I am getting sick and tired of the MSM hyping something up only to back peddle somewhere down the road. We got fed a long litany of provable nonsense about the Mike Brown case and then we all watched as channels like CNN told us about mostly "peaceful protestors," as the city burned down behind them. You do know we can see you right? Let's see those runner ups in a very Ferguson oriented column.
10)Walmart- I hate Walmart. Those greedy pricks who own the stores make billions by mostly by paying their workers a terrible wage and then cry poverty anytime someone even suggests raising their taxes. The ultimate FUCK YOU to their workers was having the gaul to hold a food drive for their own freaking employees. Some enterprising workers of Walmart then took the box and chained it in front of royal douchebag Alice Walton's apartment, with her net worth of $39 billion, who seems incapable of paying her employees a livable wage while stealing from them wildly. We used to have pitchforks and torches for these kind of assholes and if things keep going the way they are going, that may happen sooner than later.
9)Thanksgiving Day shoppers- Anyone who left their house before midnight on Thanksgiving is every bit the douchebag that the stores that opened on that day are. Can we have one freaking day without consumerism being shoved down our throats? Can workers have one day off from their shitty jobs to be with their families? If you want to know why the world is falling apart is the above two where corporations are paying us less and less and demanding more and more. Early reports say a lot of you felt that way as online shopping surged as brick and mortar ones didn't do so hot. Many are revising their early, way too rosy predictions, for ones that say maybe this Christmas won't be so good after all. As no one has any money that is hardly a surprise. A big shout out to three states, NH, MA and Maine that make it against the law to open on Thanksgiving. So much for that bullshit about regulations "destroying the fabric of society" that instead, help families and the little guy versus the out of control corporate America. Big Corporations need a lot more regulation, not less and every study I have ever seen backs that up.
8)Cops- Last night I got stopped by a cop because I was doing 61 in a 40, on the highway where the speed is normally 65, but apparently slows drastically ahead of the tolls. It was around 2 AM, no one was on the road and I slowed to ten miles an hour before going through the EZ-Pass. Luckily, I hadn't been drinking, don't do or have drugs on me and was let off with a warning due to my stellar road record of no tickets or accidents in years. But this whole thing was an obvious shakedown for people who may have been drinking on a holiday weekend. And while I have no love for drinking and driving, this Gestapo like action is rife with the possibility of trouble. And there in lies trouble for the boys in blue. If a middle aged white guy feels apprehension when pulled over, and no reason to be scared, how must black people feel? Or Hispanic? The facts say that, as the protests abroad about police brutality hint, people of all ages, all colors have had it with the police. There have been way too many shootings lately for no apparent reason and getting pulled over now takes on a whole new dimension of fear, regardless of race. A 12 year old boy was shot in Cleveland, thankfully by a black cop this tine so we are not subjected to reverse racism, but showed the stupidity of a child playing with a gun that looked real and the quick action, perhaps too quick action, cops sometime use as the kid was shot seconds after police arrived. How come if I add up all police shooting throughout Europe over the last decade, I wouldn't even come close to one year in NYC? In V For Vendetta, a girl's death turns the public against the Fingerman, aka the police. Could Mike Brown be that same catalyst? He may have deserved to be shot, as the evidence suggests, but the protests may have moved beyond just him to a furious anger at the police. The police need cameras on them at all times because our trust in them is gone. If they don't do this, expect a lot more attacks on police that have been happening more and more.
7)Larry Steve McQuilliams- As said above, this right wing lunatic went on a ten minute shooting spree in Austin Texas this week. While no one was killed, other than McQuilliams, he did try to set the Mexican consulate on fire, fired numerous rounds at FBI and police buildings and was wearing an IED around his body when killed. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this ass's motivation. Expect more of these kinds of lone wolf attacks by the same group that flies into a rage when Muslims do the same thing.
6)Scott Strapp and Burt Reynolds- I hate Creed but love Burt Reynolds. Unfortunately, both are broke for vastly different reasons. Strapp apparently has had a complete breakdown and is now on psychiatric hold, much like Amanda Bynes was and still should be. And while I have no love for his music, I have no ill feelings towards him personally and hope for him nothing but the best. Apparently, Strapp is broke and homeless, his mental illness certainly not helping. Reynolds on the other hand found out the hard way how shitty our health care system is. After suffering two major illnesses back to back, and few residuals from a career of films, he was forced to put up items for sale to survive. If someone like Burt Reynolds can't pay his medical bills, what chance do the rest of us have?
