Thursday, April 27, 2017


I have just about it with Orange Hitler and his garbage. Even worse all the assholes out there STILL supporting this guy. How stupid are you to think this guy is doing anything right at this point? He is literally laughing at us while he puts us in the ground. In just the last few days he was has come up with two DOA proposals, health care (somehow worse than the last one) and tax reform that even Republicans say is never going to happen. On top of that, he reneged on yet another promise and allowed NAFTA to keep standing, opened up some national parks to drilling, we still aren't sure the government is going to stay open past Saturday and North Korea is a huge problem that this shit covered Muppet fart has no idea how to fix. Let's see those runner ups in a shortened week.
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10)Nordstrom's- In what can only be described as the worst clothing choice since bell bottoms or pretty much anything worn in the early seventies, comes this idiotic piece in which jeans comes pre-dirty and cost an eye popping $425. What kind of moron buys a pair of pants that look like you shit yourself something fierce? Is there really a market for the snowflake generation to look "manly," ie "homeless?" Here's a cheaper alternative: buy a cheap pair of jeans and roll around the mud with them. Congratulations, you just saved $400. Anyone caught wearing these should be thrown in the mud for real.

9)Alex Jones- I will admit I kind of like Alex Jones. Yes, he's a blowhard who yells way too much and two thirds of his stuff is garbage, like Pizzagate, and the yes they were real events of the Boston Bombers and Sandy Hook attacks. But, to be fair, he has also broken some big stories that the MSM ignored. We live in way too much a bubble on both sides of the political aisle now and few read what the other side has to say. But, this week Alex Jones went WAY too far and in the midst of a bitter custody battle and divorce which is not going well, slammed Chobani yogurt for hiring refugees and immigrants and suggesting that was why rapes and murders were happening across the country, It was not true and now they are now suing for slander. You don't need to make stuff up right now to be relevant, Alex. But as long as you keep pushing Trump and his idiotic agenda, I will have to put you on the crazy shelf for a while,

8)United Airlines- At this point, you would have to drag me across broken glass to get on a United flight. I majorly disliked the airline before but now I would rather sit in a bus with the winners of the stinkiest feet competition than sit in first class instead. This week, in what seems like a never ending story of debacles there, they somehow killed a huge prized winning rabbit that has just gotten a clean bill of health not three hours before getting on the plane. Now the bunny is dead, the body missing and you have to wonder what is going on here. The airline swear the bunny got off the plane alive but died while waiting to get picked up. As they have either lost the corpse or are refusing to give it back is unknown but the owner, who is out a lot of money for what was going to be the world's largest rabbit, wants an autopsy done, which may be hard if all they get back is a rotting corpse. Fly United at your own peril.
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7)Berkeley and other left wing protests- Ann Coulter was forced to cancel an appearance at the college due to threats from increasingly violent anti-fascists. This was inevitable because neither party has done dick to change anything for decades now and people have had it. I don't agree with shutting down free speech on anyone no matter how bad it is and this is censorship pure and simple. We cannot keep doing this and expect a free and open society. However, that being said, I also get why this is happening. Read JFK's quote about revolutions and my predictions about this and you will see that it was going to happen because the government refuses to change except for further right wing nonsense, regardless of who is in power. Obama did little for left wing causes and as a result, violence is going to keep happening. A parade was cancelled in Portland for threats against a Republican group set to march. This, unlike Berkeley, I wholeheartedly agree with. You have a right to speak anywhere you have been invited. You have a right to march in certain contexts, even if you are the KKK or Nazi's. But a parade that has NOTHING to do with politics, that you yourself is politicizing, that shit stops now. Anywhere this happens, do whatever it takes to stop it because no one else is going to. Not the government, not the media, not the police, just you. We have to step up the fight now, even using threats of violence, or even violence, to get what we want. But pick your battles people because shutting down free speech is not the answer.

6)The Democrats- I FUCKING HATE certain democrats, worse than a lot of Republicans. Two of them, elder females who I will literally dance when they die, are Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein, Both are up for re-election next year and anyone voting for either of these two in the primaries should shoot themselves first to save us the horror. These two are TERRIBLE, CORRUPT cuntwads who should be taking a dirt nap instead of fucking up the country for the rest of us. This week, Pelosi gave another in a long string of unintelligible speeches where she mispronounced many, many words, slurred others and either is a drunk or she's having a stroke. Either way, she is no longer up for this job. Feinstein was even worse showing up at a town hall that was one of the worst I have ever seen. She was petulant, short and mean, her answers sucked, and she insulted her constituents regularly. When hammered about healthcare she said she wasn't ready to embrace single payer which resulted in a flurry of boos from those of us who want it. The most stunning moment was when someone asked her about Bernie Sanders when she shot back with venom that he wasn't a real democrat. Her aide immediately ushered her from the room at that point in a moment straight out of the film My Fellow Americans. In the scene the VP is digging his own grave accidentally insulting a black guy over and over. The aide comes over and says "Right this way sir." "Is there a problem?" the VP asked. "Not if you come with me right now," he responded. Feinstein got the same treatment after idiotically slamming the most popular person even aligned with the democrats right now. Stop voting for idiots America.

5)North Korea- This week in the rouge nation, midget boy with the fucked up hair attacked the ocean in a brutal display of force that accomplished absolutely nothing. The largest artillery display ever was launched but it's not like America was going to see him firing off the equivalent of a large bottle rocket and expect us to be impressed. We weren't and neither was anyone else. We are still are the brink of war and now that the THAAD missile system is up and operational, an attack is even more likely. The good news, is this system might actually mean a lot less dead on out side. North Korea however, if attacked and going to get blown back to Mars.
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4)General Flynn- He had a bad week. I said when he first retroactively applied for foreign agent status that unless he had immunity, he could be charged with a felony. He tried to get it and failed and now it does look like looming charges against are going to happen. He took money from the Russians, never told anyone about it and now is in serious trouble because of it. Unless he has something on Trump, he's might be going to jail.

3)Ivanka Trump- I am growing to rapidly dislike her after watching some of her recent interviews. Chelsea Clinton drove me nuts for never seeming to accomplish anything while getting paid huge sums of money for doing nothing. Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, has done quite a bit. However, when I listen to her talk I realized she never says anything. She is very good at double speak, which is a way of sounding like you are agreeing or disagreeing with someone without actually doing either. She said she was doing exactly that in her book some years back. She is NOT champing anything women related and has mentioned little as to how to accomplish any of this. She got booed in Germany when she idiotically tried to say her father was women's rights advocate this week as well as a report that says she uses slave labor in some of her clothing factories. The best was that her clothing line is selling so poorly, some distributors are removing her name and re-branding it under a more generic title. The Trump name is no longer seen favorably and I have a feeling as time goes on, people are going to start burning them as well.

2)Trump Supporters- How stupid are you America? I keep hearing from dumbass after dumbass that we should give the president a chance to succeed before we start rooting for him to fail. Except for the fact that just about everything this man has done has been a complete reversal of everything he said on the trail. I was pissed when Obama did this so why aren't you? His plans have all benefited the super wealthy from healthcare to taxes and still these mouthbreathers are all for him. ASSHOLES! You do get the longer you support this dick the worse it is going to get? You're all going to be out of work, with no health insurance, no savings, and eventually, no food or shelter. This is what you want? REALLY? Wake the FUCK up!! This guy is dangerous, the Republicans want you dead and all the money has to go to the rich and not you. Yet, you still vote for the reddest guy you can. Keep it up and there will be a civil war and don't think for one second that the left doesn't have a fuckload of guns. Grow a pair and stand up to the GOP and the Democrats and demand real change. What we've gotten from both is lies and less rights. Stop voting for almost all Republicans (minus the potty trained ones like Gov. Baker and John Kasich) and the corporate democrats and maybe we can start getting something done. Or we die. Your choice.
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1)Donald Fucking Trump- Orange Hitler had another bad week. He got a health care plan that could maybe barely make it through the House but has zero chance in the Senate. His tax plan has just as much of a chance of passage as me sleeping with Sofia Vagara AND Salma Hayek while JLaw waits in the wings. It would blow a hole in the deceit a mile wide while basically shafting the middle class. For a guy who got elected as a populist, he sucks. He should have made even token gestures to the poorer people, and his ardent supporters, but so far has done nothing but piss in their direction, which they happily accept mouth wide open. He flip flopped on NAFTA which made the far right very angry today. He opened the door to drilling in our national parks which as we all know is the top priority for everyday Americans everywhere. I can't tell you how many times someone stops me and says he sure wishes Trump would ruin our park system and our environment. Oh wait, that has never happened ever. Yet, he keeps crowing how great he is and how everything is awesome and he's done more than any President ever at this point, a fact that is provably untrue. He is an unmitigated disaster and if you can't see that, you are dumber than he is. His recent interview with AP news was horrific in which he never said anything, like his stupid daughter. Half the time he didn't even use real words such some mumbling that Seth Myers turned into a fucked up game of Mad Libs. And he's the president?!! God help us all. If North Korea doesn't kill us first, his domestic policies will. Congratulations Donald Trump, you are indeed douchebag of the week.

