robert Simspon, may he get cancer and die, allowed this racist law to stay. Drop dead fuckwad. Your reasoning over this non story was flawed at best and are helping to elect people to office that, under normal democratic terms, would never win.
But with Medicare front and center for the GOP and Romney refusing to release any new taxes, the Republicans are going to be playing catch up all election season with only ad hominum attacks to use. There has been no bounce from the Ryan pick, and as more and more people start paying attention to the campaign, the numbers may start sliding the wrong way as most polls seem to suggest. The more people know about the Ryan plan, minus the bullshit, the less they like it. And fat bastards like John Sununu can lie all they want, most of us aren't going to fall for it. Make sure you let anyone know whose planning on voting for a Republican candidate that they are voting to end all social programs and if they are collecting unemployment, food stamps, SS or Medicare, they are voting to hurt themselves. If they don't want those programs. I am sure some needy people will be more than happy to take that burden off their hands unless being hypocritical assholes is what they are tying to achieve. The GOP is Ayn Rand philosophy taken to whole new level of more for the rich and fuck the poor. If you want to see what America will look like with hundreds of millions of starving people, just take a good look at Greece right now. High crime, 50% unemployment, a huge suicide rate and near daily rioting. That is the America you want if you vote Romney/Ryan 2012.
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