We all the hear the same arguments: what about my kids, blah, blah, blah, I don't want people high driving, blah. None of that matters. First, I can go to any high school in this country and find pot no problem. I talk a lot with people still in high school in my travels and they tell me drugs are unbelievably easy to find. I went to a Catholic school a million years ago and I could have gotten drugs if I wanted. Today, it's even easier. You know what high school kids have a hard time getting? Alcohol. Because it's regulated. So the argument that legalizing pot will cause more kids to get it has no basis in reality.
Second, driving high is not driving drunk. There are even Dutch studies that people who are high drive better than sober people. The main reason being, high people are super paranoid about cops and speed and as a result drive much slower than your average idiot and pay attention to EVERYTHING. Weed isn't alcohol and only people who have never done it would confuse the two.
After the legalization in CO, some GOP official there talked about how it will be chaos if we allow states to pass whatever laws they want. Aren't state rights the backbone of the Republican party? But, once again, here we have some dumbass saying the opposite. He should do something no Republican does and open a history book because re-legalization of alcohol on a state by state basis was how we ended prohibition. If the Feds get involved and start arresting people, we should remind the Feds why we have second amendment and fight for our rights with deadly force if necessary. I whole heartedly believe that states should have the right to vote for subjects like this or prostitution or gambling as the voters see fit. What shouldn't be voted on are minority rights, anti-sex measures, and abortion. Unfortunately, in LA they did just that for what will be disastrous results.
LA approved a condom only porn industry rule which may kill the films being shot there. Viewers have said in a loud clear voice they HATE condoms in porn as I guess it is hard to jack off and pretend you're the stud in the film when he has a dick sheath and you are bareballing it. So porn has a few options. The must use condom law will kill their profits so that's not happening. More likely, they will move all production out of LA country to somewhere else in the state and take all those jobs with them. I know a lot of you there are saying good riddance until you look at the actual stats. The porn industry injects billions into the local economy and helps support countless restaurants, clothing shops, bars, not to mention purchases of film and equipment from local vendors. This will all disappear if they leave and put thousands out of work. Nice vote there morons. There is even the possibility that NH could be the new porn capital as it is the only other state where mass produced XXX films are allowed. This was a stupid law and could have disastrous consequences from a state that is borderline bankrupt.
Today the Republicans are all up in arms and shaking their canes at the sky, damning God for four more years of that danged Marxist, Kenyan Obama. Yes they all bitch and moan even though most still make 300 times what the average worker makes, drive expensive cars and live in mansions, yet they are the ones suffering. Try living in my world for a week and I guarantee they would be contemplating eating a bullet by day five. "What do you mean I can't afford caviar and champagne? Dogs live better." Yes they do and they rest of us are getting pissed about it.
Karl Rove's meltdown on Fox News has been seen everywhere and I couldn't be happier. Not one, NOT ONE, incumbent democrat lost any election anywhere in the country this week. The GOP lost seats in the House, possibly as many as seven. They lost three in the Senate, including right here in MA. Most importantly, Mitt Romney can return to Utah, Michigan, the planet Kolob or where ever he is from this week.
Republicans can stop hyperventilating about Obama going after their guns, making socialism a US path to Communism, or that he is a reptoid from dimension X. That last one is real. Wow! Jesse Venture looked into it on last night's excellent series Conspiracy Theory and ripped it apart. I've done the same research and it's bunk. The person who started all this is David Ickes, who in 1998 went on TV to announce he is the son of God and soon after went off about reptile creatures that have shape shifted into humans and secretly rule us. The entire hour was filled with lots of mentally ill people and highlighted by David Ickes special brand of lunacy. When Ventura asked him for proof, he hemmed and hawed and eventually walked out. Considering he makes several million dollars on this, it's no surprise he would be hesitant to kill his cash cow.
Conservatives are going to have to man up and realize that, like David Ickes' followers, the path you are following is a dead end. The Tea Party and Christian Conservatives have a philosophy that is no longer workable and will lead to defeat after defeat, especially on a nationwide scale. So unless you want democratic presidents forever, something needs to change. Democrats lost in 2000, not just due to fraud and Ralph Nader, but due to the extreme left wing position Gore and Lieberman took. The worst was their gun control stance that killed their numbers in some states and, ultimately, cost them the election. Afterward, the democrats scrubbed that from the platform never to be seen again. Lefties are still pissed about that, but the national mood was not and still isn't in their favor. As a matter of fact, people are even more possessive of their guns than they were in 2000. By eliminating that stance, the Democrats have come back to dominate in politics since 2008. The Republicans have to do the same with the right wing social issues which are only popular with a vocal minority within their own party. If they get rid of the anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-pot issues, they could start winning again. Until they do however, they are doomed to the dust heap of history and will be used in the same sentence as the Bull Moose, Reform and Know Nothing parties.
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