Barack Obama has been re-elected the 44th President of the United States. This was never in much doubt no matter what talking head you were listening to. I would look to point out that anyone who read this site over the last two years was smarter than anyone else out there. The reason for this being, as my posts will demonstrate, I was right about almost every single thing that happened in this election. I told you that Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee when the weeding out process first started. I told you Paul Ryan would be the VP. I called the election right after he was picked as there was no way these two had any chance of winning. I called the polls as being more right wing than left as voting trends showed. I got 49 out of 50 states right (the only one still up in the air as of this writing is FL) and that was the one state I said could go either way. And I got all of these right months before anyone else.
How could everyone have been so wrong? Easy. Most people were lying to you. The Republicans were lying to everyone, even themselves, about the viability of Mitt Romney. The press were selling you a horse race that was long over to pump up ratings. The democrats were trying to make it look close so people would still show up in the polls and keep the Senate in their hands. And pundits like Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove are cheerleading morons who haven't got the message that the party is long over and are way overstaying their welcome. These two assholes were the anti-me and were wrong about EVERYTHING they said would happen. Yet, they will still make millions peddling their snake oil while I toil away in obscurity due to the fact that there are way too many stupid people out there.
These are the people that re-elected idiots like Steve King and Michelle Bachmann. WHY? Is their insanity not enough of a reason to get them the hell out of office? The Murphy-West race is still too close to call but it looks like West is getting the heave ho so a plus there for the people of FL, which are becoming more democratic than Republican. This is terrible news for the now dead GOP which has lost a record number of presidential elections now. Since 1928, no Republican has won without a Bush or Nixon on the ticket. Expect Jeb Bush in 2016.
A quick word about the coverage last night. Hands down, the best channel to watch last night was Fox News which I can't believe either. Not only did they have a ticker at the bottom which told you the stats on EVERY race in the country, they were very good at calling the states earlier than just about everyone else. Plus, one had the added bonus of watching the right wing pundits try desperately, and I do mean DESPERATELY TRY, to spin the numbers their way. After Ohio was called by Fox, Karl Rove had a tourettes moments when he began regurgitating numbers that made NO sense to anyone there, causing Megan Kelly to even question his reasoning. As the night went on, it was clear to everyone, even Karl Rove, that it was over.
It took Fox News less than an hour after Obama's acceptance speech to start slamming him about Hurricane Sandy. Unbelievable. In the segment, they blamed Obama for the power not being on yet in parts of NJ and NY like he had anything to do with that. Wouldn't that fall more onto the states and their governors, one of which is a Republican? And I don't remember you attacking Bush for Katrina which was far worse of a response? Hypocrites.
As I was switching channels last night like an spastic monkey, I found NBC news had the best in-depth coverage overall, pulling apart the numbers in a way that everyone could understand, unless you were Dick Morris or Karl Rove. CNN and MSNBC had their moments while CBS and ABC were near unwatchable. The power even went out in the ABC studios at one point which may have been God telling them something.
The numbers say one very loud message to the GOP: YOU ARE SO SCREWED. The demographics in this country are changing and appealing to racist, old rich white guys is a dying strategy. Florida is becoming more democratic as your fan base is dying out in record numbers. And, quite literally, everyone else in this country isn't as right wing as Fox News and the like would like to believe and the sheer number of people voting proves it. We kept hearing about how democrats were not as enthusiastic as the Republicans, which was the exact opposite that I found talking with people across the country. My Republicans friends were very MEH on Romney while others, who may not be the biggest Obama supporters, liked him a lot more than his opponent and the GOP ass backward ways.
Add to that the fact that Republicans had the single worst month in election history in October. In a span of just a few weeks before the election, Romney got schooled in two debates, Richard Mourdock screamed RAPE!!!! which the voters did just that to him, Sarah Palin used the words "shuck and jive," and John Sununu called Colin Powel an "Uncle Tom." That is a lot of garbage to have to deal with, especially when a viral video goes wide of Meatloaf standing next to Romney while he suffers some sort of musical seizure. And if all that wasn't bad enough, then came Hurricane Sandy. Not only did it knock Romney off the air for five days, it made Obama like presidential and capable of working across the aisle. Christie praising the president certainly didn't help their cause any either.
In the Senate, my girl Elizabeth Warren is a MA senator come January. When announced that Brown lost, Fox news tore into him quicker than that two year old who fell into the wild dog pit in Pittsburgh (too soon?). They called his campaign "juvenile," and "nasty." They also correctly said that by going after Warren as a professor or an "elitist," that we here in a state filled with bitter but intelligent people, wouldn't see that as a fault. Brown served less than two years as a Senator. Good riddance. Warren could be a hope for us all as I truly believe she will do her best to make this country a better place and there are far too few people, Obama included, that I think are like her.
Linda McMahan spent $100 million of her own money and still lost. Badly. Akin and Mourdock took sure fire wins and then opened their mouths and got creamed. A house race in this state was STILL held by a democrat whose wife and brother went to jail for operating an illegal gambling ring out of his house. The other guy, Richard Tisei, lost due to his ultra right wing, Tea Party, "I hate Medicare and abortion," attitude. The GOP could have run an armchair against John Tienrney and won, but the Tea Party destroyed yet another career.
The GOP is doomed. They cannot continue on this anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, just say no platform anymore. They are getting crushed by the changes in society and they are ill prepared for any of it. I will be stunned if the GOP stays the way they are. Most likely, a schism is brewing between the moderates that want gay rights, pro choice, Hispanic friendly candidates. The Tea Party and Christians will break away at that point and form their own party or even parties, furthering lessening their power. The democrats have a stranglehold on the country right now and the GOP better realize that and soon or they are going to start losing more and more. The fact that people like Michelle Bachmann barely held onto her seat is room to worry about their future.
In other states like WA and CO, pot was legalized which will give Obama a real chance to show leadership. If he cracks down on them hard, like he has with medical marijuana, we have to tell him in one loud voice that this will no be tolerated. The states have spoken. Deal with it. Now let's make some money and create some jobs with this already. You are the president so fucking lead already.
For the most part, the news has been very good for the democrats and bad for the GOP and corporations. They certainly didn't like the news that much as the DOW is down three hundred points as of this posting. WWWAAAAAAA! You didn't get your way. Sit down, shut up and start paying your fair share of taxes. Let is hope that Obama can steer us into a better future because the GOP would have driven us off a cliff.
Hey, if Puerto Rico becomes a state, you should make act fast and name your blog the five-forty, a la Nate Silver. (Oh, imagine how other states would enjoy having their representatives reapportioned to PR, by the way....)
ReplyDeleteAlso, can you make the cartoons either bigger, or have them hyperlink to their original images - some of the text balloons are mighty small.