5)Republicans- After 15 separate commissions and $14 million dollars, not to mention all the time wasted, Benghazi has finally been put to rest. The latest commission, run by Republicans, found no evidence of a cover up, no evidence Obama did anything wrong and even cleared Susan Rice and her talking points as the CIA had conflicting reports that happen in the fog of war. So thank God we can all get on with out lives and, wait what? John Boehner is calling for ANOTHER investigation and Lindsey Graham is having a hissy fit over the latest mock scandal? Fuck me. What could they possibly discover that they haven't already dug up? These douchebags are worthless.
4)Al Sharpton- Will this hypocritical fuckwad please just go away already. But no, there is he is again in front of the cameras stirring up trouble in Ferguson. The evidence strongly suggests the Wilson was telling the truth about what happened and many, many eyewitnesses were wrong about what they saw, a fact of life as eyewitnesses suck and suck hard. But this formerly fat douche is playing the race card again and again, just like the Trayvon Martin case where racism is NOT part of the story. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman for no other reason than he had a chip on his shoulder and paid for it with his life. Isn't the Mike Brown case the same? How hard is it for black people to realize that attacking people for no reason, like the idiotic knockout game which is mostly black people beating white people with no repercussions, may lead to their death? This waste of space is not helping.
3)Ferguson DA Robert McCulloch- This guy played politics with this something fierce. He hid behind a grand jury, which almost never finds police at fault, to make sure this all waited until after he was re-elected. The grand jury use was nothing more than a big flashy show as when non-police actions are examined, these go to trial almost 99% of the time. Vice versa, and put a cop in front of a grand jury, and the chances of them getting off are 99%. This means that grand juries are absolutely worthless and need to be banished from our legal system. Regardless of what you feel about this case, this should have gone to trial, where I expect Wilson would have been acquitted. But they dragged Zimmerman through the system for exactly the same reasons, and as all the evidence was there for all to see, no riots afterward. This was all hush hush, behind closed doors and just made things worse. I hope this guy gets impeached or at the very least, not run again. His decision to announce the verdict at 8 PM was pure grandstanding and all but guaranteed a riot. Way to go douchebag, way to go.
2)Ferguson Protestors- To everyone who looted and burned stores, the black community who did not participate would like to tell you to go fuck yourself. Everything that happened did nothing but make things worse, especially for the poor workers who no longer have a job due to their building a smoldering heap. This was not helped by Mike Brown's stepfather who incited a riot by screaming about "burning this town down," when the verdict got read. He should have been arrested but the cops were stuck between too much force and too little. I loved the idiots who screamed bloody murder about the police and then went on to bitch that they did nothing while stores burned. Sometimes you cannot win. Also, the "hands up, don't shoot," crap is just that, crap. It didn't happen as the evidence and reliable witnesses have said. This isn't a black issue, but a human one. White people are dying too and not getting a fair shake in the legal system either. Reframe your argument and you might have a chance to actually change things for the better.
1)MSM- These assclowns spent the last three months reporting erroneous facts, whipping the public into a frenzy, and then going out of their way to talk about "peaceful protestors," that mostly fled when things started going tits up. It was hard to take reporters serious when they are hiding behind cars, buildings in flame all around them, and gunshots heard all about, yet they continue to say a majority of people were behaving correctly. Right. Don Lemon cowered as things got bad and all he could comment was the smell of marijuana in the air. Yeah, that was the story everyone was interested in. The black community smokes weed. In further news, water is wet, the sun is hot and CNN is retarded. Over the last few days CNN has interviewed various eyewitnesses, including Dorian Johnson, the thug with Brown when he died, dismissing all the evidence contrary to what really happened. When they couldn't find any peaceful protestors during the riots, they would cut to so called experts who would talk about things they obviously knew nothing about. Van Jones talked about "a few knuckleheads" destroying property, oblivious to the fact that there were an awful lot of "knuckleheads" that night who were behaving like vandals and Vikings. The press is still talking about what the eyewitnesses saw, as if that makes it real. Eyewitness testimony is and always has been terrible. People lie, make stuff up and even see things as they did not happen. The brains of most people are not tape recorders and the press is treating it all as if it was equal. In the long run, they are still behaving like Al Sharpton, saying they want peace but then doing everything they can to make sure that doesn't happen. Our press sucks and that is why they are douchebags of the week.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
10) I am thankful I do not live in Ferguson, have a business in Ferguson, or am the DA in Ferguson. That all sounds sucky. Time magazine actually had an article today that said sometimes we need riots, especially if the people are black. No you don't. And the Boston Tea Party wasn't a riot as the idiot writer went on to use in comparison, but a specific attack upon the government who they were becoming pissed at. Had Ferguson ransacked the courthouse that would have been one thing, but looting the local gas and sip is hardly a good analogy. Rioting solves nothing. Getting involved with your community is. The two are polar opposites and unless the black community realizes this and soon, nothing is ever going to get better. And that DA is such a tool. He caused all of this. This should have gone to trial in this first place like George Zimmerman, who faced very similar charges. Yes, you were going to lose if you tried to prosecute Wilson, but Justice would have been served and seen. All this secrecy, plus the verdict read while standing in a puddle of gasoline, didn't help.