Monday, April 24, 2017


"It does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is real, it does not matter if victory is not possible...The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous...The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labor... A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance...In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation...The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects, and it's object is not victory over Eurasia or East Asia ( or Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Iran) but to keep the very structure of society intact." -- George Orwell, 1984

We are rocketing toward an end game that never should have been allowed to get this far.  Read that above quote from 1984 and tell me it isn't a blueprint for everything going right now. The real reason we don't fight wars the way we should isn't because of some bullshit morality that doesn't exist but because the military industrial complex doesn't WANT war to end because when it does, so does their profits. It is therefore in their best interests to drag out conflict as much as possible and thus the never-ending state of war we have been for almost the entirety of the United States existence.
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Research shows this country has been at war 93% of the time or 222 out of our 239 year existence. That is a lot of death and destruction for one nation to accomplish in such a short period of time. The reason for this is the bankers and the death merchants have been pulling the strings for time immortal. As long as we allow this to continue, nothing will change until it has to. And that is where we find ourselves right now. One can only juggle so many balls before it all comes crashing down, as aptly seen when the bankers fucked the world back in 2007 and somehow managed not to only to convince people to not throw them in jail but to pretty much keep doing the same crap that sank us in the first place. Now, it's the death merchants time as the bankers have destroyed this planet again and economies look ready to fall so a huge war is needed to remind people what a dangerous world it is. The worry is this could spiral out of control and no one, not even the 1%, will be able to stop the end of the world.

North Korea is on a collusion course with the United States and it looks highly unlikely this will end peacefully, Know this, best case scenario if we go to war with North Korea is 100 million dead in days. Worst case is total global destruction. And here's the worst part, Trump is NOT wrong that North Korea poses an existential threat to our existence. We are still at war with North Korea and have been since the early 50's. So every time you hear that Afghanistan is our longest war at 15 plus now, just remember Korea has been going on a whole lot longer. And Raytheon profits soar as a result.

We should have ended this war way back when, with nukes if we had to, but because we like dragging out wars rather than ending them, we have now turned millions dead into possible the entire planet. Great job, Eisenhower, proving my point that actions taken by presidents even more than a hundreds years ago STILL have repercussions in today's world. So when some idiot asks how long are you going to blame W. for all the problems we have today, know that we will be long dead and he will still get rightfully blamed for some of the crap he pulled. Woodrow Wilson fucked us in 1913 with the IRS and the Federal Reserve (neither of which was ever actually ratified) and that still hasn't been fixed.

Today, Trump called the ENTIRE Congress to the White House for a meeting with not only Trump but Mathis, Tillerson, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs  Joseph Dunford and the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats. It is allegedly quite rare for this to happen and word is he is briefing the House next. The only reason you would ever do this is if we are looking for a war declaration against North Korea should they take some sort of aggressive action. I cannot find the last time this occurred so the significance of this action should not be lost. It would appear that we may be headed for a war which will have real world, possibly world ending, possibilities,
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You would think this would be all we have to worry about but no Trump is also hell bent on ending Obamacare even if he has to tip the scales to achieve it. He keeps threatening to end subsidies to poor Americans, which if accomplished would throw tens of millions off their health care plans and the deaths of tens of thousands the first year alone. If he does this, I hope the Secret Service is well stocked in bullet proof vests because insane America is heavily armed, impulsive and PISSED! Take away stuff that keeps them alive and this country will turn into a free for all where those with nothing to lose shoot people who have everything. He is also talking about a tax plan to be released on Wednesday which will most likley be as popular as his DOA budget plan.

The biggest thing going next week is funding the government for which Trump keeps threatening to veto it if it doesn't contain border wall funding which it won't because if it did, it would never pass. He would be a fool to shut the government down 99 days into his presidency and for which he will get all the blame. If he thinks his numbers suck now wait until poor people lose their food stamps, parks close, people lose their jobs and the economy tanks. Top that off with businesses who all lost billions the last time this occurred and you will see his numbers plunge into single digits. At that point, expect a lot of Republicans to turn on him lest they lose in 2018.

But even with all of that, North Korea is the big issue right now and Trump again is not wrong saying the status quo is no longer tenable. If North Korea is unwilling to give up it's nuclear program, and they develop an ICBM, they could blackmail the planet, share the tech with rouge states and break the world. A nuclear armed North Korea never should have been allowed to happen in the first place but as we like dragging out wars for profit, we have painted ourselves into quite the corner. We now face the abyss with two man children and nukes. What could possibly go wrong?

Sunday, April 23, 2017


It's bad enough that we have Orange Hitler running wackadoodle across the planet, but to have someone look even worse is quite the accomplishment. In just the last 24 hours, everyone's least favorite midget dictator threatened nuclear war on the United States, our aircraft carriers, Australia(?), and for some inane reason, China. This man is mad and that spells trouble for us all because mutually assured destruction may not resonate with someone who may think himself immortal. Let's see those runner ups.

10)Aaron Hernandez- This guy was a giant fuck up and no I don't think playing football had anything to do with it. As is the custom today, nothing is anyone's fault because of insert excuse here. It's the environment, it's the concussions, my daddy was mean it me when I was six, WHHHHAAAAAA! Looking back at this guy's trajectory, it was painfully clear that he imagined himself a gangster and surrounded himself with like minded people. This is a HUGE problem in the inner city today where gangsta life is sought after more than a college degree, thus the sorry state of black, Hispanic and even white youth today. This dork threw away a forty million dollar contract and what certainly would have been even more in endorsements as he was an articulate, handsome man. Instead, he tossed it all away to kill at least one person, acquitted of two others and then hung himself in his cell the same day he would have been at the White House sporting another Super Bowl ring and a lasting legacy. What a waste.

9)Adidas- Another corporation, another tone deaf response. Some of these places should just not use Twitter ever and these guys are at the top of the heap. For some idiotic reason, they thought it be hilarious to tweet marathon runners "Congratulations for surviving the Boston Marathon," as if the entire race was laden with IED's and sharp shooters. Needless to say, Boston was amused and a quick apology took place. Does nobody have an ounce of common sense lately?

8)Unnamed Flight Attendant on American Airlines- This video should be shown in every business in America as to how NOT to handle a situation like this. You could also call it five easy ways to get fired from you job in such a way as to ensure you will never work again anywhere ever. For the five or six people who didn't see the video here is the recap: a fat, bald, short flight attendant violently grabbed a stroller away from a woman, striking her in the head and barely missing the two infants she had in her hands. She starts crying, as he acts like an ass until a passenger tells douchewad to try that with him to which, incredulously, dumbass challenges him to a fight. All on tape. He got suspended the minute they landed with his firing all but assured as there is no way to have that guy on any flight where he wouldn't be immediately recognized and despised. Customer service was not this guy's forte. Worse, because this video when international, Uncle Fester may be unemployable, period. Watching someone wreck their life on video never gets old, especially when they deserve it.

7)Steve Stephens- I am glad the dick killed himself saving the taxpayers from having to pay for his life. This giant pussy killed a 74 year old man walking down the street minding his own business when this fool, pissed his girlfriend dumped him, decided to shoot, an innocent soul. And he live streamed the whole thing. This is where we are now where guns are used to kill random people. We either need more guns or less because this kind of shit is getting old. I hope this guy rots in hell.

6)Turkey- How in this day and age does any country vote for dictatorship? Well Turkey did this week with a slight majority vote, one that has been plagued by calls of ballot rigging. If that sounds familiar it is because we just did the same thing a few months back where we elected a dangerous demagogue under a cloud of suspicion of Russian interference and what appears to be ballot rigging by the Republicans that got it's usual no coverage by the government or the MSM. If France votes for La Pen, results soon, the world will be moving to the far right with disastrous results. What is going on on this planet?

5)Bill O'Reilly- This blowhard got his walking papers this week when one too many sexual harassment accusers came forward, the latest, a black temp whom he called "hot chocolate," which pink slipped him. This is nothing new as he has been doing this for decades but society finally caught up and sent him packing like his former boss Roger Ailes. Hopefully, this will end his career because as bad as his show was, his fucking books are even worse. His book Killing Kennedy, is chock full of so many inaccuracies I found myself missing Gerald Posner's crapfest Case Closed. Go Away Bill.

4)Libya- For all of those black people thinking Islam is their future should really be looking at how Islamic extremists treat black people. Hot on the trail of the black Islamic moron who shot some people in California this week, comes this story about how extremists in Libya are selling black people into slavery for as little as $200. Yet, white people are the problem right?

3)Rex Tillerson- This guy sucks at his job so bad it's frightening. He's the flight attendant for American all over again only with no chance of being fired. This week dumbass threatened Iran for something, which is odd as we have enough to worry about with North Korea without this jerk starting another war front. Iran is not the problem right now. Down the road maybe but for right now we are facing a Nuclear War and probably should be focused on that tidbit at the moment. Shut the fuck up please. I agree that a nuclear armed Iran can never happen but they are years away from that while the Korean problem is immediate. And the reason for that is the Iran deal you all keep pissing on. Learn to read.

