Monday, March 30, 2015


We stand at a crossroads right now with black and gay rights being put up for grabs. Gay people are gaining ground in leaps and bounds, mostly thanks to the support of the business community who see this as a way to drum up more money, clearly aware of which way the trends are going, even if our beyond stupid politicians do not. Black people however are both being subjected to rampant racism in the justice department while simultaneously making sure that bad black stereotypes continue ad naseum by their own actions.
Let's start with gay people. Some of the people I know, religious or not, are getting angry at the gay community for, well let's face facts, waving their private parts in our faces. They don't see the reason why their sexuality has to be so avert and obvious, unaware of the massive discrimination they face everyday in states not in New England. They do not like gay people being in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. They do not like the idea that people cannot refuse service to someone they find offensive. In other words, they certainly do not understand the 14th amendment and the Equal Protection Clause that protects us from bigotry every day.

Back in 1925, Jim Crow laws allowed signs that said "We do not serve black people." Change black for gay and it is the same thing all over again. No one should be denied service because of the color of their skin, their religion, their creed, or their sexuality. If you do not want to deal with gay people, go into a business that requires as little human contact as possible, like this one. It pays garbage and the hours suck but you work from home and don't have to run into those pesky gays you hate so much. I do not discriminate as, gay or straight, I hate working with large numbers of people who bring their germs to work 24/7 which inevitably makes me sick too. Since not working from a large office, I've only had a cold twice in seven years and the flu once in over a decade. Go me.

But gay people have a powerful ally right now and that is Big Business. Since Indiana went all gay nuclear on it's people, tens of  thousands have rallied to their cause as the state lost almost a hundred million dollars so far and it's only Monday. Apple has come down hard on them and the city of Seattle has placed a ban on travel there by city officials for state business. Even worse however is the fact that Angie's List has stopped the building of a large facility to be built there costing the state over a thousand jobs and fifty million dollars in lost revenue. Tack on another fifty million as Gen-Com, the largest gaming convention in the country, is no longer showing up and taking their money with them. Even the NCAA is wary about being there for the final four this week. This is an economic disaster of epic proportions and their dick governor looks like a deer caught in headlights. He flailed miserably against George Stephanopoulos yesterday on ABC news when he refused to answer a simple yes of no question about gay people's rights. It was just sad and everyone who voted for this asshole should take a long, hard look in the mirror because they are dicks too.
Gay rights are here to stay and all the crying and whining about it will not help. I am dying to see what idiot Republicans, like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee will do, when they come out against gay rights and get slammed for it. Even young Republicans support gay rights and call it a deal breaker in their votes. The GOP is going to start losing hard if they keep kissing butt to the insane right and do not instead move more to the center. Wall Street may be threatening the democrats with withholding campaign funds if they continue to ask for reasonable banking laws but the opposite is also true where GOP coffers are going to be mighty empty from everyone but banks if they continue their anti-gay, long expired positions on gay rights. Join us on the right side of history already.

Then we have black people are becoming their own worst enemy. History is on your side as massive racism seems to be existing in many a police department and now white America sees it as well. So have you done any outreach to try to bridge the gap between white and black and unite us in a peaceful America? Of course not. Instead, all we see are black people getting arrested in mass numbers for stuff they actually did, cry racism when none exists, and attack white people in larger and larger numbers. Talk about the wrong strategy.

This week, here in MA, a black man shot a cop in the face, another raped an 18 year old girl in her driveway, and about a dozen were picked up on massive drug charges (heroin) in Worcester. That was just over the last few days. Almost none of the people arrested for a major crime here have been any color other than black. If we look at everyone arrested in the NFL last year, 99% were black. In Florida yesterday, eight people died, ten wounded, all black during a spring break party. I get that the police are racist but part of the problem may be that all they arrest are black people all the time making them see black people as a constant threat.

The black community needs an awaking as well. They need to stop a culture of thug worship that demeans white America as well. Too many guns exist in the hood and part of that is a War on Drugs that makes black people akin to slaves again. But because they refuse to get involved in any meaningful way into politics, they get the short end of the stick again and again. If they had a black leader worth a damn, that might change, but as long as we have Jesse Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton, and even Obama leading the pack, nothing is going to get better.
Let's look at two different stories that demonstrate what I am walking about when it comes to black racism that many in the black community say is not possible. Empire star, Tariji P Henson screamed bloody murder about her son being detained by police calling the stop "racially motivated." Unfortunately for her, and great news for people looking for truth, cameras caught the whole thing on tape, exonerating the cop who actually bent over backwards to help the young man by not giving him a moving violation and only ticketing him for possession of pot. Henson was forced to apologize but this is yet another example of a black person screaming RACIST! when none existed. This happens with sickening regularity and I have seen it first hand when black people have accused someone of being racist when obviously there wasn't any intention of that. If you think racists are everywhere, they will be whether they actually exist or not.