9)I am thankful I have an awesome girlfriend whom I would like to marry one day. If I can ever raise enough money to do just that, it'll happen. At the rate the government is working toward that solution I think I should be married no later than 2024. Mazel Tov.
8)I am thankful to have a Japanese girlfriend and not live in Japan all the same. I love the Japanese people dearly but their country makes ours look functional. They have been in and out of recessions since the real estate collapse they suffered in 1990. Their economic solutions are a playbook from the GOP as they continue to try failed ideas that resemble trickle down economics in all its glory with the exact same predictable results. Their economy is in free fall and Abenomics is proving every bit as good as George W. Bush's. Their population is aging faster than they can keep up with and fewer people there are having children due to economic restraints that have been in place for a generation. Best off, half the country is an open air microwave oven as they still have dangerous radiation pouring from the Fukushima Nuke plant and which no one ever seems to talk about. This country is a blueprint for everything that is going to go wrong here or elsewhere on the planet. The mantra lately should be "Is Japan doing it? Then let's do something else."
7)I am thankful not to live in Africa. A collection of failed states, disease, corruption and poverty, these clowns make everyone else think," Sure am glad I don't live there," from the frozen wasteland of Siberia to the slums of Brazil to Detroit, everyone is happier not to live in Liberia. Anyone born into these societies must have been a real douchebag in some past life because a lot of that continent is hell of Earth. You have to feel bad for the few who live there who aren't corrupt, evil or stupid and they have to look around everyday and think, "I am surrounded by dorks." I feel the same way everytime I drive by a Taco Bell. Really, who is still eating that "food?"
6)I am thankful we have the best health care in the world. No? Second then? I see you shaking your head. Well thank God we are in third. Still nothing. Fifth? Tenth? It can't possibly be lower then twentieth? REALLY? Twenty fifth? Twenty Ninth? THIRTY? ARRGGHHH! Thirty fifth? Thirty Six? Thirty Seven? Thirty Seven, that's we are? WTF? We're between Slovenia and Costa Rico. But they don't have armies! Wait a minute. Could there be a correlation to the fact that we wildly overspend on military crap we do not even need and these countries instead said "Screw it?" What if we spent half on what we do on a military jobs program and gave that to health care instead? If we created price fixing so that we weren't getting the bejesus gorged out of the consumer and insurance companies? We could head into a new day of reasoning, understand and truth! NAAAAAA! (Thank you Steve Martin for that blatantly ripped off joke).
5)I am thankful I do not work for some jerk boss who micromanages every little thing and hovers over you constantly. I have had bosses like that, which sucked hard, and also appears to describe our President. Chuck Hagel is the fourth Secretary of Defense to quit under Obama, a record held since Truman. All paint Obama badly as a constant thorn in their side of getting everything done. So let me get this straight, Obama harangued the guy in charge of the Pentagon for the past six years, but couldn't be bothered to do anything with the health care web site disaster which he barely glanced at. Yeah, your priorities are perfect, Mr. President. (roll eyes and sigh here).
4)I am thankful I am not Bill Cosby, Stephen Collins or any moron picked up for kiddie porn. I don't cheat on my girl, I don't even fanaticize about underage girls or boys and most importantly, I do NOT DRUG AND RAPE WOMEN! How sad is it that the guy who played Cliff Huxtable turns out to be one of the most prolific serial rapists in American history? This ass needs to go away and anyone still going out to see this evil man is saying to everyone of his victims: "Yeah he may have slapped you with his big black cock, but he's really funny." The only thing funny about Cosby would be if each victim got to drug him and do to him what he did to them. His butthole should be the size of a manhole cover when they are done.
