Fox News is STILL on Benghazi to such an extent that it is like listening to a broken record from an album you really hate. John McCain and others are digging in their heels to eliminate Susan Rice from any position the White House wants her for, a method that is not wildly popular even among other Republicans or the public. As if all that wasn't enough, a lot of top Republicans and moving away from their no tax pledge causing Grover Norquest a "panties in a bunch" moment. Others are still making their pledge an unbreakable one, but as polls show a vast majority of the country want our politicians to be more compromising in Congress, this scorched earth policy will kill them in the next elections.
Talk about becoming a laughing stock. Fox News is such a parody of it itself now is is really hard to watch anymore. Turn on the channel, any time day or night and count how many seconds until Benghazi is brought up. Trust me, it'll happen a lot quicker than you think. Could make a fun drinking game. Every time Benghazi is mentioned, take a drink. You'll be hammered in minutes though.
And Fox's partisanship is no longer even being hidden. On a recent news segment, Thomas Ricks was being interviewed by newscaster Jon Scott. Ricks was a defense reporter and had won the Pulitzer for his work. Ricks said this about McCain: “Benghazi generally was hyped by this network especially. And now that the campaign is over, I think he’s backing off a little bit. They’re not going to stop Susan Rice from being secretary of state.”
Scott went on to complain that that was unfair and that Benghazi was more than just "hype." Ricks replied: “I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox was operating as a wing of the Republican Party.” And that was that, interview over.
Way to engage in a meaningful debate Fox. You got blitzed and the only way you could respond was hanging up on him. It's like Fox News is some fundamentalist religious nut bag who will NOT hear anything that disagrees with his world view. "LALALALA, Benghazi is all Obama's fault, LALALALA, I am not listening, LALALA," is all they hear.
Ricks also makes another good point. If Obama wants Susan Rice to be Secretary State, McCain can jump up an down until his face turns blue because, most likely, they have the necessary votes to get her confirmed. Traditional allies like Joe Lieberman has said he sees nothing wrong with her nomination. Here's what he had to say:
"As I look at what we now know the intelligence community was saying that week -- and I look at Ambassador Rice's statements on television on the following Sunday morning, I don't find anything inconsistent between those two.
But, I must tell you that I think we are focusing on questions that are not insignificant but they are not the most significant. Of course, there was a terrorist attack. Whether or not there was a protest before it is interesting, but not that critical to me. There was a terrorist attack and the question is: who did it?"
Even worse for people like McCain, Lindsey Graham, and newcomer Kelly Ayotte tying her cart to a dying horse, is the fact that they are the only people making a real case for this. 97 other Representatives sent in letters to Obama voicing their opposition which is essentially meaningless as the House does not decide nominations. Word behind closed doors is that this is a fight a lot of Republicans don't want to fight.and that her nomination is all but assured if Obama wants it.
The GOP is beat up black and blue but you wouldn't know listening to people like Sean Hannity or Reince Priebus, a name so awful you have to imagine he got the crap beat out of him every day in school for having the gaul to possess it. They say everything is fine in their party and the democrats are only one election away from defeat. Unfortunately, here on planet Earth, the opposite is true.
A recent poll done by CNN said that a huge majority want compromise and, an even bigger majority, will blame the GOP if nothing happens and we sail over that fiscal cliff. It is exactly these numbers are are scaring the smarter House Republicans into saying they are open to tax hikes on the rich. Party leaders like Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss and, most surprisingly, Lindesy Graham have all singled they are open to discussions as long as entitlements are also on the table, a wise move from a party that seems to have few and far between moments. Mind you, any talks with the GOP is fraught with danger as many of them can't tie their own shoes without help.
If the GOP fails to do anything, most of the American people are going to blame them and Grover Norquest. I can imagine if the economy falls apart at the seams as they bitch about how much more money rich people can steal from us, Grover and his like are going to get run of Dodge on a rail. Watching him spit nails lately as he throws venom on those who dare to oppose him is a fun show in and of itself. It the signs of a drowning man, splashing helplessly as his ideas die around him. Your time has come and gone Grover. Deal.
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