President Obama- No one has benefited from this storm more than than Obama. His approval rating on handling the storm currently sits around 90%. He cut red tape and bureaucracy to get much needed aid to the hardest hit areas, suspended campaigning to do his job and, well, looked presidential. Plus, with the media coverage all centered on the East Coast's Katrina-like fallout, Obama has knocked all messaging by the GOP off the air, especially almost anything concerning Romney. With the election a week away, this crisis couldn't have been better handled and Obama is sure to ride a wave of support into next Tuesday.
Chris Christie-Wisely putting politics aside, Christie has done a very good job handling the crisis as well. The cynic in me says this is all political posturing for the 2016 Presidential elections but, having watched him over the past few days, I am not so sure any more. He has given the president the kind words he deserves, bitch slapped the retards at Fox and Friends when he was on for inserting questions about Romney into the segment which he wanted none of, and has done a good job dealing with the major problems his state has. If only we could get him to lose a few hundred pounds.
New York Residents- For all the bull about New York City filled with angry idiots with no community spirit, the exact opposite seems to be true. As it happened before during the great blackout a few years back, people were basically nice and helpful to one another, especially in Queens where over 100 homes burned to the ground. Crime hasn't exploded, rape isn't being used as a currency, and godless liberals aren't burning babies for fuel. As a matter of fact, it's been relatively peaceful considering. As someone who lived just outside the city for years, I can tell you NYC is a great place full of fine people, great food and some of the best museums on Earth.
The Media- For once, I found media coverage of the storm, helpful, informative and necessary. Michael Moore was on Piers Morgan last night and criticized the coverage for having reporters risk their lives and not talking about the fire storm in Queens when it first occurred. Morgan countered that the coverage may have saved lives for people who may have been debating going out into the maelstrom and there was no way to even know Queens was on fire considering the conditions. Moore had to reluctantly agree on some points. We need this kind of coverage on ALL topics, especially from the worthless CNN.
Anyone without power- Yes the lights don't work and the fridge is starting to stink, but on the plus side these people don't have to sit and watch countless political ads, answer yet another robo call from candidate x or throw away the umpteenth flyer calling whoever a demon from hell bent on taking away your Social Security, Medicare and first born child. That is real bliss.
FEMA- For what the GOP has called a "poorly run" organization, they have gotten high marks for how things have been handled. Romney, during the nomination debates, said he would like to privatize FEMA so it could be run better. Maybe hiring people who know what they are doing, rather than Bush's cronies with no experience, is the way to handle it instead.
Mitt Romney- This storm might as well have landed on his campaign headquarters and razed it to the ground for all the good it has done him. The storm has elevated Obama's stature, diminished Romney something fierce and worst of all, knocked him off the airwaves at a time he needs it most. Poll numbers show a move toward Obama and the current storm doesn't even factor in yet. He was forced to cancel campaign events in key states like Ohio, NC and Virginia. He had to end fundraising in most coastal states. And worst of all, he suffered from a photo op going very wrong. It turns out the charity drive he organized in Ohio was nothing more than a barely disguised campaign stop. While in Kittering, Ohio, people were told to go around back, pick up some of the 5k worth of goods and then "donate" it to Romney while photos were being taken. While the whole thing was going, a movie of Romney's life was playing in the background which he says was on by mistake. The only mistake would be voting this asshole into office.
People who didn't evacuate- What type of stupidity exists in a post Katrina world where we have seen, with our own eyes, thousands of people die by not heeding warning to leave? The mayor of Atlantic City overruled Christie in ordering an evacuation which brought heated words from both. Christie called the man a fool and the mayor responded that he thought Christie shouldn't be playing politics, which he, for once, wasn't. This ass should be out on his butt come next election cycle, much like the mayor of New Orleans was after his mishandling of the crisis in 2005. Plus, there are pictures of long lines of people getting gas for their cars or generators. Why wouldn't you do that BEFORE HAND? Gas isn't soda and has a shelf life of six months so wouldn't you stockpile some before a major disaster? Not these idiots who then had to wait hours to do just that. Look, if a major storm is coming to the coast where you live, leave. If not, write your SS number on your arm in irremovable ink so we can identify your body when it washes up on shore.
Fox and Friends- Let alone that these three are the stupidest people on the planet, it was HILARIOUS to watch the interview with Chris Christie the other day. Steve "Douchey" (a man I think may be dumber than dirt) actually asked the NJ governor if Romney would be coming to the state to help. An exhausted Christie responded how most of would; by slamming the three tards that he couldn't care less about politics or a Romney visit at this moment. The stunned look on their faces were priceless. Christie has gone from a pit bull against the president to lapdog. This will have an effect on the election.
Red Cross- While FEMA has gotten high marks, not so much can be said for this private charity organization. The Borough president of Staten Island, James Molinaro, has called the group an "absolute disgrace," for their handling of the crisis. Here's what he had to say:
“You know, I went to a shelter Monday night after the storm. People were coming in with no socks, with no shoes. They were in desperate need. Their housing was destroyed. They were crying. Where was the Red Cross? Isn’t that their function? They collect millions of dollars. Whenever there’s a drive in Staten Island, we give openly and honestly. Where are they? Where are they? I was at the South Shore yesterday, people were buried in their homes. There the dogs are trying to find bodies. The people there, the neighbors who had no electricity, were making soup. Making soup. It’s very emotional because the lack of a response. The lack of a response. They’re supposed to be here….They should be on the front lines fighting, and helping the people.”
So let's review. FEMA, the government group, gets high marks for everything done. The Red Cross, a private organization, is getting slammed for not doing their job. Yet the GOP wants to privatize everything, something that will be an absolute disaster as just about everything EVER privatized or deregulated has never worked like they said it would. We saw that in CT when disgraced douchebag John Rowland privatized the emission testing for "fraud" that wasn't occurring. The end result was years of delays, millions of dollars lost and a system now that barely works. That is what privatization gets you. Fear it.
Michael Brown- Yes that's the same "Heck of a job Brownie" from the Katrina mess. You know the guy who had years of disaster experience, countless hours of community service and worked as a firefighter and EMT. Oh wait a minute, that's the current head of FEMA, William Craig Furgate. Brown was a lawyer, disgraced head of the International Arabian Horse Association who was forced out for numerous lawsuits filed against him and then head of FEMA because nothing says disaster preparedness than horse training, disgraced lawyer and douchebag. Brown was back in the news saying the President moved "too quickly" in storm preparedness, or the exact opposite of everything Bush and Brown did. What next Brown? Want to give advice to Tom Brady in Sunday's game too? How about telling Stephen King what book to write next? Brown giving anyone advice on FEMA is the equivalent of me giving beauty tips to a fourteen year old girl. GO AWAY DOUCHEBAG.
How all this will affect the election is anyone's guess but with Mitt Romney, Michael Brown and Fox and Friends screwing themselves blue, next Tuesday may not be so close after all.
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