3)I am glad I am not a Republican. Sure the democrats had a terrible campaign and even worse candidates, but these douchebags aren't even in power and so far the House has passed a bill that would kick scientists off of science panels only to be replaced by industry lobbyists. The Keystone Pipeline is all they talk about, regardless of the fact that it has no economic benefit to the US and has no liability for the Canadian company when said spills occur. Hope you like our tax dollars going to aid foreign companies that the right constantly bitches about but are always behind it at the same time. There is going to be another commission looking into Benghazi because the 15 previous ones, costing 14 million dollars, just were not enough. They want to kill Obamacare but have no plan in place to replace it. They are actively talking about privatizing Social Security, which some like Jodi Ernst ran on and won somehow, and vouchering Medicare, which would put more costs on people who can least afford it. Yeah, these guys are awesome America.
2)I am thankful I do not have to leave the house today. Traffic yesterday broke records with the Mass Pike being backed up to Ireland. Today, we have heavy snow already falling and accumulating which of course as everyone knows, makes car travel so much more fun. Why worry just about the inattentive Mom I front of you when the 16 year old driving 90 behind you is so much more terrifying? And don't forget about the 88 year old next to you, driving on the highway because he got confused and now is stuck driving to Albany with his right blinker on, even though that would put him on the median. My buddy Darren is driving to NJ in this crap. The GWB should be the worst traffic anywhere today so I hope we likes long looks at the semis surrounding him and rusted steel because that will be his view until sometime tomorrow.
1)I am thankful to have this column and my regular readers who I hope to shine some light on dark subjects, to bring some humor to our dismal lives. If the world could learn to laugh about more things instead of immediately resorting to name calling and violence. well that would be great. It's not going to happen but I can dream. Happy Thanksgiving all. See you back here on Sunday.
9)I am thankful I have an awesome girlfriend whom I would like to marry one day. If I can ever raise enough money to do just that, it'll happen. At the rate the government is working toward that solution I think I should be married no later than 2024. Mazel Tov.
8)I am thankful to have a Japanese girlfriend and not live in Japan all the same. I love the Japanese people dearly but their country makes ours look functional. They have been in and out of recessions since the real estate collapse they suffered in 1990. Their economic solutions are a playbook from the GOP as they continue to try failed ideas that resemble trickle down economics in all its glory with the exact same predictable results. Their economy is in free fall and Abenomics is proving every bit as good as George W. Bush's. Their population is aging faster than they can keep up with and fewer people there are having children due to economic restraints that have been in place for a generation. Best off, half the country is an open air microwave oven as they still have dangerous radiation pouring from the Fukushima Nuke plant and which no one ever seems to talk about. This country is a blueprint for everything that is going to go wrong here or elsewhere on the planet. The mantra lately should be "Is Japan doing it? Then let's do something else."
7)I am thankful not to live in Africa. A collection of failed states, disease, corruption and poverty, these clowns make everyone else think," Sure am glad I don't live there," from the frozen wasteland of Siberia to the slums of Brazil to Detroit, everyone is happier not to live in Liberia. Anyone born into these societies must have been a real douchebag in some past life because a lot of that continent is hell of Earth. You have to feel bad for the few who live there who aren't corrupt, evil or stupid and they have to look around everyday and think, "I am surrounded by dorks." I feel the same way everytime I drive by a Taco Bell. Really, who is still eating that "food?"
6)I am thankful we have the best health care in the world. No? Second then? I see you shaking your head. Well thank God we are in third. Still nothing. Fifth? Tenth? It can't possibly be lower then twentieth? REALLY? Twenty fifth? Twenty Ninth? THIRTY? ARRGGHHH! Thirty fifth? Thirty Six? Thirty Seven? Thirty Seven, that's we are? WTF? We're between Slovenia and Costa Rico. But they don't have armies! Wait a minute. Could there be a correlation to the fact that we wildly overspend on military crap we do not even need and these countries instead said "Screw it?" What if we spent half on what we do on a military jobs program and gave that to health care instead? If we created price fixing so that we weren't getting the bejesus gorged out of the consumer and insurance companies? We could head into a new day of reasoning, understand and truth! NAAAAAA! (Thank you Steve Martin for that blatantly ripped off joke).
5)I am thankful I do not work for some jerk boss who micromanages every little thing and hovers over you constantly. I have had bosses like that, which sucked hard, and also appears to describe our President. Chuck Hagel is the fourth Secretary of Defense to quit under Obama, a record held since Truman. All paint Obama badly as a constant thorn in their side of getting everything done. So let me get this straight, Obama harangued the guy in charge of the Pentagon for the past six years, but couldn't be bothered to do anything with the health care web site disaster which he barely glanced at. Yeah, your priorities are perfect, Mr. President. (roll eyes and sigh here).
