Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I loathe the Tea Party. The reason for this is that they seem to believe every wrongheaded lie that spews from Fox News and the like. I have witnessed Congressmen spread bullshit about Obamacare since it's inception. I have read articles against every lefty idea that contain zero facts, just hateful venom. If anyone wonders why I despise the Republican Party so much it is because of this crap. The minute they absorbed this group into their ranks, it was the beginning of the end for them. And right now, both history and polling seems to be proving me right.

Ted Cruz spoke for 21 hours in some sort of attempted filibuster against Obamacare, which it wasn't, and was cut off at noon when Harry Reid called Congress back into session. What a waste of everyone's time. Anyone who is even thinking of voting for Cruz for president should really just shoot themselves because those people are beyond stupid. He would destroy the world if he ever got into power.

First off, almost everything the GOP has said about Obamacare is a lie. We have seen health care costs go down for the average person, once subsidies are added in. Yes, your plan may cost more. But if you make less than $36,000, or 90% of the country, you can get help which will offset the costs and in the long run, you will pay less. You know who'll pay more? Rich people. You know who I don't care about? Rich people. Don't buy into this crap that your premiums will skyrocket upward because it is simply not true.

The GOP doesn't want this because President Blacky is for it. Cruz literally said the reason the GOP is fighting against it is that once people get Obamacare, they'll like it so much they won't want to go back. That's called progress moron, something I know the Tea Party seems to be so against. Obamacare is not perfect. It needs work, not dismissal. Social Security was altered five times after it's passage. Same with Medicare. The Republicans answer to everything is to take an axe to it, regardless of whether it needs it or not.

Speaking of Social Security, many are fighting against the program saying it is broke and unworkable. Neither is true. My favorite was an article by some idiot who said that since the average person gets around $40,000 in SS benefits each year, the program will be broke by the end of the decade. The average SS benefit, according to the government and independent studies, is around $12,000 a year, proving once again that anyone belonging to the Tea Party has no idea what numbers actually mean. For the really stupid, $12,000 is LESS than $40,000. Just thought I'd clarify. And the article also fails to mention that if we lifted the salary cap on rich people and, since corporations are people should also be taxed accordingly, would fund the program for decades. Do both of those and SS will never be broke again. As for the fact that they stole $2.7 trillion from a so called lockbox, they owe us that money regardless. If they try to take that away from us, I have a feeling old people will be knocking off congresspeople with alarming frequency and not necessarily at the voting booth.

As if all that wasn't bad enough, another poll said a majority of people in the US would like ala cart cable pricing, not realizing that if such a policy went through, many cable channels would fold and prices would soar. CBS was trying to get $3 per person from Time/Warner to carry their channel. Ala cart would allow every channel to do just that and get it. Your cable bill would be higher than your rent at that point.

People in this country don't think anymore. They gravitate to whatever the scandal of the day is, and forget about it two seconds later. ADD must be rampant because no one follows up on anything. And as bad as the democrats are, the GOP and Tea Party make it impossible to have any reasonable discussion about anything. The Tea Party must be eliminated from the GOP and right now, that's exactly what is happening. The two sides are not as compatible as they thought, with the Teatards dragging everyone down. There is a very public fight between the old guard like John McCain and Mitch McConnell and the new guys like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. When McCain and McConnell become the voice of reason, you have stepped far into the Twilight Zone.

If the government shuts down, the GOP will pay, especially in November 2014. Polls show a majority of people are going to blame them when everything comes to a halt. Estimates say it will cost the US $100 million per day or money we don't have to lose. The Republicans can stop predicting how Obamacare will pan out. They don't know and recent figures dispute their claims. Let your Republican Congresspeople know that if they fight against this law, you'll be sending them packing next election. That is the only thing that will get their attention.

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