2)Trump- This week, Orange Hitler helped ruin the environment but rolling back Obama era regulations, which is odd because when Obama was doing EO's everyone had a fit about it, calling it unconstitutional and the like, but now because their guy is in office, it's fine. Polls show that Republicans have a had a huge swing in opinion about everything, even if nothing has changed, such as the economy or their wages. Democrats opinion polls are exactly the same, This shows the Republicans are morons who cannot accept reality, That is dangerous. So on top of an electorate with the brain power of a three watt bulb, Cheeto Fart lost an aircraft carrier, with his administration not having any idea where the USS Carl Visson really was. We told everyone it was heading toward North Korea, when in reality it was headed in the opposite direction, Being unpredictable like this makes everything worse. We are supposed to be the stable ones, not dangerously unstable as our allies are looking at us. The chances for war are exponentially growing because of this.
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1)North Korea- I keep hearing that there is no way Kim Jung Un would ever start a war as he would be annihilated. That is assuming that you are dealing with a rational, stable being. Neither the US nor North Korea has that now and we are rocketing toward WW3 instead. To demonstrate how deranged this man is, this week he told China in vague terms to go fuck themselves and if they want to side with the US, North Korea doesn't need them. Even though he really does. It would be suicide to cross China but that is exactly what he is doing. That tells us his mind set is "I don't give a fuck!" and that means war is all but inevitable. It could happen as soon as Tuesday, the next big holiday for the rouge nation, and chances are good he will set off his sixth nuke test. What happens after that is anyone's guess but do not rule out China invading North Korea for their own safety, or even a joint Russian, Chinese, and US forces taking the country out. The problem is North Korea could still kill a few hundred million people and make that area of the Earth uninhabitable for centuries even with their help. And there still a chance that they could side with Kim and attack us, setting the stage for a much wider war and, most likely, the end of everything. This country should have been knocked into next week decades ago but because we kicked the can down the road we have reached the end and could lead to the end of everything. This is the biggest crisis since the Cuban Missile Crisis and we had far better leaders than we do now. We are headed for a fall and perhaps the end of everything. So congratulations North Korea you are indeed douchebag of the week.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Happy 420 y'all. Smoke em if you got em because Orange Hitler is becoming unhinged. I hear dumbass is trying to cram an Obamacare replacement through Congress next week, which would be a tall order in and itself but two major hurdles face it: the looming debt ceiling and the Senate. First off, both houses are going to be busy trying to keep the lights on which is by no means a sure thing. There are all sorts of ways the government could shut down and lead to all sorts of problems. If somehow though, they manage to cram something through the House, chances are high that what was in it to get the Freedom Caucus to vote on it will make it equally toxic in the Senate. House representatives only have to worry about their narrow band of constituents while Senators have a whole state to hold on to. Kill health care and the House and the Senate both go blue in 2018 guaranteed. This is a suicide pact. Good luck guys. Just remember when you literally are telling people to get busy dying, don't be surprised when they show up at your door heavily armed, pissed with zero to lose! Life in prison is still better than death anywhere else.
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But that is in the more far fetched, wishful thinking stage. More pressing is the constant war drums going on about Syria, North Korea, and now for some inexplicable reason, Iran. Of all the utterly stupid people Trump has surrounded himself with, and there are some doozies, Rex Tillerson is the worst of the worst. His job is so important and this fuckwad has been AWFUL at it so far. He comes across as an moody twat which is not the demeanor you want for the top diplomat in the country. When you look back and think to yourself  "Wow, maybe John Kerry wasn't that bad after all," you know you've hit rock bottom.

This week, for no apparent reason, and not one day after Trump declared that Iran WAS in compliance with the nuclear agreement we reached with them, this sour fuck started screaming about Iran and how dangerous the are. I have four words for you. SHUT! THE! FUCK! UP! My God, we have enough problems right now without you acting like a deranged Hitler and deciding yeah we can fight multiple wars on several fronts at once. That worked so well for the Germans. Idiot.

First off, the Iran nuke deal is the best we are going to get. Can we let Iran get nukes? Never. I said the same about North Korea more than twenty years ago, unbelievably predicting with razor point accuracy how all of this was going to play out and that was decades ago. If I could have predicted this outcome, others certainly did as well. But not our politicians who played kick the can one too many times and now it has bounced off a wall and hit us directly in the head. North Korea is a SERIOUS problem that few seem to accept.
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Let's put this into its simplest terms. North Korea is run by a guy who may literally think he is a God. Study what effect madness played into the end of the Ottoman Empire and why locking future leaders in solitary for long periods of time is not a great way to run a society. The same is what has happened here although the imprisoning here is more of an isolationist nature than of physically locking people away as the Ottoman's did with catastrophic results. The same will happen here. Kim has been brought up to believe he is immortal, infallible and beyond questioning, otherwise known as a God. Let's say he really believes this. If that is so, and I have every reason to believe I am correct here knowing what I know about psychology (a subject I have studied relentlessly for years), Kim is truly dangerous and most likely, quite mad.

So we have one psycho with nukes while we here have an idiot with zero military experience, no political experience in handling foreign crises like this and a staff that seems more akin to eating Play-do than strategy. Tillerson is so far out of his depth it's frightening. I can't help but make evil Penguin noises every time I see his sour puss. He makes Dick Cheney look cuddly. Threatening Iran is beyond stupid. The nuke deal all but makes sure it will be a decade before they can get the bomb. Without the deal, they can start tomorrow. Which is better in the long term, tomorrow or ten years? That shouldn't even be debatable but because we have morons running the show again, w are headed for the same disaster that W. got us into and more fake wars.
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Syria is a lie. Assad does not appear to have gassed his own people and the evidence seems conclusive on that. We watched the intelligence community say trust us when it came to WMD's and Iraq. They lied. Now they expect to believe more nonsense when the facts seem to prove otherwise. Fuck you. I am not that stupid. Modern society seems not to understand that once trust is lost, it is gone forever. And because the intelligence community, the government and even the goddamned media, all scammed us into a fucked up war that never should have happened, the world broke and it still isn't fixed. North Korea got nukes when we were too busy playing soldier in the Middle East when the true enemy skated away and now we have the first real chance at WW3.

Make no mistake how precarious a situation we are in. We are talking about attacking Syria again, at least Nikki Haley is to the UN. We are threatening Iran. And every major power on Earth is moving troops, equipment and artillery to the North Korean area. We are one fuck up away from the end of everything. Considering we have no idea where out Navy seems to be heading I am not filled with confidence on this.

Here's the big issue. North Korea will never willingly give up nukes and the US will not accept a nuclear armed North Korea with ICBM's. See the problem. It's the same with the Palestinians and the Israelis. One wants the right to return, the other says no fucking way. And thus no peace is possible because there will be no settlement on this point either anytime soon.

Make no mistake about it: at some point, because we elected morons like Bush into office and now Trump, war is going to happen and a BIG one at that. How big? We could kill all life on the planet bad. Total nuclear war is a distinct possibility for the first time in my entire life. As a matter of fact the last time we came this close to ending it all in was 1963 and Cubans were trying to get nukes. The world came this close to ending. And here we are again, more than fifty years later and nothing has changed.
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Best case scenario at this point is a hundred million dead. Had we ended this war when we could have, this number would be one tenth as high. But because we refuse to fight wars the way we should, we may all die as a result. God knows what is coming but chances are none of it is good.

Sorry to harsh your buzz on 4/20 but things look rough and about to get rougher. Party hard today because tomorrow may be a radioactive wasteland. Christ, how did we get to this point?

Monday, April 17, 2017


Not since the Cuban Missile Crisis has the world faced nuclear war like it has now. No matter what you think about Trump however, know that this was going to happen regardless of who was president because past morons kept kicking this can down the road to it's inevitable conclusion which at best will result in a limited nuclear exchange and at worst the end of everything. This all could have been avoided had we the guts and follow through to actually win a war, a fact that this country, and most of the world, no longer possesses.
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The Korean War is still going on. It actually never ended because we got tired of killing people and decided to go home instead. Because we never went after Chinese supply lines, the war was never going to end and both sides knew it. So we signed a ceasement agreement and a temporary truce that has held for sixty years. But it was never going to last and right now that agreement is in tatters.

Back in 1994, the Koreans signed an agreement to not seek nukes. Jimmy Carter was responsible for this and it did not go well as expected. The plan was flawed from day one and, even worse, the House and Senate went Republican soon after this was signed and they did everything they could to sabotage it. With Bush in office, by 2003, this while thing was dead. And instead of ever attacking North Korea, which would have been bad but this now is far, far worse, we are left with the dawning realization that this planet may be headed for extinction.

We should have wiped this country from the planet decades ago. Now it's too late and the inevitable clash between our two cultures is coming with death to a best case scenario of millions in the forecast. Has we had people in government and the military who understood this, we might have been able to avoid it. But as our military advisers seem to have the game strategy of a bad game of Risk, that seems unlikely. How people who allegedly have studied this in the past and have military experience could miss all of this is unexplainable.

North Korea is threatening to hold missile tests on a weekly basis and bomb us back to the Stone Age if we attack. To be honest, living on the East Coast, I highly doubt there is anything he can do to affect me, short of getting an ICBM with a nuke to knock out all power with a massive EMP blast but that is unlikely to occur. If war does break out, the places with the biggest worries are Japan and South Korea, with a lesser worry for the US in places like Hawaii, Alaska and the West Coast. Kim's 70 subs could wreck havoc on the planet especially if we uses chemical, bio, and nuke weapons.
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The real threat isn't North Korea. It's China and Russia, both of which are moving ships, troops and heavy armaments into the area. Both have troops and equipment now on the North Korean border and ships watching what our flotilla is doing. On top of the aircraft carrier Carl Visson moving there tomorrow, there is also the USS Reagan in Japan and the USS Nimitiz being moved into position later this week. All we need is one wrong move and it game over planet right now. The pieces are being moved to facilitate WW3, a fact that could occur at any second over the smallest miscalculation. Feel safe now? It's not helping that Kim is threatening nuclear war at any minute as Orange Hitler plays with his war toys.