4)I am thankful I am not Bill Cosby, Stephen Collins or any moron picked up for kiddie porn. I don't cheat on my girl, I don't even fanaticize about underage girls or boys and most importantly, I do NOT DRUG AND RAPE WOMEN! How sad is it that the guy who played Cliff Huxtable turns out to be one of the most prolific serial rapists in American history? This ass needs to go away and anyone still going out to see this evil man is saying to everyone of his victims: "Yeah he may have slapped you with his big black cock, but he's really funny." The only thing funny about Cosby would be if each victim got to drug him and do to him what he did to them. His butthole should be the size of a manhole cover when they are done.
3)I am glad I am not a Republican. Sure the democrats had a terrible campaign and even worse candidates, but these douchebags aren't even in power and so far the House has passed a bill that would kick scientists off of science panels only to be replaced by industry lobbyists. The Keystone Pipeline is all they talk about, regardless of the fact that it has no economic benefit to the US and has no liability for the Canadian company when said spills occur. Hope you like our tax dollars going to aid foreign companies that the right constantly bitches about but are always behind it at the same time. There is going to be another commission looking into Benghazi because the 15 previous ones, costing 14 million dollars, just were not enough. They want to kill Obamacare but have no plan in place to replace it. They are actively talking about privatizing Social Security, which some like Jodi Ernst ran on and won somehow, and vouchering Medicare, which would put more costs on people who can least afford it. Yeah, these guys are awesome America.
2)I am thankful I do not have to leave the house today. Traffic yesterday broke records with the Mass Pike being backed up to Ireland. Today, we have heavy snow already falling and accumulating which of course as everyone knows, makes car travel so much more fun. Why worry just about the inattentive Mom I front of you when the 16 year old driving 90 behind you is so much more terrifying? And don't forget about the 88 year old next to you, driving on the highway because he got confused and now is stuck driving to Albany with his right blinker on, even though that would put him on the median. My buddy Darren is driving to NJ in this crap. The GWB should be the worst traffic anywhere today so I hope we likes long looks at the semis surrounding him and rusted steel because that will be his view until sometime tomorrow.
1)I am thankful to have this column and my regular readers who I hope to shine some light on dark subjects, to bring some humor to our dismal lives. If the world could learn to laugh about more things instead of immediately resorting to name calling and violence. well that would be great. It's not going to happen but I can dream. Happy Thanksgiving all. See you back here on Sunday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
It has been a sad 24 hours. The Ferguson DA proved what a tool he was with one awful decision after another. Black people are making themselves up to be such savages that white people's racism is growing exponentially. Black leaders look like ineffectual, anti-intellectual douchebags that would make MLK cry in comparison. And the Republicans, not even in power yet, are already heading up another Benghazi witch hunt and are resurrecting Paul Ryan's budget plan, which voters have consistently said they hate due to priorities such as a Medicare voucher system (which would destroy it), privatizing Social Security (which would bankrupt it) and are peddling trickle down economics as their answer to everything regardless of the fact that over thirty years of data proves it doesn't work. Has this country lost it's mind?
Let's start with an a easy target after yesterday: black people. These idiots apparently don't realize that reverse the color scheme, change the date to 1950 where say a black man shot a white cop, and you'd have the equivalent of a good old fashioned lunch mob. So the same exact people who bitch about a noose hanging in a Worcester Post Office (which is in supremely bad taste let me add) is the same group running down the street with said noose for Officer Wilson. WTF? Lynch mobs, regardless of race, have no place in this society. White people were horrified when this happened way back when which is why it doesn't happen anymore. Where is that same outrage from black people? I sure didn't see it from media hound Al Sharpton or a lethargic Jesse Jackson. I hope when each of these losers die, MLK is waiting for them and instead of handshake, he kicks them in the balls. He would be horrified what had become of his sucessors
I looked over all the evidence they gave and truth be told, Wilson's story is backed up by the forensic evidence. Three autopsies all said the same thing that Mike Brown attacked Wilson in his car (also backed up by at least eyewitnesses), and then for some inane reason ran back toward him linebacker style. And while there are some inconsistencies with Wilson's story as his injuries do not suggest a huge beating by a much larger man, there is no evidence that Wilson had his hands up and was surrendering when shot which many, many people wrongfully claimed to see.
This is telling as a vast majority of the black community here lied to police for whatever reason, legitimate or not. And the stats I have recently uncovered suggest that not only is white racism almost non-existent, it is exploding in black communities as far back as the beginning of the new century.
A scientific study from 2005 called The Color of Crime suggest these facts:
• Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty- five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely
The methods used in this study are scientifically sound and show that black people are more likely to commit crimes and their sentences are usually longer because they almost always have a longer criminal record. I will try to devote a column about this later but for now I have other fish to fry.