In St Louis this past week, in a story the MSM missed, a white man was beaten by three black guys for the crime of being white. They accosted him on the subway, asking to "borrow" his phone (aka steal), and when he refused they asked him about the Mike Brown case. When he said nothing they started to beat him as other black passengers laughed and filmed it. Good thing this guy didn't have a gun because it would have been Bernie Getz all over again meaning we've learned nothing in 30 years.
This is what we have become: a society obsessed with sex and race and doing a lousy job with both. Black people have to get their act together because at this rate, nothing is going to change as white America writes you off. Gay people however, will be everywhere, like it or not. Black people should be looking at the gay community and emulate them. Get big business on your side. Get politicians on your side. Stop blaming white people for everything. Most importantly, start by fixing your own houses and stop young black men from becoming just another statistic rather than CEO of some company. Start behaving better and society will reward you. Act like thugs and no one will care.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Republicans do know this is the 21st century right? They are aware that 90% of corporations are gay friendly now, as they spend the same dollars as everyone else right? Apparently not, as grand douchebag Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana, just approved Jim Crow-esque, "I hate gay people" discrimination laws that, according to him, are not that at all, even though they clearly are. I guess it depends what your definition of is is. Sigh. Let's see those runner ups.
10)BBC- These assclowns have been just horrible at running a TV channel for decades now. They routinely use old tapes over and over in some idiotic attempt to save money, almost causing the loss of all of the Monty Python shows and the complete erasing of every bit of footage from 9/11. That didn't stop them from getting sued this week by an angry person who refused to pay his 110 pound "telly fee" because he claimed the BCC was part of a terrorism plot as they clearly knew WTC 7 was going to fall over. There is existing footage that to this day no one can explain how the station knew WTC 7 was going to collapse a full 30 minutes before it actually did. The funny part is the guy actually won. On top of that, because of some spat between Jeremy Clarkson and a producer in which blows may have been traded, Top Gear has been effectively cancelled, even though it the top show on the planet for this type of show. You guys really couldn't come up with a more "slap on the wrist, don't do it again" attitude instead of sinking the best, most profitable show you have on your entire network? It is heartening to see that stupidity is world wide. The head of the BBC is now under protection for numerous death threats against him. That's funny.

9)Rolling Stone-Speaking of lawsuits, these guys may be getting sued as well, most likely for libel, due to their god awful reporting on a University of Virginia rape case that now appears to be completely fabricated for unknown reasons. Even her own friends do not believe her. Had Rolling Stone done their job and actually investigated the incident, they would have discovered the whole thing was made up from start to finish and then they wouldn't be facing what is likely to be a multi-million dollar payout. So Clarkson gets fired for fighting, but the bitch who wrote this story is still going strong at the magazine? Why? She's obviously incompetent and biased, two things a writer really can't be. If they need a new person, I am available and will do a far better job.
8)George Zimmerman- Why won't this guy go away like Casey Anthony did? And she actually killed someone ON PURPOSE! While I still feel the verdict was correct, I also really dislike this guy. This week he compared himself to Anne Frank and blamed Obama for all his troubles. Yeah , it had nothing to do with your wanna-be cop attitude and stalking a young black kid, it was all Obama's fault. JUST GO AWAY ALREADY! Nobody wants to hear from you, ever.

7)Ted Cruz- This week, Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president and a lot of us chuckled with glee because he has zero chance of winning the White House barring some miracle, like Hillary being his opponent and days before the election a video surfaces of her talking about how she wanted the complex of Benghazi burned to the ground because the ambassador there snubbed her the last time they saw one another. Other than something like that, demographics say he would lose badly. It didn't help this week that he is using a terrible system to get donations on his website that may lead to identity theft, didn't secure that now leads to a pro-Obama site and appeared as a deer caught in headlights during many an interview this week. And this guy was a debating champ? Against who exactly because he comes across like a brain damaged hick? Keep em coming Cruz. You will make the race much more interesting.

