Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Almost no one is coming away from the Syrian debacle unscathed. Not Congress (no surprise there), not Obama, not Putin and certainly not Assad who seems to have a death wish unseen in modern history. It's like he is double dog daring us to attack. Not wise.

But let's start with right here where John McCain has done a stunning reversal on position so sudden he must have got whiplash. Yesterday, he called anyone NOT supporting the president on a Syrian attack a traitor to this country who should be killed on sight, preferably by being dumped into the Potomac with a bag of rabid weasels. His words not mine. Today, he said he would not be supporting the President as the attack doesn't kill nearly enough people. Wouldn't that make you one of the people who just yesterday would undermine this country to such an extent our enemies will attack without mercy for being weak? So which is it? I am sure glad this dick wasn't in office instead of Obama, no matter how badly he is handling this.

Obama is fearing not better. We should have never had a "red line" to begin with, at least not publicly. We went to the UN. They shot it down. Not much we can do afterward. Going alone is how we got into the whole Iraq debacle in the first place, and even then we had some support, mind you from not exactly powerful nations like Gabon and New Zealand, but at least it was someone. All we have now is a wink and a smile from France and a definitive NO from the UK. Not exactly the collation of the willing. Now Obama is using legaleaze to weasel his way out of the red line speech by saying he never said it. According to him, it was an international red line that was being crossed and as the rest of the world has said "bugger off," maybe we should pay head too. Nevermind the fact that that is NOT what he said, realizing in 20/20 hindsight that using those words may end the world if we are not careful.

Congress is wisely looking into this and not just to make the president look bad. The repercussions from any attack, no matter how small or big could trigger a massive war, one that will require nukes. I know that sounds far fetched but I have studied war games over what the US would do should Iran shut down the Straights of Hormuz and the only way to open it again is with nukes. Plus, Syria and Iran are both rumored to have state of the art missiles that could take down an air craft carrier. Imagine what America's reaction will be if a few of those get sunk.

Others are certain to get involved, with Hezbollah saying they will strike US and Israeli sites worldwide. This country is vulnerable to suicide attacks. The flip side of that is that if the idiotic Muslim extremists are dumb enough to start that, it will be genocide here as anyone who even looks remotely Islamic is going to get killed. That would include Indian and other similar looking people who will get caught in the crossfire. Expect people to have huge banners in their yard and businesses that state ethnicity as the rest will burn. People are panicky and deadly when riled, and the way things are, the public won't think twice about assigning blame to a whole group of people no matter how innocent they might be. That is bad and something I never wish to see. But I fear that may be where we are heading as common sense seems to have left the planet.

Abroad we have a useless UN doing nothing and Putin saying he will only agree to an attack through the UN Security Council, a move Russia has vetoed every time it has come up. So according to Putin, everything is fine in Syria and we should move on. What a dick. His greed is killing people, women and children included. I hope he rots.

If we had the world on our side, like we should, then this would be a great time to take Syria out. They are a threat to world peace, just like Iran, Lebanon and North Korea. But the threat to WW3 is so great that I do agree with McCain on one thing: that if we go in we should go in with overwhelming force and take out Assad. ANY attack is going to rile the opposition as seen in every Middle East war over the last decade. Propaganda will say attacks where deadlier than they were to gain international sympathy anyway so you might as well make the bodies real.

Syria is the ultimate douchebag here with Assad denying the chemical attack ever happened while simultaneously thumbing his nose at the US. No better way to defuse a situation than by denial and antagonizing your enemy. Brilliant. He is calling us weak and basically using that old movie chestnut: "You don't have the guts to shoot me," which always results in the bad guy getting blown away. Assad is headed that direction stat.

I wish the world wasn't being run by ten year boys but it sure looks that way. I hope we do not attack Syria at this point. I feel bad for innocent Syrian people, and I also understand why we are contemplating it as looking weak does cause more problems down the road as seen previously during the Carter administration. How we dealt with Iran and the hostage crisis still has repercussions today. Looking ineffective and indecisive will embolden countries like Iran to speed forward with nuke technology and North Korea with ballistic missile tech. If we let nutjobs have access to planet ending weapons, sooner or later, someone will use them and it will be game over for all of us. We are truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. I hope Obama makes the right decision.

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