Let's start with the unemployment rate. According to the government, 236,000 jobs were created. This is a lie based on flawed statistical models. The birth/date rate the government uses to estimate the number of small business that will stay or fall is woefully out of date. It was far easier to start and maintain a business in the1970's than it is today, yet the same algorithms are being used with no attempt to update them. As a result, the numbers are skewered by at least 100,000 meaning that only 136,000 were actually created. This adds up to over 1.5 million jobs each year that do not exist.
Even worse, more than 75% of these jobs are part time, low pay, no benefit ones that pay people even less than their unemployment but which forces people to work as slaves since they have no other options from a government that doesn't care. And that unemployment rate of 7.7% is horsepucky as well, as they stop counting people who gave up looking for work, as if they too do not exist. The true unemployment has stayed fast around 23% for years now and, if you are black or Hispanic, that number climbs closer to 50%. Let the good times roll.
And if I hear one more person tell me the inflation rate is around 2.5%, I am going to smack his teeth in. The CPI index, which the GOP wants to further tinker with, is also using a systematic data stream that does not include energy or food prices in calculating inflation. So as long as jeans stay twenty dollars at the Gap, the inflation rate remains low, despite the real world seeing double digit inflation rates, which is what we have. Including food and energy, the real inflation rate is around 11% and increasing. That same rate is being used to cheat anyone on Social Security as the cash you get each month is established by the inflation rate. So technically the government is cheating you out of money they stole from you in the first place and refusing to give it back except perhaps pennies at a time. If you behave. If the real inflation rate was being used, SS checks would be double what they are now. Imagine what good that would do society as that money would be spent back into the economy, creating jobs and wealth far better than the "it's all mine and fuck off," attitude we see now.
Now housing is going up but for all the wrong reasons. No money down loans are back and the rich are using it to their advantage. Much like before the housing crash in 2008, those that could bought large number of houses, driving up the price, and flipping them for a profit. Large houses are selling again and increasing in value at an unprecedented pace. Taylor Swift owned her house in Cape Cod for all of three months before turning around and selling it for a million dollar profit. That is how fast prices are rising on luxury homes and the sole reason for the housing boom. First time buyers and people buying bigger houses are nonexistent according to recent housing data. It's all rich people driving this and the car market to new heights. The rest of us all being told to wait and be a good doggie.
Does this chart look like a recovery to you?

Banks are sitting on millions of foreclosed homes because if they flood the market with them, the whole system goes belly up once again. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people are getting to live rent free in their homes for the past three years. Must be nice not having to fork over most of your money for a roof over your head and heat.
This is from Burning Platform.com:
"The contrived elevation of home sales and home prices has been engineered by the very same culprits who crashed our financial system in the first place. This has been planned, coordinated and implemented by a conspiracy of the ruling oligarchy – the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, U.S. Treasury, NAR, and the corporate media conglomerates.
Ben’s job was to screw senior citizens and drive interest rates low enough that everyone in the country could refinance, attract investors and flippers into the market, and propel home prices higher. Wall Street has been the linchpin to the whole sordid plan. They were tasked with drastically limiting the foreclosure pipeline, therefore creating a fake shortage of inventory.
Next, JP Morgan, Blackrock, Citi, Bank of America, and dozens of other private equity firms have partnered with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, using free money provided by Ben Bernanke, to create investment funds to buy up millions of distressed properties and convert them into rental properties, further reducing the inventory of homes for sale and driving prices higher. Only the connected crony capitalists on Wall Street are getting a piece of this action.
The Wall Street big hanging dicks have screwed the American middle class coming and going. The NAR and media are tasked with what they do best – spew propaganda, misinform, lie, cheerlead and attempt to create a buying frenzy among the willfully ignorant masses. ….. Mortgage applications by real people who want to live in a home are no higher than they were in 2010 when home sales were 33% lower than today. Mortgage applications are lower than they were in 1997 when 4 million existing homes were sold versus the 5 million pace today. The housing recovery is just another Wall Street scam designed to bilk the American middle class of what remains of their net worth.”
This is exactly the same scam you read about right here in past articles. One thing I am good at is sniffing out a scam when I see one. Having worked for a security company in my distant past, I learned all sort of tricks of looking up housing data on the Internet and the information out there does not jibe with what the government is telling us at all. Eventually, like 2008, a saturation point will be reached where there are enough buyers or renters and the whole system goes under again.
We may be reaching that point sooner than later as new home sales in Las Vegas plummet. As it was one of the hardest hit areas, when you have no disposable income, gambling is not high on your list of priorities let alone a vacation and tourism declines and layoffs were king. California has seen similar issues as studies show almost all the new buyers were flippers, Wall Street and foreign investors. Nobody was buying houses to live in but to make money on. I swear I've seen that before. Oh yeah. 2008.
With over 89,000,000 not employed in this country, according the Board of Labor Statistics, a dare you to tell me that equals 7.7% unemployment. True that number includes retirees, the disabled and prisoners, but even eliminating all that, you are still left with a number hovering around 30%. Remove statistical issues and the number stays solid between 23-25%, just like the statistics show from the unaltered government studies.
We are being lied to on a daily basis. Half of us live near or below the poverty rate. Most of us have terrible health insurance that, if we are unlucky enough to get really sick, will bankrupt us. 49.5% of the entire country receives some sort of government assistance. I do. So do a lot of people I know. And it because we can't find work that pays more than a few dollars an hour it seems. Most of us live on a razor's edge. It's why we are so pissed all the time. We need to get madder but at the right people.
We need to tell Paul Ryan and any asshole who supports him to Fuck Off already. Doofus released his latest budget proposal and it's exactly the same as the last two we didn't like. Even Fox News thought it was incredibly stupid to try a certain failure for the third time. We need better leaders than this. Stop electing morons just because they are Republicans. The same goes for Democrats. We need to fight (non violently) and soon because as tomorrow's column will testify to, the government seems to be readying a way against us and even the MSM is starting take notice.
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