6)Robert Bergdahl- I have criticized Obama for rescuing this waste of space since day one. The reason being is that every military source I have said this ass was a traitor and he should have been left to rot. But of course the administration played him up as a "hero" and saying he served with "honor and distinction," all of which makes Susan Rice look like a liar once again, even though the Benghazi thing was bull. Now it turns out, he really did desert, as we all already knew, and will be facing life in prison. So we rescued him to now incarcerate him at our own expense? WTF? This is why this country is so ass-backwards.
5)Phil Robertson- Is Duck Dynasty still on because I have to wonder how hick do you have to be to enjoy this giant crapfest of a family? This week, Phil went on another great rant, this time about atheists in which he went on a super long triad about how if an atheist family is going to get raped, which he goes into great, sickening details, the people doing it have no reason NOT to do evil because there is no God. Yeah, that happens all the time. So what? People who believe in God also do sickening horrible things, usually in the name of whatever imaginary being they currently worship. If people were killing each other over who was real, the Easter Bunny or Santa, we'd commit them. But because it is religious, we put up with it. Religion is making us less safe, not more and it is time to leave these ancient fairy tales behind and start looking at things logically. And I believe in a God, just not the Zeus and Cupid of days gone by.

4)Luke Goodman- Who the hell if Luke Goodman you ask? This is a prime example of the Darwin awards in which really stupid behavior leads to a graphic death. Dumb-ass went on a ski vacation with his friends to Aspen where, as a 23 year old would, bought pot candy for the first time. He ate two pieces, already a lot, and felt nothing after a few minutes, so he then ate the whole bag. Guess who freaked out and lost his mind? This would have been fine, expect this fool also had a gun with him which he used to shoot himself with. Anti-pot people are all over this, even though this had less to do with pot and everything to do with common sense and reading directions.
3)DEA- This is an organization whose time has come and gone. This week, they got caught having sex fueled parties in Columbia, sponsored by the very drug cartels they were supposed to be stopping. Yeah, no conflict of interest there. Even worse, when the DOJ looked into it, the DEA did everything they could to stone wall the investigation. We need to save money and eliminating the budgets for the DEA and ATF seems like a good start at this point.

2)Andreas Lubitz- This grand high douchebag, committed suicide this week, killing around 150 people with him. Apparently suffering from Depression and a recent breakup the day before, Lubitz commandeered the plane he was co-piloting and flew it into a mountain, killing everyone aboard. If you want to kill yourself fine. There are too many people on the planet anyway. But please refrain from taking anyone else with you. The saving grace of this is at least he didn't drive the plane into a populated area.
1)Mike Pence- This guy may have single-handedly destroyed his state, like most Republican Governors seem to do. Gov. Baker in this state so far has been an abject disaster with a budget that will do nothing for the state but cause more debt and a clearly inability to manage even the smallest problems. But that's nothing compared to Mike Pence who just made Indiana a place where gay discrimination can flourish. The problem with that is that thanks to social media, this story had blown up world wide gaining attention from sponsors, advertisers and corporations, none of which are happy with this. Here in MA, gay people were allowed in the St. Patrick's day parade for the first time because major sponsors like Guinness pulled $50 million from the event last year, along with several others. Guess who was back this year? Gay people buy stuff just like everyone else and anyone with a business and a brain knows this. Why knock a potential customer? The same will happen here in Indiana where if anyone is dumb enough to actually discriminate will be putting up a "going out of business sign" sooner than later. So congratulations Mike Pence you are indeed douchebag of the week.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Progressive Democrats are the only people anyone should be voting for right now. They are the only group that shows even a modicum of interest in the middle class as the right and most of the left fight for dominance over corporate America. If we wind up with a Clinton/Bush showdown, again, we can pretty much know that our best days are over and our future days are numbered. Voting for either of those two losers is a death knell and a sizable portion of you out there seem okay with that.
Take Ted Cruz. It is very unlikely he wins the Republican nomination and downright impossible for him to win the Presidency, yet the MSM is treating him like a serious contender. In just the first 24 hours, he has made some monumental mistakes that even the most rookie politician shouldn't be making. He failed to secure as many Tedcruz.whatever names as he could, meaning that anyone going to is directed to a pro-Obama site instead. His actual site uses a pay system that is so unreliable that experts warn any money donated could be going to Nigerian prince scams as well. Fantastic. On top of all of this he is running on an anti-gay, get rid of safety net programs policies that are so third rail his hair should be standing up on end by now.

