1)Rudy Giuliani- Prior to the election, Ex-mayor Douchey was slamming the President on Benghazi, FEMA responses to Hurricane Sandy and whatever other nonsense he could dredge up to swing the election. Didn't quite work out there did it? Now that Obama is back in the driver's seat, he is still hammering him on Libya which, according to polls, nobody cares about. Somebody needs to give this guy an information enema already.
2)James Washington- Here is a helpful story for all of you out there who have done something really terrible in their life like rape, murder, or regularly watching Honey Boo Boo. Mr Washington was having a heart attack and, thinking that he was dying, told the police officer at the scene that he had killed a girl some years ago in Tennessee. Funny thing, he survived and got 51 years for the crime. No one can tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor.
3)David Petraeus/ Paula Broadwell- This was a guy being groomed by the GOP for a presidential run in 2016 and Broadwell for a Senate seat. Oops. Turns out he cheated on his wife with at least one other person, which would be his biographer who just published the worst titled book ever: All In. Not to mention the fact that why would anyone read this book and not the one AFTER all of this has happened. It would be like reading Harry Potter and it ends when he gets on the train to Hogwarts. Turns out Paula is married too which makes her quite the whore as well. Their careers are done. Congrats. All this occurred because Broadwell started acting all Mean Girl and sent threatening emails to her rival Jill Kelley. Which of course leads to....
4)Jill Kelley/John Allen- This Tampa "Socialite" makes Broadwell look like a nun. After complaining to her FBI friend, Frederick Humphries II (more on him later) about threatening emails, he went to Dave Reichart, R-Wash who then brought it to the attention of Eric Cantor, R-VA. From here it went nowhere, which is odd because all we keep hearing about is Obama when it is the Republicans who sat on this story. When the emails were being looked at, Jill Kelley, possibly the dumbest female on the earth, didn't realize that ALL of her emails were going to be searched and the FBI came across 30,000 messages to General John Allen which some read, according to people who saw them, "like phone sex." She has also been tied to a fake charity scam that rich people use as a way to throw lavish parties, called 911 claiming diplomatic immunity she doesn't have, and basically behaved like a reality star. Her twin sister seems to have similar problems with honesty and reality as she lost custody of her child after accusing her ex of abuse that the judge found impossible to believe. Both Petraeus and Allen had both written letters of support for Kelley's sister which makes one wonder what she did to get them to sign away their reputation. I am guessing a blowie at least during some party she was throwing, if not something much more intimate. This woman is a terrible human being and it is refreshing to see all this blow up in rich people's faces for once.
5)Fred Humphries II- This FBI's career also hit the burner when shirtless photos cropped up during the whole Jill Kelley investigation. He said it was a joke photo but, as you can see from Mr. No Nipples, that isn't any better an explanation. He was removed from the case after higher ups thought he was becoming obsessed with Kelley. Oddly enough, Kelley, Humphries, Allen, Broadwell, Petraeus, Reichart and Cantor are all die hard Republicans. So who is to blame for all of this according to Fox News? Obama. Please.
6)Fox News- This network is now the laughing stock of the world. With their asinine predictions of the election provably wrong, they are STILL harping on Benghazi to such an extent that is playing like a bad SNL sketch. Fox and Friends is a parody of itself, Hannity has become unhinged in his delusional GOP only statements, and Bill O'Reilly thanks the GOP lost because "people want stuff." You know what we don't want? Any more books from the loony right.
7)Mitt Romney- Having not learned his lesson from the whole 47% debacle, Robo-Mitt got caught on tape AGAIN saying the only reason he lost was Obama was giving "gifts" to black people, young people and women. He seems to forget that he was offering gifts too to rich people like lower taxes, less regulation and an expansion of right to work laws. Everyone promises gifts to someone during elections as that's how you get elected. You would have though that after running for President for seven years you'd have gotten the memo on that tidbit. The GOP has distanced themselves from Romney so fast and so far that he might as well be in China right now. This guy is done.