I keep hearing that Kim is not suicidal and would never use nukes. I am not so sure on that assessment. If Kim truly believes he is a God, he may think himself immortal and will be protected by "divine right." Go back in history and look at similar types and realize that almost every time this occurred, madness came and war followed. Just because something has never happened before, doesn't mean it can NEVER happen at all, it's just unlikely. And war here is hardly unlikely.

May 9th is being described as a hard date and that's because that's when new elections will be held in South Korea after the last person is now headed for jail. Until then, there is no stable government and no one to reign in Trump. Until then, the US can do as it wants. After that, they have to deal with a new leader who will most likley want no part in a scenario that destroys the Korea peninsula in total. Therefore, it is more likely than not that anything that will occur will happen before then. If we make it to May 9th, that may give us more breathing room assuming the South Koreans don't vote in their own version of Trump and then we are all doomed.
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To remind my readers again the feast days of Baal are upon us. I have no idea if Baal is real or not and even I admit the whole thing sounds stupid but I cannot deny how bad things go for the final two weeks of April. If war was going to break out, if history is any indication, it will be before the end of the month. Pray that we see May because at this point it seems about 50/50. If war does break out, get to someplace like Greenland, New Zealand or any other out of the way place. The rest of the planet will look like death and ash.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Kim. Fuck anyone who supports either of these two assholes. Nuff said.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


As bad a week as Trump and others had, United was far, far worse. They showed you first hand what they think of you, which is baggage. If you are dumb enough to fly United, a crappy airline I have done everything to avoid for some years now, you are everything wrong with this country. Unless there is no other option, this airline should be dead last on your travel schedule. Walk first. There were so many assholes this week I had to dial up the tally to 11. Let's see those runner ups.
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11)Kenneth Adkins- It has been my experience that the more religious you are, the more likely you are to be a total creep. This ass has been front and center with his anti-gay and transgender views, once praising the Pulse Nightclub shooter for killing gay people. Now, fuckwad is going to jail for, wait for it, eight counts of child molestation. Douche liked to have two underage teens have sex in front of him many, many times and would have sex himself with the girl on occasion. Now, he gets to see first hand how gay sex works. God works in mysterious ways doesn't he?

10)Chechnya Death Camps- It is been alleged that gay people in Chechnya are being put to death by the hundreds as Islamic purges seem to be growing. Journalists trying to report on the story have been threatened and say they fear for the safety. Nice. The MSM have done their usual ability to completely miss important stories and have said nothing about this. More on the later but this is unacceptable. There is an opportunity here to make some peace with Russia but no one will actually do it because this world wants war. It's coming. Bet on it.

9)Alabama Governor Robert Bentley- Apparently dumbass never heard the expression "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Once again a "family values" idiot gets caught Kenneth Adkins style betraying everything he allegedly believed in by cheating on his wife, which last I looked is a venal sin. His wife had found out about the affair and then set about to ruin him which she accomplished quite well. She taped conversations between Bentley and his mistress and then used that during their divorce to slam him into next week. He was forced to step down this week after impeachment hearings started (using taxpayer money to pay for his mistress is a big no no) and even in blood red Alabama, couldn't stop the slide. Fuck off douchebag.

8)Bill O'Reilly- This guy is an ass and always has been. After it came out that this pig sexually harassed five women to the tune of over $13 million in payouts, public opinion turned big against him and over sixty major advertisers quit the show, echoing Rush Limbaugh's similar fate. As a result, O'Reilly has been forced into a vacation and his return is questionable as the profitably of that show just tanked. Rush is still on somehow, but he has other revenue streams that must profit the radio stations as well. Fox does not have that luxury and because of that The O'Reilly Factor may be yesterday's news.
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7)Sean Spicer- You would think that the person hired to be press secretary would at least have the ability to speak well but that went up in the air this week. First, Spicer decided to rewrite history and claim erroneously that Hitler never gassed anyone, somehow missing the six million dead Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies and other undesirables in places like Dachau and Auschwitz. He then went back up to the podium to fix the problem and made it worse when he said that obviously Hitler killed people in "Holocaust Centers," which no one ever has called these awful places before. He wasn't even off the stage before his aides started telling what to apologize for next. And all of this happened on Passover. Sigh.

6)The Democrats- For the love of all that good and holy in this world, stop praising Trump for his idiotic attack on Syria. It wasn't smart, it wasn't well thought out, and appears to be complete bullshit (more on that later). He is a dangerous tyrant whose every action should be treated as if he just ass raped a kitten. Just like they did to Obama. Get with the program. And please start treating 2018 as if your life depends on it because it does. I swear to God if you guys keep running brain dead identity politicians who CANNOT win just to score social justice points, there isn't going to be country left. GROW A PAIR!

5)Assad and Russia- You guys are not helping your cause. As I will explain soon, the attack on the Syrian base appears to be a false flag operation most likley set off by ISIS. However, as the two leaders of these countries come across as dangerous demagogues, no one believes them that they had nothing to do with it. Can Assad not control his army who is winning and doesn't need to resort to atrocities to win? Can Putin go one day without looking like he swallowed a lemon? Still, these two won't end the world, just damage it further.
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4)North Korea- These guys are fucking dangerous. Know this though that no matter who was president, just about everything that happened this past week would have been done regardless. Hillary would have followed the same game plan, making me question if the president has any real power as everyone who gets in does the same idiotic crap regardless of previous promises. This is a country we should have beat way back in the 50's but when we refused to cut off Chinese supply lines to the country, the war was never going to end. And it still hasn't as we are still technically at war with North Korea. Now we've kicked the can down the road, avoiding war in 1994 and again in 2003, when at both instances the nation should have been knocked into next week, Instead we waited and instead of hundreds of thousands to millions dead, we are now looking at one hundred times that number, especially if they have capabilities we don't know about. Kim tried to fire off one of his new missiles this week but it blew up on the pad. I have a feeling some Korean scientist and his family are taking an extended dirt nap. War is coming, most likley before the month is out.

3)MSM- I have HAD IT with the fucking press. How can they possibly be this bad at their job? It takes real skill to suck this hard. All week all I heard from the press was Syria bombed their own people with sarin gas and that's that. Except it isn't. This week, one of the top experts ON EARTH, Theodore Postol, (Dean Emeritus at MIT, expert on missile damage and chemical weapon dispersion patterns) wrote not one, not two. but three papers all of which state that according to his expert opinion, the "sarin gas" attack on Syria was bullshit and he can prove it. Photos and video taken show no evidence of any chemical weapon and lots of reasons to doubt it's authenticity, which our government never bothered to do. The best we heard is the government has "high confidence" in their evidence. which is Newspeak for "we have no evidence and therefore will never show you anything." Postol went on to accuse McMaster, head of the NSA, of treason for knowingly attacking Syria with all the evidence against what they are telling us is. 2003 again anyone? Postol also said either Trump is an idiot easily led or in on the whole thing. I know which my money is on and it's that he's stupid. Still doesn't excuse him or our press from once again lying to us to get into a war. They still keep saying Assad gassed his own people in 2013 even though the UN report says that's not what happened and the NYT was forced to print a retraction about that accusation as well. Yet, there's Don Lemon telling me that Assad DID gas his own people in 2013 and that's all there is to tell about it. Fuck you, Don. Just fuck you.

2)Donald Trump- What an asshole. He did get Neil Gorshich jammed into office, effectively stealing the seat from Merick Garland and that was as far as his highlight reel went. Syria was a bust as the airport was fully operational a day later, regardless of what Trump and his minion were spinning. For all we know, this was all a big dog and pony show where we launched a few missiles are an empty base to make both sides look good. No real damage was done which makes me very suspicious. Fat Orange Hitler is back at Mar-a-Lago again, for his four hundredth trip there. So much for never playing golf or taking vacations which is all he seems to do. I am truly frightened as to what this ass is going to do over North Korea. As he 180'd on everything he promised this week (isolationist to warmonger, export bank bad, no wait good. Yellen sucks, no I like her), my head hurts from watching it all. His supporters are not thrilled that he is mirroring Obama in promises crushed in the first 100 days. The only difference is I knew 100 days in Obama was an ass. What are Trump supporters excuses? If you support Trump still, you're dumber than he is. Riots broke out yesterday for just that reason. I can tell you if you are dumb enough to wear one of Trump's red trucker hats, don't expect to get a rave reactions and may instead get your ass kicked which you would deserve for being an ass. Trump is dangerous and if you can't see that, you're just as bad.
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1)United- You know you had a bad week if you can out Trump Trump, which is exactly what this third rate airline did. To be fair, I FUCKING HATE United. I have had bad experiences on these flights and avoid them like the plague when I can. But because our previous moron president allowed every merger he could, we have far fewer airlines to pick from and fewer ways to fight back. This week, United though it was a great idea to drag an elderly Asian man off a plane so they could put more important people on instead. All of this was on tape which created a PR nightmare. CEO Oscar Nunez didn't help when he praised his staff for doing the right thing causing a wild fire in the process. After almost a billion dollars of stock loss later, Nunez tried to apologize again and again, with middling success. Then right after all of this on another flight, another passenger was bitten by a scorpion while in the air. Good times. This has had some good news in that flights will up their bribe rate ten fold for bumping with Delta saying they will go as high as ten thousand dollars if they have to. That would have worked out better than what United did which was bail at 800 dollars, even though nothing was stopping them from going higher. Instead, they thought storm trooper tactics were far better. They were not. The guards that dragged him off have been fired and the airport, airline and city are all getting sued. The doctor is going to win big all of which could have been avoided with the smallest ounce of common sense. But we don't have that anymore and instead resort to violence first as a fallback. Dangerous idea because had I been on that plane there is no way I wouldn't have gotten involved. Keep pushing guys because some of us ready to push back. Fuck you United and your shitty airline. You are indeed douchebag of the week.