The clown car of Republicans may lead to the nomination of Jeb Bush by default, as Fox news is already harping about. Bush may be the Mitt Romney this time around as people look at everyone else before they flame out in a flash of their own incompetence and decide on Bush at last call when he's the only uggo left. Republicans may be dumb but they aren't that dumb apparently. Scott Walker may be the flavor of the moment but he has a terrible record to run on, no foreign policy experience and does not even have a college degree. When voters get a better look at him, as no one is paying attention right now as every study says, his popularity is sure to fall as people realize he is most likely unelectable. Terrible as it sounds, Jeb Bush is the only one, with perhaps Rand Paul as an outlier, that have even a slight chance of winning the Presidency. The fact that Bush is from Florida both helps and hurts as his record down their sucked but as the average human seem to have the memory of  a spastic dog with ADD who knows.

The Democrats on the other hand so far have Hillary as their choice and a lot of us are not happy with that. How bad is it? This week the Boston Globe begged, BEGGED, Liz Warren to run, accurately predicting that another Clinton will be business as usual for a country that can least afford it. It's nice to seem some MSM outlets understand the gravity of this next election which will decide which way the country goes forever. To say 2016 is the most important election ever is an understatement. Our every way of life is at risk and if it's Bush or Clinton again, the fascists win and we cease to be a democracy anymore.
But Liz Warren has repeatedly said no and who can blame her. Running for President, and being one, looks like a crap job, plus whoever wants to chance things risks the lives of themselves and their family. Ask the Kennedy's how change worked out for them? However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Martin O'Malley has been working the Progressive angle and if he can withstand the scrutiny may emerge as a real front runner. Robert Reich, a hero of mine, has also said that if Liz Warren does not run and no serious voices from the left emerge, he would seriously consider throwing his hat into the ring. He may be short in stature but he is long in ideas and a lot of them are things echoed on this site.

There is even word of a more jokey kind of third party look with people like Bernie Saunders (whom I love) and even a Jesse Venture/Howard Stern run that even they claim they hope not to win. If they did, that would be hilarious and couldn't be any worse than another Bush presidency which I still find unbelievable. Republicans do remember that both previous Bush presidents were some of the worst ever, both driving the country into the ground with horrifically bad economic policies right? At least most of the mistakes that Bill Clinton made didn't materialize into years after he left (NAFTA, repeal of the Glass Steagal act). The Bush's on the other hand had everything happen under their watch, including two fake wars, a preventable major terrorist attack and the most serious economic downturn in history. Yeah, let's do that again.

We need a real leader this time. Not some fake progressive like Obama. We definitely don't need another corporatist to lead us further down the path of fascism with the advent of the TPP. We need someone, anyone, to stand up and say "We're mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore!" and then follow that up with real solutions, like increasing the minimum wage, accurately reading inflation, taxing rich people and corporations more than we do now and a dozen other things that need fixing.
We also need to start voting out morons from both sides and not voting for either if they both suck. Stop voting for the left or right just out of habit and if both suck, just don't vote. It's hard to claim a mandate if only six people voted for you. The budgets for both sides are a joke, and show what shams both parties really are. The Republicans dusted off Paul Ryan shitty plan and presented it again, even though a majority of American shot that down in the last election which wasn't even close. The Democrats gave their version the other day and it increases spending by $8 trillion dollars which also cannot fly. Nothing changes. The GOP wants to cut everything and the Democrats don't want to cut anything. We need cuts, to the right places. I'd start with budgets for the DEA and ATF for a start, as well as cutting the military budget in half, eliminating things like the trillion dollar F-35 which a decade later still doesn't work. When do we admit defeat and stop throwing money on a project that clearly isn't working? I have a lot of friends in the military and every single one says they waste money on a scale you wouldn't believe. This has to stop as our country is falling apart because we want some military base to spend $100,000 on new chairs every year. That is actually happening. Nothing wrong with the old chairs but to justify their bloated budget they spend it on worthless objects. This is not making the country safer.

We need a president who understands this and only a Progressive democrat would understand this. Stop voting for 90% of the losers on both sides of the aisle and only vote for people who have a plan to fix things. Ted Cruz has a plan that will lead us to ruin. Why don't more of you see that?

Monday, March 23, 2015


To say the news is bleak lately is an understatement. If you've been watching the MSM, everything seems hunky dory. If you read between the lines, disaster seems fast approaching. Now as everything, and I do mean just about everything is rigged, God knows when it collapse. Japan has been stringing on their slow moving collapse by 25 years now. But as 47% of their GDP is going toward debt, things would seem to be finally catching up to them.
Let's start with business news as Google has long portrayed themselves as a "good" corporation, who do at least treat their employees with some respect. The rest of us are peasants though. Google removed ads from this site for some bullshit reason but the reality was, they didn't like I what I talking about. This has happened to other sites like this one so I doubt it was any other reason than censorship. Now they have done it to because they published pictures from Abu Ghraib. This is the same company that plans on listing sites by "truthiness" rather than hits which begs the question "Who's truth?" and why do they get to be the sole judge for which they have already proved they are terrible at?