8)John McCain/Lindsey Graham- These two have been making the crazy statements tour against Susan Rice, which they are trying unsuccessfully to demonize as the face of Obama's incompetence with Benghazi. This has eared them the wrath of the GOP who have been very vocal in telling them to shut the hell up. Graham seems to have gotten the hint as he criticized Romney for "digging a deeper hole," in his comment about his loss and has slunk back into his hole. McCain, on the other hand, has still gone with the full court press on this non-story, most likely still smarting from the brutal defeat he got from Obama four years ago. Trust me, McCain knows how Romney feels. And like Romney, he doesn't know when to shut up.
9)Patrice Wilson- This "singer/songwriter" was responsible for giving us Rebecca Black and her insipid song "Friday." Now had this young girl written the song herself, I would be a lot less critical. When an adult writes something this stupid, it's unbearable. Now comes a new song from Wilson and Nicole Westbrook, "It's Thanksgiving," which is terrible, terrible, terrible. His company PMW Live is putting more and more small children into the spotlight by having rich parents fork over money so their spoiled children can get famous. This is a clear sign of the end of everything. PLEASE STOP.
10)Any store opening early on Thanksgiving- Walmart, Target, Kmart and Toys R Us are just a few of the stores opening at nine PM (Although not in some states like MA due to blue laws) on Thanksgiving. This is wrong. Can we have one freaking day with out families without corporate douchebags demanding more and more from it's slave labor work force? Walmart employees are not happy, even though Walmart spokespeople say the opposite, and a walkout is scheduled in several major cities on Friday. Some, like myself, are asking people to boycott these companies as a sign that we are not sheep and their workers deserve a day off. Please join me in NOT shopping on Black Friday this year. But most of you will ignore that to get that 50" plasma TV for a hundred bucks. Sucker.
11)Hamas- These fuckwads are getting innocent people killed and then are blaming the Israelis for having the gaul to fight back. Regardless of what people think, Isreal is not going anywhere. The historical aspects are all well and good, but the simple fact is is that the Jews are not leaving anymore than white people are likely to give back this country to the Native Americans. It is not going to happen. So that aside, Israel is going to fight back when missiles start raining down on them and if Hamas wasn't putting their launches in schoolyards, innocent people would not be dying. Hopefully this will de-escalate soon, but I see no possibility of that right now. Pray Egypt decides not to get involved.
12)MSM- All press has been bad this week. No talk at all about how unions are being decimated, how corporations are beating us blue, just Real Housewives of the Pentagon, Israel killing civilians and other nonsense. These guys suck at their job.
13)Greg Rayburn- This asshole pulled a Bain Capital on Hostess where he came in less than a year ago, gave himself and top executives HUGE pay raises and then told the average worker they had to take a pay cut. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Rather than give up his lavish wages, he liquidated the company and sent Twinkies to the dust bin of history. Mind you, the death of the Twinkie has been exaggerated as at least seven companies are looking at buying the brand for as little as $158 million. The news media and the rabid Teatards out there have trolled the net bitching about "greedy" unions for the death of Hostess while failing to mention it was mismanagement, giant pay raises and corporate greed that killed the business, not the unions. Why should the average worker work for less when the CEO is getting a mammoth raise? Even though they lost their jobs, better to do that than accept slavery as your alternative. Remember the quote here: "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees." I support the union telling them company to drop dead. They plan to sue and, according to several lawyers I have talked with, have a solid case. As long as we as a people keep accepting these austerity measures while the 1% goes on a free for all, we are going to be REAL slaves soon. The middle class needs a raise. Start demanding them because, contrary to what the media and the CEO's are telling you, they can afford it. Most corporations are sitting on billions upon billions in money they are not using. The excuse is Obamacare but the real reason is stock profits and padding their own wallets. This needs to stop by any means necessary at this point. So congratulations Greg Rayburn you are indeed douchebag of the week.
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