This year, we have a new entry with North Korea, hot off their "basketball" summit with deranged diplomat Dennis "the Worm" Rodman, who has lived up to his name and then some. In a bizarre rant, North Korea has threatened to end the truce with their southern counterpart and the US and declare war because of new sanctions beings leveled against them for their nuclear test program and war games scheduled with South Korea in the coming weeks. WAAAAAAA!
China has apparently had enough of the rouge state and has signed off on new sanction with the UN, a move that may devastate the impoverished country. If China cuts off aid, North Korea will fall. China was pissed when they went through with the nuke test against China's wishes who may be realizing that those same nukes could just as easily be aimed at them as well as the West. Russia has also said they will support sanctions that prevent missile and nuclear technology. China may be a lot of things but stupid ain't one of them. Should North Korea actually go through with their threats, which is most likely a bunch of hot air, they will be wiped from the face of the earth with no one else to help them, except maybe Iran.
Speaking of which, both Obama and Netenyahu issued statements this week that say the red line for their nuclear weapon program is coming dangerously close. Top generals are warning of a nuclear arms race should Iran become a nuclear state, for which Turkey and Saudi Arabia have already begun plans for. If North Korea has destabilized the Pacific Rim, what do you think will happen if this area goes the same direction? It's not like this is the most stable area to begin with. A nuclear war will almost certainly happen.
And for all you out there who keep repeating the same lie that Iran has never attacked anyone in their history, I have one word for you: Bullocks. Iran has been using proxy armies for some time, like Hamas and Hezbollah, so they keep their hands clean and let other terrorist organizations do the dirty work. They have been responsible for attacks on civilians and assassination attempts against heads of state and diplomats for decades. This is not a peaceful group of people running the show. What makes me really sad is I know a few Iranian people and really like them. They tell me, much like here, the government is not well liked and if war happens, a majority of the people will not be so supportive no mater what their media tells us. Sound familiar? And Iranian food is fantastic. Try it.
John Kerry, returning from a less than successful trip to Cairo, is warning the Iranian not to cross that line in the sand or face major repercussions. Israel will not allow Iran to go nuclear and if they have to kill every man, woman and child over there to stop it, they will, consequences be damned. As I said above, they and the administration is worried about an arms race and terrorist groups getting hold of WMDs. So am I.
Henry Kissinger, on a recent BBC interview, said the time of war is fast approaching as Iran shows no signs of stopping. He also states that a nuclear Iran would lead to a nuclear war with a near 100% possibility. I agree. We don't give guns to children for a reason and Iran and North Korea act like spoiled brats half the time. North Korea has been a disaster once nukes entered the picture. Imagine what a nuclear Iran would do to the region.
We are facing crisises of unimaginable proportions right now. Our economy is about to nose dive, a massive war is in the cards and no one seems to care. We should.
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