The DA for all of this did nothing to help the situation. He should have brought this to trial, even if he it was a certain loser. Doing all of this behind closed doors in the equivalent of a secret trial was going to blow up in his face and it did. And why on God's green Earth do you wait until 8 at night to tell people about a verdict that was almost certainly going to explode in a rage of hostility? Do something like this a 5 in the morning when everyone's sleeping and by the time they get up, cops are waiting. Instead DA Dumbass wanted prime time coverage, screwing up everyone's shows last night as a bonus, and proceeded to make Wilson look like the hero and Brown to be a scumbag. Yeah, that'll make the crowd outside happy.
This is from Fivethirtyeight.com:
Former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” The data suggests he was barely exaggerating: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them.
If the prosecutor wants an indictment and doesn’t get one, something has gone horribly wrong,” said Andrew D. Leipold, a University of Illinois law professor who has written critically about grand juries. “It just doesn’t happen.”
Let's start with an a easy target after yesterday: black people. These idiots apparently don't realize that reverse the color scheme, change the date to 1950 where say a black man shot a white cop, and you'd have the equivalent of a good old fashioned lunch mob. So the same exact people who bitch about a noose hanging in a Worcester Post Office (which is in supremely bad taste let me add) is the same group running down the street with said noose for Officer Wilson. WTF? Lynch mobs, regardless of race, have no place in this society. White people were horrified when this happened way back when which is why it doesn't happen anymore. Where is that same outrage from black people? I sure didn't see it from media hound Al Sharpton or a lethargic Jesse Jackson. I hope when each of these losers die, MLK is waiting for them and instead of handshake, he kicks them in the balls. He would be horrified what had become of his sucessors
I looked over all the evidence they gave and truth be told, Wilson's story is backed up by the forensic evidence. Three autopsies all said the same thing that Mike Brown attacked Wilson in his car (also backed up by at least eyewitnesses), and then for some inane reason ran back toward him linebacker style. And while there are some inconsistencies with Wilson's story as his injuries do not suggest a huge beating by a much larger man, there is no evidence that Wilson had his hands up and was surrendering when shot which many, many people wrongfully claimed to see.
This is telling as a vast majority of the black community here lied to police for whatever reason, legitimate or not. And the stats I have recently uncovered suggest that not only is white racism almost non-existent, it is exploding in black communities as far back as the beginning of the new century.
A scientific study from 2005 called The Color of Crime suggest these facts:
• Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty- five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely
The methods used in this study are scientifically sound and show that black people are more likely to commit crimes and their sentences are usually longer because they almost always have a longer criminal record. I will try to devote a column about this later but for now I have other fish to fry.
The DA for all of this did nothing to help the situation. He should have brought this to trial, even if he it was a certain loser. Doing all of this behind closed doors in the equivalent of a secret trial was going to blow up in his face and it did. And why on God's green Earth do you wait until 8 at night to tell people about a verdict that was almost certainly going to explode in a rage of hostility? Do something like this a 5 in the morning when everyone's sleeping and by the time they get up, cops are waiting. Instead DA Dumbass wanted prime time coverage, screwing up everyone's shows last night as a bonus, and proceeded to make Wilson look like the hero and Brown to be a scumbag. Yeah, that'll make the crowd outside happy.
This is from Fivethirtyeight.com:
Former New York state Chief Judge Sol Wachtler famously remarked that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich.” The data suggests he was barely exaggerating: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them.
If the prosecutor wants an indictment and doesn’t get one, something has gone horribly wrong,” said Andrew D. Leipold, a University of Illinois law professor who has written critically about grand juries. “It just doesn’t happen.”
Cases involving police shootings, however, appear to be an exception. As my colleague Reuben Fischer-Baum has written, we don’t have good data on officer-involved killings. But newspaper accounts suggest, grand juries frequently decline to indict law-enforcement officials. A recent Houston Chronicle investigation found that “police have been nearly immune from criminal charges in shootings” in Houston and other large cities in recent years. In Harris County, Texas, for example, grand juries haven’t indicted a Houston police officer since 2004; in Dallas, grand juries reviewed 81 shootings between 2008 and 2012 and returned just one indictment. Separate research by Bowling Green State University criminologist Philip Stinson has found that officers are rarely charged in on-duty killings, although it didn’t look at grand jury indictments specifically.
There are at least three possible explanations as to why grand juries are so much less likely to indict police officers. The first is juror bias: Perhaps jurors tend to trust police officer and believe their decisions to use violence are justified, even when the evidence says otherwise. The second is prosecutorial bias: Perhaps prosecutors, who depend on police as they work on criminal cases, tend to present a less compelling case against officers, whether consciously or unconsciously.
