Monday, September 23, 2013


I don't know how much clearer I can make this to all Muslim people but you should be aware that there is a group of your fellow worshippers who are doing everything possible to kill the entire lot of you. I know their goal is to try to establish an Islamic one world government, which would be quite the feat as they don't seem to do so well in actual real world politics and makes me think of the ill advised leftist attacks of the 1970's that wanted communism everywhere. That didn't turn out so well either for anyone involved.

 Violence should only be used as a last result but the Muslim extremists seem to go to the same well everytime. If they get even slightly miffed, stuff gets blown up and people die. Someone drew a cartoon you don't like? Death. A terrible video that no one would have ever seen mocking your religion gets released? Kaboom! You don't see that behavior anywhere else on Earth. And the rest of us are getting pissed about it.

Buddhist monks are attacking Muslim areas in regions where suicide attacks and other forms of violence against the majority people have made them see red. Do you know how hard it is to piss off a Buddhist monk? Trust me, it ain't easy. If they have driven the most non-violent religions to kill, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the world joins in.

This is has been a bad week for moderate Muslims. They have had to watch as their idiot brethren attacked a mall in Kenya, blew up several funeral processions in Iraq and attacked a Catholic Church in Pakistan, killing many. This is how Holy Wars start. And I would like to remind the Muslim people that they haven't won one of those is more than a thousand years.

This is already spilling over onto people who aren't even Muslim. Once again, some idiots mistook a Sikh for a Muslim in NYC and beat the hell out of him. This has happened in the past, most recently at the Sikh temple shooting last year. Some people are just morons. If your going to be racist, at least be consistent.

The rise in Muslim violence is one big bang away from genocide at this point, which is what ALWAYS happens in history when someone overreaches spectacularly and becomes the focal point for illogical rage. If some idiot starts a plague or detonates a dirty bomb somewhere, every single Muslim on Earth will be at risk because when people panic, lives are expendable. The Masses will demand blood and if they don't get it, they will take matters into their own hands. If the body count is high enough, it won't matter either way as anyone even suspected of being Muslim will hang from the nearest tree as lynch mobs roam the streets, burning down mosques and homes. If you don't think that could happen again, you do not understand the human condition.

Muslims everywhere have to take great steps at this point to condemn any violence taken in the name of Allah, and if overseas, actively trying to stop any terrorism before it happens as, if someone goes too far, and someone always does, the Muslim world may be lit up like a Christmas tree. I do not want to see WW3. I do not want to see genocide. I' d also like a billion dollars while I am wishing. But that isn't going to solve the problem. Muslims need to take their religion back, much like the current Pope seems to be attempting. Peace is the only way foreword. Don't go the other way. Please.

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