Thursday, April 13, 2017


First off, let me say that my predictions about imminent war have been horrific at best. They almost always seem to be wrong but not always. I did predict attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia with amazing accuracy and many months previous. However, others, such as predictions of a Middle East war back in 1999 actually helped shutter some companies when employees stayed home in droves to wait for an Armageddon that never arrived. Oops.
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Usually, I admit my own failings and have stayed away from these kind of predictions for some time now. But this time it's different. All the things you look for in an hostile escalation are occurring as we speak and that is not in doubt. What also cannot be ignored is that we have two man-babies with nuclear weapons. I keep hearing from fools (Mike Riveria I am looking at you) who keep saying just because we have never used nuclear weapons in a war since WW2, we shouldn't worry about Iran or North Korea getting nukes. This flies in the face of today where an unstable persona with nukes now is meeting another unstable person with nukes. This won't end well.

The only good news is that China has been sending messages that if North Korea keeps up acting like a spoiled child in need of a time out, China may spank them hard. While they have been telling us not to attack North Korea or else, they have been spending far more time warning their neighbor the same. They have accurately noted that a nuclear armed country will NEVER be allowed by the US and with good reason. A psycho with nukes could destabilize the whole region, affecting China badly as well. State TV there has warned the midget ruler that if decides to go through with his nuke test on Saturday, China will cut off all aid to the country, which will led to it's ultimate death as they have no way to continue without Chinese help. They have already stationed hundreds of thousands of troops along the border to prevent any mass exodus across their border when things go ugly there.
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However, China realizes that any attack upon North Korea will have disastrous results to everyone around it, including itself. It has strongly told both sides that war will be a huge risk and millions could die. It is because of this that I issue this warning. If you are in Japan or South Korea right now, leave. There are unconfirmed reports about Pyongyang being evacuated which would be a big deal if true, but so far is alleged at best. What isn't in doubt is that may be headed for a giant war that probably won't affect most of us here at home, but war is a big unknown and anything could happen.

Then we have Syria. The Trump administration has "confirmed" Syria as the culprit behind the sarin gas attack but refuses to give any evidence beyond "trust us." You guys lost that right over the years cultivating in getting us into a war in 2003 for no reason whatsoever and then did nothing to arrest the people responsible. And that was just the final straw in decades of fake wars. As a matter of fact, while I don't ascribe to all of them, just about every war ever here in the US has been met with some degree of suspicion. Both Gulf Wars and Vietnam were fake wars. The other have clouds of suspicion. With that history, why should believe anything the government says?

The best reason to question the official story is because it makes zero sense. Why would Assad, on the verge of winning this war and about to enter peace talks, fire chemical weapons at civilians? Militarily, this is beyond stupid. It galvanizes opinion against you, hurts your chances of peace and damages world leaders views. There is NO upside to this attack so why do it?

Theodore Postol, a professor at MIT and a top expert in missiles attacks (he used to work for the Pentagon and has spoke before Congress as a recognized expert) says he sees no evidence of Syria behind this attack. He went even further to say what he has seen from declassified reports in no way suggests what the White House has said about Syria, making giant mistakes and huge leaps of faith to sell their narrative. The MSM keeps telling us the 2013 chemical attack was by Assad but almost every study about that, including ones by the UN and our own government, say that Assad had NOTHING to do with it and was actually carried out by the the rebels, a fact I have said for years. Yet, we keep being lied to and then told to trust them. Fuck that!

Here's is a link to that site:

It's fascinating to see everything they told us is fake. Trump keeps screaming about fake news and then gives us all a big ole heap of it. Postol, who would know more than us, is telling us it's all a lie. Yet, we are going full steam ahead with the narrative that Assad did it. And now we have regime change which seems to be a broken record at this point. I agree with Ann Coulter in this instance in that even if Assad IS guilty, I don't care. Regime change has made the world worse, not better, and every time we get involved, far more die than if we did nothing. Assad sucks but he's not a threat to anyone but his own people and ISIS. Let them duke it out and kill however survives then. Until then, we should butt out.
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All of this is moot if we go to war this weekend which is about a 50/50 split at this point. And those are not odds I want to bet on.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Hot on the heels of yesterday's column about rank stupidity, in comes Sean Spicer who somehow, someway stuck both feet in his mouth and then tried to cram in a few more. Dumbass started his epic fail by inexplicably saying "Hitler never used chemical weapons." Right. The fact this happened on Passover was not lost on well, just about everyone. Then Spicer had to come back to the podium where he tried to explain, and just like the United CEO, turned a raging bonfire into a nuclear explosion. I am still at a loss for how this guy couldn't come up words like "concentration camps," or even "death camps, but instead invented the term Holocaust centers, which sounds like a place to go to learn about the era, not experience it first hand. He hadn't even gone off stage the second time before aides were already in damage control.
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Things are not going well in Trumpland. Spicer is in so much hot water, they trotted out Propaganda Barbie yesterday which went as about well as could be expected. In the interview she bristled at the idea that Trump didn't like a particular NYT reporter and demanded to know where the reporter had heard that. When he responded that Trump told him this personally, she fumbled for an answer. Like clockwork isn't it?

Things are no better for Bannon who idiotically picked a fight with Trump's son in law, who is also a democrat and now Bannon appears to be on the outs. Word is he is keeping a low profile right now, especially after his recent demotion, and fears he may be fired. If he does, the alt-right may start to think Trump has been hijacked by the "deep state," and abandon him accordingly. They are not happy Flynn is gone and blame the shadow government for his demise. They are also worried that they are leading Trump into WW3, and here is something they and I agree on: no more stupid wars. The attack on Syria accomplished less than nothing and there are scary signs we may be headed for a conflict with North Korea.

The head of the NSA HR McMaster is allegedly the guy who wanted the Syria strike and is now whispering in Trump's ear about North Korea. If he is anything like some of the generals I have met, he's an idiot with less knowledge than I have about military endeavors. Now while I have spent decades studying military strategies, I certainly have a step up from the average Joe but to talk to some of these guys who should know far more than I, have usually been far more frightening. The only one I have known to have a brain was Stormin' Norman whose battles in the first gulf war were impressive stuff. To be fair McMaster had a pretty good attack plan for the Hammurabi Tank division during the second Gulf War, has a PHD in American history and wrote a book about why we failed in Vietnam. Why he would be advocating these kind of attacks with that background surprises me.
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There are signs that we are headed toward fascism. The way Trump ran his campaign was very similar to people like Hitler and especially Mussolini who resembled Trump eerily and to which the the Hillary camp never exploited. Look at the people who voted for him: the  the rich and those without a college degree. Just like Hitler who picked a majority of his votes from rural areas. Both used racial attacks to bolster their popularity.  Mind you he is much less savvy than either of those two lunatics and for that we can thank God.

And true to form, once fascists get into power, they screw over everyone they don't need. The Nazi's called themselves a socialist party, preached socialist ideals and once in power, not only ignored all their promises, they arrested all the socialists dumb enough to vote for them. Trump has pissed on the lower class at every instance. Trumpcare was a huge theft of money for the rich while literally killing tens of thousands of people. And he wondered why people hated it. Trump is consolidating power in a different way than the TPP would have, which if enacted would have ended national sovereignty for corporate rule. Instead, he is removing all regulations and laws that keep us safe and healthy but hurt corporate profits. This is barely better.

Privatization is one of the rallying cries of the fascist state. The GOP has been the front runner for this for decades now. It also bears reminding people that these are the same assholes who tried to overthrow FDR in 1933 and established a fascist state then. Nothing has changed except the year. It's one of my major reasons to not vote Republican ever, a fact I'll admit I haven't always kept as sometimes the Democratic candidate is worse (Martha Coakley I am looking at you). The Germans called the act of privatizing everything, Gleichschaltung which translates as "bringing in line." This led to the complete control of all industry and anti-Jewish, non-Aryan laws created to steal whatever they wanted from anyone deemed OTHER. These led to the Enabling Acts, something Trump will emulate when he either creates a false flag to get us involved in Syria or North Korea or just decides to to say to hell with it and attack first. All options are on the table right now which should scare the crap out of you.

Trump will need to destroy unions (right to work laws nationally), the media (FAKE NEWS!) and political parties (the democrats are hardly doing a bang up job lately) to keep the ball rolling. So as seen, our slide to fascism is already starting and has been for years. Go back and read my 14 Signs of Fascism in the US column, which was written five years ago and predicted with eerie accuracy where we are today. We have been in a proto-fascist state for years. Trump may be the guy to go all the way with that, exactly as I said it would years back.