The third possible explanation is more benign. Ordinarily, prosecutors only bring a case if they think they can get an indictment. But in high-profile cases such as police shootings, they may feel public pressure to bring charges even if they think they have a weak case.
“The prosecutor in this case didn’t really have a choice about whether he would bring this to a grand jury,” Ben Trachtenberg, a University of Missouri law professor, said of the Brown case. “It’s almost impossible to imagine a prosecutor saying the evidence is so scanty that I’m not even going to bring this before a grand jury.”
What the DA here did have a choice over was when to release the information which was at the worst possible moment. This guy's an ass and deserves to be kicked out of office stat.
Then we have the Republicans who are clamoring for the Keystone Pipeline which will do absolutely nothing, are still screaming about Benghazi even though there is no proof of any wrongdoing (think lynch mob here again) and whose economic policies they keep trotting out are the exact same crap they have peddled for decades now with predictable, terrible results. And some of you out there voted for this crap? Democrats may have run a piss poor campaign, but believing anything the GOP says is equally stupid.
Maybe we should just elect people by random drawing because elections are killing us. Stop believing stupid shit. Global warming is real and can be seen with the naked eye in places like Glacier National Park which will soon have no glaciers. Black people commit more crimes than white people. Bill Cosby got away with raping women for so long by playing the race card. No more alright. And Republicans are the stupidest fuckers on the face of this Earth. Once we accept these truths to be self evident, maybe we can finally start moving forward with some real solutions.
Monday, November 24, 2014
There has been a parade of stupid this past week from across the planet. Some super douchebag decided to carve his initials in the Coliseum in Rome for which he was hit with a 20,000 Euro fine, which is just under $25,000 US. Thank God he was from Russia and not here. Surprisingly, this is not the first time this has happened this year. Five others have been stopped by police for vandalizing the historic ruin, some Aussie moron and his child, a teenagers from Brazil and Canada. Considering six million visit each year (I've been there years ago when the whole structure was infested with cats), that's not bad, and then fact that no morons from the US is stunning as we seem to be some of the dumbest people on Earth, after Russia, it seems lately.
The ass above who carved the letter K, allegedly for the Greek form of Christ, into a stone wall is being hailed as a hero by Christians who see no problem in defacing a protected site to preach the word of their imaginary God. Mind you, I believe in a God of sorts, just not this Zeus-like deity that everyone still thinks is real. It's a terribly unevolved view which proves we have not moved that far from the monkeys we are literally descendants of and something they throw their poo at the notion of.
There was a great, movie action scene in Russia recently when a security camera caught one guy be taken on by ten thugs who were harassing him and his girlfriend. What dumbasses didn't know was that the guy they were picking on was a world class boxer and martial artist. The two biggest came for him and he knocked them both out with one punch. A third unwisely came to help and he got staggered too. The others decided to stop as they didn't feel like going to the doctor's with a guaranteed concussion. The fact he hit each guy ONCE, before their hit the pavement hard, is telling. Never attack anyone you don't know. He may be a WAY better fighter than you, or even armed. Never fight unless you have no alternative, unless you want to wind up like these three losers.
Speaking of losers, will somebody please tell me why Lindsay Graham keeps winning elections? Are you seriously that stupid to not see what a top shelf idiot this asshole is? We are 14 million dollars and 15 commissions into the non-event called Benghazi, which should be the poster child for government waste. The latest GOP run study that looked at everything for two years, came to the exact same conclusion the previous 14 did and said absolutely nothing happened. I'll say it for the cheap seats: THERE IS NO FUCKING COVER-UP. God, it's like listening to birther nonsense or idiots who say we never went to the moon. ENOUGH! I know facts are hard to swallow when they disagree with your limited world view but for fuck's sake, grow up people.
This is from CNN:
The ass above who carved the letter K, allegedly for the Greek form of Christ, into a stone wall is being hailed as a hero by Christians who see no problem in defacing a protected site to preach the word of their imaginary God. Mind you, I believe in a God of sorts, just not this Zeus-like deity that everyone still thinks is real. It's a terribly unevolved view which proves we have not moved that far from the monkeys we are literally descendants of and something they throw their poo at the notion of.