Jobs are going to start disappearing at a rapid rate with roughly 50% of all jobs gone in twenty years. Mind the population won't be 50% less, barring some catastrophe, spelling doom for capitalism in general which cannot survive such an impact. I have long advocated a new economic system and if we can get 3D printing working better, we may be able to implement something like it using credits, a maximum wage and 100% employment, which may entail giving money to people for arts and sciences. Robots are going to replace a lot of what we do and soon, from truck drivers to bartenders, these will all be gone by 2030.
The fact is technology is headed rapidly toward a singularity which will ultimately change human society. Very soon, things like aging, disease and death in general may be a thing of the past. This is something that would be hoarded like gold by the elites as there is no way this gets out into the public as overcrowding would happen quick. But as technology can only be suppressed for so long, sooner or later it will break wide and then what? There have been rumors for some time about a plan to wipe out most of humanity and that time may be approaching.

WW3 could happen at any time right now as historical factors show a repeat of 1914 all over again. The assassination of the Pope, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or an attack of Japan, or a Middle East uprising could spell disaster for humankind. All are possible right now. On top of all of this, we face an economic calamity that could destroy the planet's entire economic system.
We have played fast and loose, thanks mostly to conservative bullshit like austerity programs, and now it appears we may have hit a wall. In a story I highly doubt the MSM will tell you, came this gem from

Yesterday, an agency of the Federal government, the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Financial Research
(OFR), released a study warning that by three separate measures the U.S. stock market is approaching dangerous “two-sigma thresholds” which can lead to “quicksilver markets.” Translation: we could be heading for a big crash.
A two-sigma threshold is when market valuation move at least two standard deviations above the historical mean. The study notes that “valuations approached or surpassed two-sigma in each major stock market bubble of the past century.” Think 1929, 2000 and 2007. A quicksilver market, as defined by the study, is when stable markets turn on a dime and “change rapidly and unpredictably.”

The study was authored by Theodore (Ted) Berg and notes that it may not necessarily reflect the official position or policy of the OFR or Treasury. Berg is a Chartered Financial Analyst with the OFR, an agency created under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
The three measures that are flashing warning signals are the CAPE ratio, the Q-ratio, and the Buffett Indicator. Berg is looking at these measures because of the potential for today’s historically high profit margins to be distorting the outlook of other analysts  who are predicting that trend to continue, when, in reality, profit margins “revert toward a longer-term average over a business. This follows other economic indicators that spell doom and possibly soon. All of this brings us to Ted Cruz running for President. WHHHHEEEEE! As a writer, I am thrilled. As an American, I am horrified. Ted Cruz has said he will get rid of Obamcare, with no replacement in mind, meaning 16 millions will lose their insurance and prices will skyrocket, but at least we won't have "government run" health care right? He also went to say that he will abolish the IRS, establish a flat tax, secure Second Amendment rights, protect the border, do away with "every word of Common Core," defend "the sanctity of human life," uphold "the sacrament of marriage," and standing "unapologetically" with Israel. In other words, gay people and pro-choice people can suck it and provide not one concrete idea how to fix our ailing society.
He is just the first in the clown car known as the Republican party. What we have may be an exact repeat of 2012 all over again, proving mankind can't remember anything past last week anymore. Hillary will be the defacto front runner until someone else steals her thunder, ala Obama, which may be Martin O'Malley or hopefully, Liz Warren, who probably isn't going to run but I can dream. Meanwhile, the Republicans will go through their flavor of the week until the decide that Jeb Bush is their man. Scott Walker is the it guy now, but his record in Wisconsin is beyond shaky and he could falter badly in the debates. Bush's connection and money make him still the likely candidate. If he is, any Republicans that actually vote for him will prove the country is lost as people really are too stupid to live. It was only a few years back his brother drove this country into the ground. Yet somehow, they seem to have forgotten all that as W's polls numbers are still in the fifties. Were those people living on Mars during his presidency? He was the worst president EVER and now you are actually thinking of giving their family a third chance? Please. I don't think Cruz has a shot to be honest. He is too far right for a country that is becoming less so. People want higher wages, gay rights, pro choice, and legal weed. I don't see anyone on the right talking about any of that and that will cost them this election and every other one down the road. Buckle up Republicans because 2016 is going to be a bumpy ride.