The news is bad folks. Real bad. Set aside an election where we have one side with no vision beyond bankrupting the US in record time and the other which has a few stop gaps to stop the slide but will only delay the inevitable. Let's start with a look at the Romney plan for the future. ?????????????? Did you get all that because my hands hurt from all that writing? Romney has NO plan for anything and both he and his retarded running mate keep telling the American people they will hash out specifics AFTER the get into office. Someone should tell these fools that this will only work on the zombified, die-hards who only vote for Republicans because the rest of us want to know what we are getting before we buy it. What specifics you have given suck by the way and won't work according to well, EVERYONE who is not a bought and paid for pundit.
The Ryan/Romney plan is a recipe for disaster which mirrors exactly what Europe is doing with no success. And this is the same group who doesn't want us to be like Europe because they see socialism as a bad thing, even though it is these ideals that have made their countries prosper better than ours. It is only through the on going bank frauds that are now worldwide that is the reason why everything is going to hell, along with brutal, ineffective austerity measures that the GOP want in full. A vote for any Republican is vote to end America. So anyone who plans on voting Republican come November is asking for trouble and an almost certain civil war. The left is getting pissed as seen by the first left wing lunatic who attempted a mass shooting as the Family Research Council shooting but was stopped by a guard before anyone was seriously hurt. I don't wish hot death upon these bigoted assholes but a nice case of turning their first borns all gay wouldn't hurt, should God be reading my blog.
Meanwhile,the JustUs Department has dropped all charges against former MF Global head Jon Corizone and top executives finding no evidence of a crime meaning Eric Holder has gone blind at some point recently and no one bothered to tell anyone. WTF? This is further proof the US government is owned by the big banks and now can murder someone with impunity because no one is going to prosecute them for anything regardless of the crime. This is a travesty and one thing I agree with the Republicans with is that Eric Holder has GOT to go. And take with him Janet Napalitano who is in the midst of a sexual harassment suit and further outs her as a butch lesbian. Shocker. I honestly could care less about her sexuality but the way she runs the American Gestapo is beyond belief. Add to that the recent huge orders for even more ammo, albeit the amounts were blacked out this time from FOIA papers, and we can see the government is preparing for something big and they are not telling us what.
Banks are being told to prepare for a massive blow, Israel is warning the world that an attack against Iran could happen within six weeks and all the media can crow about is Joe Biden's highly accurate statement that the banks want to put us all in chains. This is not hyperbole. The banks want to put us all into slavery and the Tea Party is leading the charge to put us there. This is not a controversy, except one the media is creating. Media is not there to shape the narrative but to report it. This type of reporting is long dead, killed by outlets like Fox News which has done exactly that for decades now. There are some reports that Biden may get dumped for Hillary Clinton for VP, a move that would cement the election for democrats so don't be surprised if it does happen just like I said.
Fox Five is a sham show where four brain dead conservatives beat up the sole liberal who is too fat and old to actually matter. All four said that Paul Ryan's Medicare plan was fabulous and would save it, even though. as someone who once sold insurance can tell you, their plan will bankrupt the system quickly. Bob Becker responded with truly weak arguments that showed he had even less of a clue than the four morons he was sitting with. Every time one of the losers opens their mouth, I can come up with five points to make that defeats them and Bob just sits there, mouth open, dreaming of the day he can get away from this sad show. This is a terrible program that shoves misinformation down the throats of the American people who lap it up like a cat with a bowl of milk.
Our national debt is constantly referred to as $16 trillion. That is a lie. It is actually around $70 trillion. WTF? Using Hollywood math has become the default position of every company out there and is how I was cheated out of hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years by companies who do this to pay commission in sales jobs across the US. The government has conveniently left out SS, Medicare, and pension liabilities that they are legally obligated to pay, raising the number beyond belief. When the country left the gold standard in 1971, debt exploded as money could be invented out of thin air rather than have the money to back up what we were spending. As much of that gold probably doesn't exist anymore, having been used to pay off our crushing debt, rapid inflation is a distinct possibility in the near future.
We have kept off the collapse by borrowing from other countries like China and Japan but this Ponzi scheme can only go on so long. With Middle Class jobs disappearing forever, we are entering an era of abject poverty where the haves will live in walled off prisons while the rest of us starve outside the gates. The only way to stop this from happening is to either print trillions of dollars causing a repeat of the Wiemar Republic or to cancel all debt, causing a collapse of the dollar. Don't both those options sound great? The third option is one no wants to talk about as it might work. Tell the Fed we are not paying them and half of that $16 trillion disappears. Use means testing to shore up SS and Medicare as well as removing the salary cap on payroll and SS taxes and voila, a huge chunk of change saves many a program. True the rich will have to cough up their fair share which is why this plan will never see the light of day. Anybody with a pension is going to have give that up as there is no way we can afford to do that anymore and you can thank the greedy rich for that, so a percentage of their paychecks should be taken every week to help pay for that as well.
None of this will occur because it will be political suicide, especially in the day and age of the Super PAC, which would trounce any candidate daring to take on the elite who would paint that person as a dangerous rebel out of touch with Idiot America. As collapse is inevitable at this point, people should be taking steps should society end.
Add to this a World War which looks more and more likely by the day, and we are really screwed. Israel is itching to take down Iran who may have a nuke by as early as October. This is not a guess but a fact as the Iranian government, as well as outside sources, have confirmed uranium enrichment to 20%. Further enrichment to 90% will take a matter of weeks meaning Iran could have enough material for four to five nukes by sometime in October. Israel is adamant that this not happen and have told the US that they will go alone if they have to. They have said they have a plan to win a war with Iran in thirty days which is probably not entirely untrue, however the plan doesn't mention the fact that the world may be burned to a nuclear crisp by then. Russia has made it perfectly clear than an attack on Iran may lead to world wide nuclear war. Wonderful. Even so, Iran cannot be allowed to get a nuke as a world war is inevitable at that point when some religious fanatic decides to use one on Tel Aviv or NYC.
So between a terrible presidential race where anyone with a brain is going to have to hold their nose and vote Obama as the alternative is too depressing to contemplate, we have an upcoming economic collapse and a possible world war with nukes in the wings. Get yourself a drink people. It's going to be a long few weeks.
I do not think war is coming and also I know most people are not that bright but eventually our leaders will get their act together and all those good paying manufacturing jobs will come back to Canada and the USA and all will be fine again.
ReplyDeleteWhile your wishing ask for a million dollars and a pony. All signs point to war and none say our leaders are ready to fix anything. I would love to know your reasoning on that above statement as not one thing you mentioned has any feasablility or logic. It is exactly that rose colored glasses outlook that make me so fearful of what is to happen as most will never see it coming. You certainly don't.