There was a great, movie action scene in Russia recently when a security camera caught one guy be taken on by ten thugs who were harassing him and his girlfriend. What dumbasses didn't know was that the guy they were picking on was a world class boxer and martial artist. The two biggest came for him and he knocked them both out with one punch. A third unwisely came to help and he got staggered too. The others decided to stop as they didn't feel like going to the doctor's with a guaranteed concussion. The fact he hit each guy ONCE, before their hit the pavement hard, is telling. Never attack anyone you don't know. He may be a WAY better fighter than you, or even armed. Never fight unless you have no alternative, unless you want to wind up like these three losers.
Speaking of losers, will somebody please tell me why Lindsay Graham keeps winning elections? Are you seriously that stupid to not see what a top shelf idiot this asshole is? We are 14 million dollars and 15 commissions into the non-event called Benghazi, which should be the poster child for government waste. The latest GOP run study that looked at everything for two years, came to the exact same conclusion the previous 14 did and said absolutely nothing happened. I'll say it for the cheap seats: THERE IS NO FUCKING COVER-UP. God, it's like listening to birther nonsense or idiots who say we never went to the moon. ENOUGH! I know facts are hard to swallow when they disagree with your limited world view but for fuck's sake, grow up people.
This is from CNN:
"I think the report is full of crap," Graham told Gloria Borger on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday.
"I don't believe that the report is accurate, given the role that Mike Morell (deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time) played in misleading the Congress on two different occasions. Why didn't the report say that?"
"That's a bunch of garbage," Graham said. "That's a complete bunch of garbage."
The investigation also found the security at the diplomatic outpost was weak and also described a "flawed" process used to create talking points for House members and for then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, whose public statements after the attack incensed critics who said the administration was trying to avoid calling the attack terrorism.
So according to the report written by the GOP, Susan Rice did nothing wrong, actually blaming the CIA for conflicting data. So how did Graham respond:
"When Susan Rice was on television after the attack, she said on three different occasions the consulate was strongly, and significantly secure," Graham said. "Nothing could be further than that from the truth, and there's nothing in the talking points about the level of security."
To conclude, Graham says the findings of the report prove the House Intelligence Committee "is doing a lousy job policing their own."
"Anybody who has followed Benghazi at all knows that the CIA deputy director did not come forward to tell Congress what role he played in changing the talking points and the only way we knew he was involved is when he told a representative at the White House," Graham said.
Asked why the Republican chairman of the Intelligence Committee would be "buying a bunch of garbage," Graham simply replied, "good question."
Graham said he is going to take another look at the findings of the report.
"I'm going to do a hard review of this."
Fuck me! How hard is it for this moron to accept the truth? This is the very definition of insanity. "Well the facts contradict my world view, and as there can be no possible way I am wrong, those facts are obviously wrong instead and my delusions are real," said every schizophrenic ever and Lindsay Graham.
The only way this jerk would ever accept reality would be to build a time machine and drop his sorry ass into the middle of Benghazi mid-attack. I give his pansy ass seconds before he wets himself and accidently dies in some stupid fashion. Even then, I am sure he still find something to nitpick Obama about.
Benghazi is over. IT'S OVER!
Lastly, we have Ferguson which according to CNN, and at this point only CNN so take that will a grain of salt, the grand jury's decision will be announced today making tomorrow's topic a given. This whole thing has been one giant clusterfuck from start to finish. I know I am swearing a lot today but if there was ever a reason to swear, today would be it.
Think how this story is bad from start to finish. A black, racist who was unarmed gets shot by a white cop and because of a lack of cameras, we have a he said/he said story which is pitting cops versus the community. From there we had Captain McDouchebag who sent his poorly trained cops in their best soldier uniform where they proceed to act like some kind of retarded, fascist stormtroopers, further making things worse when riots broke out. Instead of doing the sensible thing and arrest Wilson, they decided to hold a secret grand jury, run by a prosecutor whose father was killed in the line of duty by a black guy. Nothing spells trust like a trial held totally behind closed doors while a guy with an axe to grind is in charge. What could possibly go wrong?
It hasn't helped that this has dragged on forever and the longer this goes on, the madder people are going to get. People have been on edge since last Friday and all this week and now here we are Thanksgiving week with a solid chance or riots and even a race war, depending where black people decide to riot. Go to the wrong neighborhood and police will be the least of their worries. Much as white people are unlikely to go Frog Hollow in Hartford after dark, black people may be similarly unwelcome in some redneck areas as well. This could end very badly which I am so hoping it doesn't. Violence will be the WORST idea for this as it will drive blacks and whites even further apart which may be what the elites have wanted all along. I have several black friends who live in crappy neighborhoods and they are not getting any better. Income inequality is affecting us all. If we could work together, maybe, just maybe, we could get somewhere. But I have a feeling after tonight, we will be as close as the democrats and the republicans.
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