We are already seeing signs that the intelligence community may be in his cross hairs. Trump came down hard on Comey for what he said was light treatment for Hillary who he said "should have been locked up." Steve Feinberg,  another billionaire in a cabinet filled to the hilt with them, is being asked to head up an investigation into the intelligence apparatuses He owns Cerberus, and now owner of Dynacorp, a private mercenary group allegedly known for sexual crimes such as rape and human trafficking. No charges have ever been filed but that is due to fucked up laws governing individuals in war zones and outside US interests where it is next to impossible to do anything about it. These, along with Blackwater, whose owner is the brother of Betsy DeVos, could be the stormtroopers Trump uses down the road. This is how we get Hitler corp-like troops.
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We are headed for disaster people. We are fast approaching the Feast Days of Baal, which sounds like made-up hooey, but even I cannot deny that a lot of really bad things happen world wide the last two week of April, particularly around 4/20 and almost always involving dead children, which is maybe not coincidentally what Baal demands sacrifice of. Whether you believe this or not is unimportant because facts show that these last two weeks have more deadly issues than any other time period on a regular basis. And they are coming at the same time Orange Hitler seems poised to attack North Korea, an attack that may end the planet as we know it. Millions may die. And if it happens around that time period, which seems likely at this point, will my theory about Baal hold up?

Fascism is coming people. Prepare.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


I explained in great detail what was going to occur if you elected Trump president. But as stupidity seems to be exponentially growing worldwide, we elected the worst human alive to be president because they looked at Hillary and rightfully said yuck. I blame no one for voting for Orange Hitler because Hillary was almost as bad. As I explained then, you had two choices of fascism to choose from, corporate or classic. The former was by and far the better choice as corporate fascism would be a slower slide but would have ended in the same place. But we picked classic fascism and now the whole world may indeed end.
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To be fair, knowing what I know about Hillary, I can safely say she would have figured out some way to get the TPP passed and thus ending national sovereignty for corporate control. And as she said just 48 hours before Trump's ill advised strike on Syria, Hilary would bombed him too. However, she would have likely had gone to Congress first as Obama did when he got shut down in 2013 (and still don't know how this was't bigger news as everyone blamed Obama for not striking Syria when it was Congress that shot that down). I also believe she would have done a far better job than lobbing a $100 million in weapons at a country and do next to no damage in the process all the while singing about what a success it was. Obliterating the airport would have sent a signal. This was a warning at best or a collusion at worst.

It is so far fetched to ask whether Putin and Trump arranged this? There are a lot of questions that NO ONE is answering. I have spent the better part of the last few days tracking down information, articles and even my contacts within the military and I have uncovered exactly ZERO evidence this attack occurred the way the government said it did and plenty to refute it. So far, the US government has provided not one iota of proof to ANYONE that this attack was caused by Syria and Russia in collusion together as is alleged. Not to the public, not to the UN, NO ONE! Considering our government has been caught on many many MANY occasions lying to us to get us into war, they have no credibility to just accept thire word for it. Nikki Haley suggested the information about the attack was classified to which I say I. DON'T. CARE! This is the go to explanation about everything and I have had it. The simple fact is I do not believe a word that comes out of the government and this administration has already bent truth to the breaking point.

What if Trump and Putin concocted this as a way to change the narrative as Seth Moulton suggested? Trump tells Putin he is going to lob a few missiles at an airport, Putin moves anything important out of the way and Trump looks good. Putin meanwhile sells out Assad for relief from sanctions and furthering weakening of NATO plans. That is not as far fetched as it sounds.

However, as stupidity seems to be the name of the game lets postulate that Assad DOES have chemical weapons still. This would insinuate that everyone involved is a fucking moron and does stretch the chances of it happening this way. But if true that means the Assad kept WMD that the US and UN both assured us were destroyed. Possible. Then Assad would have had to use said weapon for zero strategic purpose beyond death and destruction and all but guarantees a world wide response. This would be idiocy on an epic scale. Then after using that weapon in a war they are about to win and with peace talks set to resume next week, they ask the Russians, who must have known about these weapons, to bomb the hospital where the survivors are to cover up any evidence of WMD's which Russia does. That is a lot of dumb in one paragraph. But as people in general of all types and economic stratus are becoming dangerous stupid, I am not sure what has been described above didn't happen this way.
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Take United Airlines. Hot on the tails of Pepsi's tone deaf ad, comes stormtroopers dragging a man off a plane because they overbooked. Is this what we have become where corporations can drag people away because they feel like it? If this happens again on ANY flight, stand up and protect said individual from a truly out of control police force. My God people, stand up for something because acting indignant and filming it is a right step, but action is also needed. Everyone on that plane should have beaten those cops within an inch of their lives as a warning. We cannot just act as passive viewers but get involved and yes maybe even die for our beliefs.

Even worse for United was the awful response by CEO Oscar Munoz who apologized for "re-accommodating" the passenger which would be the equivalent of Nazi's "re-accommodating" the Jews. Dragging someone kicking and screaming from their seat is a PR nightmare which sent United stocks crashing today and losing about $800 million. Ouch! This could have been handled so much better but when stupidity reigns this what you get.

Because we have a man baby in the White House with zero military experience and an over inflated view of himself, the military industrial complex is manipulating him something fierce. Thus the moronic strike on Syria that accomplished nothing and the fact we seem to be headed toward a confrontation with North Korea that will likley kill hundreds of millions. In the past, when we had weak presidents stupid wars happen. Look at people like Bush and Reagan who were easily led to war. However, as bad as Clinton and Obama were, they weren't dumb and led us into few major morasses as the Republicans keep doing. Think of all the dumb wars that have been started because the MIC wanted it to. Vietnam, Gulf War 1 and 2, and Afghanistan were all created by weapon manufactures who want to sell more weapons. Peace doesn't make them profit, thus we have been at war for most of the last sixty years. It seems likely they are trying to start a new conflict for just the purpose. Add to this a group of generals that since the beginning of time have crowed that only war brings peace and you have a recipe for Armageddon. Kennedy's generals wanted him to do a first strike attack on Russia, a premise he rightfully hated. Those people still exist and they are whispering in Trump's ear. It's why we are likely to see a major war before the year is out, hell maybe even the month.
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The fact is fascism is coming. You may not have noticed but Trump is doing a lot of things behind the scenes that Hitler, Mussolini and other have done in the past. His followers, his actions and his future all portend to a different America who is one terrorist attack away from martial law and forced detentions for all Muslims. Later this week, I will show you all I have learned about why I think we are further sliding toward totalitarianism as predicted more than five years ago on this blog. Until then, stay safe, be good and stop letting Trump and corporations act with impunity. Rise up and fight or stay silent and die. Your choice.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Feel free to go back and read my previous columns about what would happen if Trump became President. Killing the TPP. Check. Destroying the environment. Check. Giving huge tax breaks to rich people. Failed but is actively trying it. Starting WW3. He is barreling toward that one. Eisenhower and Kennedy both warned us of the MIC and how dangerous they are. Who else could convince Trump to do a 180 and attack Syria, something he promised he would never do unless forced to. An alleged attack of chemical weapons by Assad led to this even though he didn't ask Congress and we the public have seen zero proof of Assad's involvement. To be honest, I can come up with no logical reason to use chemical weapons in this instance as he is winning, America just the day before said we had no interest in regime change and then this. We keep getting lied to by our government and then they wonder why we don't trust a word that comes out of their mouth, Let's see those runner ups as we rocket toward the end of the world. Just remember America, you voted for this.
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10)Ghost in The Shell- I saw this film this week and generally liked it. Was it as good as the original? No. But it was visually impressive and ScarJo was fine in it, whitewashing aside which, to be fair, would have generated better press had they put a Japanese actress in the part. However, as she was a Japanese girl put into the body of a white android, this was not as open and shut as the SJW would like you to believe. I think it would have been a better movie had they even touched on the race switcheroo which is barely mentioned, but that was hardly the biggest problem. As I knew before even going in, the PG-13 rating was stupid for this film. I own the original, which is unrated, bloody and filled with nudity and sex. This film has none of that. The magna comic all of this based on is even more sexual, exploring the main charters bisexuality, a fact hinted at in the film, but sanitized due to the shitty rating. You can't make a PG-13 movie for a fan base much older. No one under 18 could have cared less about this project and the BO showed that. Stop making films safe and film them as the material demands. Trust me you'll make more money this way and have less flops which so far in 2017 have been chock full of. You guys need way better screenwriters, Call me. I am available and have half a dozen ready to go.

9)Pepsi- Every so often, somebody does something so tone deaf it is shocking. This time it is Pepsi and Kendall Jenner teaming up to shoot the world's dumbest commercial. In it, Jenner walked through a generic protest after a photo shoot and calms everything down by giving cop a Pepsi. People rightfully had a fit about it, saying it diminishes protests to sell a fucking can of soda. Last night's SNL had a great parody as Beck Bennet played the writer/director of the commercial proudly calling his family to tell then about it right before it is set to shoot. One by one they tell him it is a terrible idea yet he has no choice but to go through with it. It was hysterical because somewhere out there, this actually happened. Some idiot wrote and directed this turd and all his buddies know it. It got pulled a day later but will live on in the internet forever.

8)Recep Erdogan- If anyone wants to see our future, look no further than Turkey. Their leader is a dangerous madman intent on grabbing all the power until he is a true dictator praised by his crazed followers intent on going wherever his madness takes them. In this country, if you still think Trump is doing a good job, you're an idiot. Overseas in Turkey, they are going to hold a vote to make Erdogan president for life or some bullshit and end democracy there once and for all. The consequences for this cannot be lost on us where we face similar circumstances as a brainless public screams for Trump as he tries to take away our health insurance, the environment and all regulations on everything that keep us alive. The cold opener on SNL last night had Trump in Kentucky at a rally and telling the cheering crowd how he plans to kill them all which they eat up. That is dead on. What happens in Turkey could have serious ramifications for us all, not to mention a window into our future.
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7)Coal Voters- See above. You guys got SCAMMED so bad. You might as well a SUCKER sign around you for voting for Orange Hitler. So far, he and his fellow GOP assholes have taken away health insurance from 17,000 miners, ended regulations that keep people in that area from drinking lead water and LIED through his teeth about bringing your jobs back which are NEVER coming back. Now had the She-Bitch that ran against him mentioned this even once, she might have done better in the states she lost. Instead, she promised them she would fuck them out of their jobs and throw them to the wolves. Yeah, that'll get them to vote for you. She could have said coal is going away, it's not coming back due to natural gas and renewable energy being the future. She could have also said that we would need their expertise in other fields like precious metal mining or even constructions for new tunnels, perhaps the Elon Musk idea about tube travel at high speed. Someone has to dig those tunnels. But nope just venom.  I get why you didn't vote for her but Trump was even worse as you have all discovered. How pissed are you going to be in six months when those jobs he promised never show up?

6)Mitch McConnell and the Nuclear Option- I HATE Mitch McConnell. He has done more damage to this country than any president at this point. He's turned the Senate into the House and could be in the verge of eliminating the filibuster completely. This would be a disaster as it was for the Supreme Court which is now going to allow extremists judges into the highest court, with truly damaging results. Roe vs Wade could be overturned. The pronoun HIM could be judged sexist. God knows what will happen if the court is constantly shifting one way or another depending on who is in office when a pick arrives. If this happens with legislation, we could see radical shifts in law depending on the whims of the moment. This would break society. Fuck you McConnell for making it happen.

5)North Korea- We are on a collusion course with two man babies. Due to Orange Hitler acting like a two year old and striking at Syria with less than stellar results, the North Koreans have accelerated the nuclear program (which I predicted would happen) and said we are at the brink of war. In response. Trump has de-escalated the situation by calling for immediate peace talks and a normalization of relations. I'm kidding, He sent a fleet of warships to sit off the coast which isn't helping at all. We are one miscalculation away from the end of the world people and the only person who can prevent it is Donald Trump. Excuse me while I go have a good cry.
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4)Steve Bannon- The former Breitbart editor and Trump adviser got a smackdown this week when he was removed from the Security Council which, contrary to White House reports, did not go well. He threatened to quit, and soon after, his website was going after Jared Kushner hard, the person who is his apparent rival. Word is Reince Preibus and Bannon may be on their way out, getting the blame for the failed roll-out of immigration policies and health care. Trump world is in turmoil. Good,

3)Devin Nunes- Dumbass had to step down from the intelligence committee this week after it came out he was being investigated by the ethics council for giving out classified information, something I wrote about weeks ago. Nice to see someone is paying attention. This guy is so incompetent that he may have single handedly destroyed his career. He went to the WH, met with some people he swore were not WH officials but of course were, to get some top secret info. He then held a press conference, in which he told them about classified material, before even addressing the rest of the committee, including fellow republicans. Then, he back to the WH to tell Trump who must have already known as it came from his people. Another press conference later and he was pretty much toast.  Oh, and then he finally got the rest of the committee up to speed. Better late than never right? This guy is a tool.

2)MSM- Is it too much to ask for you people to DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!????? I watched newscasters orgasm over missiles being fired at an empty air base never questioning once whether what the WH was telling is was accurate. They have been majorly wrong about this before, still refusing to question whether the similar attack in 2013 might not have been Assad either. I have seen ZERO proof of Assad's involvement even though I have heard we tracked a plane from that base to the attack. If true, let's see it then because both the government and MSM's word means less than squat. They tricked us into a useless war in 2003. They fail to acknowledge that the unemployment rate is far higher than it is, even though they did way back in 2009 and then inexplicably stopped. Their credibility is shit. And then I have to suffer through idiots talking about Trump "acting" presidential, when anyone with a brain will see what he has done is illegal, unconstitutional and destabilizing. But those missiles were sure purty weren't they?
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1)Trump and the MIC- I knew Trump was stupid but even I didn't see this coming. War with North Korea? Sure. Destructive domestic policies? Absolutely. Attacking Syria? WTF? For years, this dork has been right about the fact we should stay out of Syria. He even said so earlier this week. Then a chemical attack happens, with no proof as Assad's involvement, and if true, makes him the world's dumbest leader as only a fool would use a banned weapon when everything is going your way. Assad is winning, peace talks are set to begin and then this? Please! This has all the hallmarks of a false flag, a notion our MSM thinks is as real as the Loch Ness Monster, trickle down economics and non rapey frat boys. The only way this could have occurred is if the generals and Military Industrial Complex saw an opportunity to wage war and convinced Captain Moron that it was a good idea. These are the same assholes that tried to convince Kennedy a preemptive strike on Russia was smart. He wisely disagreed. During the Cuba Missile Crisis, Kennedy and Khrushchev worked behind their general's backs as both realized they were crazy and neither wanted to end the world. That is no longer the case as this proves that because Trump has zero military experience, he can be easily led in whatever direction the warmongers want him to go. This is truly frightening as the chances for an all out war are increasing by the day, including with heavy hitters like Russia or China. The attack on Syria cost us around $100 million dollars and did less than nothing. According to Russia, only 23 missiles hit the base, the rest killing innocent people in nearby towns. Whether that is true or not remains to be seen. What is not in debate is that the attack was reckless, with Russia and Iran threatening us, North Korea is even more belligerent and not without good reason. The attack itself was illegal because Trump didn't ask Congress as he should have and, as Syria was not attacking US interests, we have violated international law as well. Four months in and Trump has already committed a war crime, Nice. We are headed to our own end and some of you will be cheering as the Titanic sinks. Morons. Congratulations Trump and the MIC determined to sell weapons until this planet is a smoldering ash. You are all douchebags of the week.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


If all you saw today was that Neil Gorsuch is going to be confirmed to the Supreme Court after Congress idiotically got rid of the filibuster, you would think the Republicans had a good day. This could have long term detriment to the GOP if they lose Congress in 2018, which right now seems likely, and the White House in 2020. If Democrats get to pick say three Supreme Court picks after the next election, the Republicans will be shit out of luck stopping any of it. This is typical of the country where short term gains are celebrated over long term goals.
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However, this was the only bit of good news today as everything else was either a blatant lie or bad news for the right. Susan Rice has been all over the news after Trump made another baseless argument ripped right from Fox and Friends which is the equivalent of doing something because your dog told you to. Right now our president is Son Of Sam and if that doesn't frighten you, you're an idiot. Let's me be clear as to this whole bit of nonsense. SUSAN RICE DID NOTHING WRONG YOU FUCKING MORONS AND STOP TELLING ME SHE DID!!!! She leaked nothing to no one who didn't have clearance to hear it. Everything she did looks to be part of her job. No press was involved, nor anyone without a right to know so what is the FUCKING problem? I am sick to death of this president making up something he heard from a less than reliable source and we all have to ask if it happened or not.
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Meanwhile, both behind closed doors and well out in the public a civil war is going on in the White House. After Steve Bannon got removed from the Security Council, Breitbart started running anti Jared Kushner stories non stop. No coincidence there as Bannon was the former head of said site. Then there was a closed door meeting between Trump staff and House Republicans that went very poorly. Attendees used the words "total chaos" and "meltdown" to describe the incident in which Trump was thoroughly pissed at Ryan for failing to get Trumpcare passed and wanted him gone from his leadership position which House Republicans didn't care to hear. It's not like there is anyone clamoring for the speakership job right now, one that even Ryan had to be dragged kicking and screaming into. He may even vulnerable in the next election now. Ha Ha.

You would think after all of that there would be no more news and you would be wrong. Devin Nunes was forced out of the House Intelligence Committee today, which he insists is only temporary, after ethics charges were filed against him for leaking classified information. So the guy looking into leaks in the Trump administration is now be looked at for the same thing. Awesome job guys.

As all of this plays out, we have not one but two areas of the planet that Trump is weighing on what to do: Syria and North Korea. The former is easy: we do nothing. I am sick and tired of the US getting involved with every spat anywhere because some fucking child is getting the shaft. I. DON'T. CARE! Life sucks. Get over it  We can't fight every fight and fighting in Syria is suicide. American interests are not affected by this and every possible thing we could do will make it worse and even more are going to get killed as a result. To be honest, I don't get the hate for Assad. Yes he's a dictator who may have killed his own people in mass numbers but at the same time is a zero threat to the US if in power. We have to stop making moral equivalents and realize who the real enemies are. Assad may be a butcher but he won't tolerate extremists and that is much more important right now. If we continue on this trajectory with terrorism, one day one of these idiots will kill millions. Getting rid of Assad, while a moral victory, could also end the planet. Priorities people.
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North Korea is another matter and a serious one at that. I recommended all out war in 2006 when they first tested a nuclear weapon. They should have been wiped from the Earth there and then but President Retard was busing playing war in Iraq and Afghainstan, the former of which we should never have gotten involved in and later which we screwed up by not fighting wars the way we should. Occupying a country is idiotic and counter productive. Blowing away infrastructure and every major terrorist site regardless of where it is and this war against terrorism would already be over. But because civilian casualties can NEVER happen, and if they do then cover them up, we are stuck in these never ending wars that do as much damage to us as them. No one wins here.

I have no idea what Trump will do with either but it won't be smart of good. Nothing he has done so far suggests that it will be credible in anyway. Military actions are being eyed for both and that is NOT a good idea. Syria will entangle us with Russia and North Korea could start WW3. And we have Orange Man-Baby as our president. Chances are good none of us see Christmas at this rate.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Trump started his morning with his usual Tweet storm, this time hammering Hillary Clinton for some inane reason that absolutely no one cares about such as Podesta's alleged ties to Russia, which matters nothing right now, and complaining about Hillary not apologizing for cheating during the debate. Who gives a shit. She lost. Stop rehashing the election like some faded quarterback reliving his high school days after he became a fat loser. That analogy is oddly fitting. For some one who fat shames women, he's certainly quite the heifer himself.
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On the Circus last night, a brilliant series on Showtime about politics, one of the hosts went across the country talking with Trump supporters. Half were disappointed, half were hopeful but wary and all wanted Trump to stop tweeting. It was the one constant that came up no matter where he went or who he talked to. Supporter or not, everyone hates his Tweeting now. And not without good reason as his tweets are obviously juvenile and dangerous. The escalation between the US and North Korea is a good example.

Both countries have giant man-babies running the show and both have access to nuclear weapons. A recent defector from the North has warned us that Kim Jong Un is unstable and ready and willing to use nuclear weapons if he even suspects an attack coming. He has also stated that Kim will never give up nukes willingly as he sees it as the only way to maintain power. That is a dangerous statement. This means Kim will NEVER agree to talks that give up weapons which is the only thing we will accept. This means a confrontation is all but inevitable and with two idiots in charge, chances are great that a nuclear war will happen, possibly before the year is even up. How scary is that?

While the defector had no knowledge as to how far the nuclear program had advanced but believed that they achieved a much higher level than the west had suspected. His tests on ICBM have the US worried as if they perfect that, they could hit anywhere on Earth. And what happens if this ass starts blackmailing people lest he fire the weapons off to where ever? This is what our military is very concerned about because it would destabilize the planet and all but guarantee a nuclear Armageddon.

On top of all of this, South Korea is mired in it's own problems as their right leaning President was just impeached and now arrested for corruption charges. We can only hope something like that happens here. Who the next leader is could have major implications going forward. Will it be someone interested in confronting Kim or making peace with him? The later could have profound implications on South Korea and US relations.

The issue for North Korea is the internet. He can try to keep out information as much as possible, but people have figured out ways to steal connections and get to the outside world. The defector above got out because his kids had figured out what kind of backassward country they live in and started asking questions that could make them all dead. He figured it was better to run than stay but in doing so, may have damned his brother and sister left behind. As Kim kills his own family with impunity, this is not that far fetched. But people are catching on there that Kim isn't the god they have been told he is. And that is causing cracks to appear for the first time there. This is why Communism fell as once people realized that capitalism was far superior to their own, they revolted and that philosophy died with it. North Korea is happening now.
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But this could lead Kim to want a war, the same way that Trump's constant failures may make him want to start a war to distract from his own misfortunes. We each have a leader that is far more dangerous than we would like and hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Maybe Kim will be overthrown by his own people tired of living in poverty. Maybe Trump will be impeached. Or are we facing a nuclear war in which vast parts of the world disappear. Stay tuned as this crisis gets worse not better.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


This guy is quite the tool. He might as well just put a sign around his neck saying "bought and paid for by the Trump administration." His "investigation" has been proven to be an utter sham yet Trump and Ryan still have "the utmost confidence in him." Why? Trump is looking guiltier and guiltier and this ass is NOT helping that image. Let's see those runner ups.
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10)April Fool's Day- I hate surprises. I hate fake news. I HATE this holiday. Considering how much news isn't real in today's world already and this stupid holiday needs to go away. I hate reading some article that sounds too good to be true and inevitably is. George Takei teased us with running for office before going "GOTCHA!" That is so not funny. I WANT people like him to run because it's the only way the retard public is ever going to vote. The last election proved that when many a person could't be bothered to vote in the primaries or the general election and as a result we have a GOP controlled Congress and Trump. FUCK! Stop the jokes for this day because it's just not funny anymore.

9)PETA- I love animals and have spent a better part of my life to do whatever I could to make their lives better. I have written countless articles about pet needs, have fostered many a pet in the past and have had a Noah's ark of various animals over the years. You would think someone like me would love this organization but in reality I find them a horrific waste of time with a genocidal attitude toward pets. For allegedly looking out for them,they put to death way more than they should. They also wage battles that have no hope of anything beyond ridicule. Their latest bon mot is that white milk is a symbol of "white supremacy" and their official drink. I've met these kinds of people and let me tell you milk drinking is not high on their priority list. Beer is. This is just stupid. As always.

8)Hillary Clinton- GO. AWAY. SHE-BITCH. This cunt is still around and I am horrified and ill at the prospect that she may again try to win the president. Here is my promise. The first person I see with a tee-shirt or a bumper sticker that says Hillary 2020, I will kill on sight. Literally anyone else would have won the presidency and, most likely, the Senate, but Shillary kept the voters away who either didn't vote or voted for Orange Hitler. There were plenty of other woman who could have run (cough, Warren, cough) and didn't so we got Martha Coakley part 3 instead. This woman is HATED and not without good reason. For the love of fuck go off into that sunset already and leave the rest of us alone. I hear the woods are lovely this time of year.
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7)George Ciccariello- The far left is becoming every bit as annoying as the far right. The ass, a professor of History at Drexel, has a background of posting really stupid shit. He once wrote that all he dreamed of for Christmas was white genocide. What makes this even funnier, Ciccariello is white. I have friends like this who seem to hate the color of their skin and do everything to make up for it. His latest tweet was how he was going to vomit because some guy gave up his first class seat for a soldier. What. A. DICK! Yeah, the guy who is serving his country and putting his life in harm's way is the issue and not your pansy ass to frightened to pick up a gun and serve. The military may make mistakes but the problem is almost always the higher ups and not the grunts doing as they are told. For a guy who teaches history, he seems to know very little about it.

6)Internet Privacy- Ajit Pai is the new FCC chairman and from day one I knew this guy was trouble. Trump, contrary to his statement that he only hires the best and brightest, has stacked his cabinet with yes men, billioniares and idiots. This guy is definitely the later. He has been trying to kill net neutrality which would end the internet as we know it and kill free speech in the process. Blogs like this would cease to exist if the powers that be decide to slow speed here to a crawl. No one is waiting days to read my piddly shit. I write this and I wouldn't. Now,Captain Dumbass has helped craft a bill that ends internet privacy. Everything you do on line is going to be sold to advertisers and others. The really funny part about this is is that EVERYONE'S browser history is going to be for sale and that means politicians too. Money is already being raised to purchase the history of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Let's see how fast that law gets changed when that occurs.

5)Bill O'Reilly- This guy is a dick. He has been caught in the past making sleazy references to women, acting like a buffoon and lying through his teeth about his past. His latest bullshit involved making fun of Maxine Waters hair, comparing it to a James Brown's wig, which is fucked up because he never wore a wig. And isn't that racist as well? "You're hair is so nappy only James Brown would understand it," is racist. He is also being sued AGAIN for sexual harassment which seems to be the norm at Fox News. O'Reilly has already had a dozen complaints against him. They can't all be fake news.
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4)Barack Obama- This guy was a TERRIBLE president. He sat on his ass for eight years as the democratic party slipped into oblivion and Schultz tanked it for everyone. He was never one to get involved in politics, staying above it, and as result, the country suffered. Obama was a rotten debater, even worse at getting policy explained, and the rock bottom worst at negotiations which he did NOT understand. Now it comes out that the reason we never heard about Trump's Russian ties and the FBI investigation was because Obama told the FBI to keep quiet about it. WHY? Rumors are he hated Hillary so much he sabotaged her campaign, which may not be far off from the truth. As to exactly why he did such a stupid thing we will never know but know that his idiocy helped pave the way for Trump. Thanks for nothing loser.

3)Rex Tillerson- It's bad when you look at someone and know what kind of person they are. I saw this ass as a grumbly dick hardly suited for a top diplomatic position. Boy was I right. His staff hates him, commanding people not to "look him in the eye," while doing everything behind closed doors with NO press or even much of his staff knowing what is going on. Every indication is this guy has no idea what he is doing and is making things worse as he goes along. Not that we didn't all know this coming in.

2)Donald Trump- This week he tweeted that Obama was still tapping his phones and that the tin foil hat he wanted was delayed due to Chinese interference. How much damage does this ass have to do before some one you wake up to the fact that he will kill us all. He's going to do real damage to the environment, the poor and life in general. I can't tell you how many people voted for him that are going to pay a heavy, perhaps even ultimate, price for their vote. He is now facing riot charges stemming from a rally in which he instructed the crowd to punch someone he didn't like as they were being escorted out. His own words are being used against him here. That may play out in impeachment hearings as well if he keeps this crap up.
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1)Devin Nunes- What a tool. I have never seen someone flail and fail as wildly as this ass has been doing. His investigation into Russia has been compromised so badly I don't know if it can continue. He has been caught in lie after lie and still goes on as if nothing had happened. I can't wait to see a town hall he holds. He was met with 300 protesters when he returned home his weekend so ether is that. Even John McCain has said he has never in all his years seen anything like the circus this guy is ringmaster for. He seems to be playing for Trump and not the country which may spell disaster for him in 2018. That is if they can find someone to run against him who might win. There are way too many uncontested seats in Congress lately, especially against vulnerable opponents like this guy. Someone, anyone with a chance compete against Nunes please. So congratulation Nunes you are indeed douchebag of the week.